Using both the aquatred and pool in combination was the best choice for this horse's case. Building strength was crucial for this horse as he healed from a hamstring tear. Slow and very gradual increase in exercise allowed him to build muscle back up. He's now training really well and has continued to be sound!
#nationalarabianhorseday Some research has indicated the Arabian horse has a genetic predisposition to metabolic syndrome (to be clear there are several breeds and body types that are affected). Not to worry, we have extensive experience with the latest treatments, not only when and how to test but an understanding in surveying the bloodwork to determine the best medication for that specific horse. We can help you navigate the necessary steps to diagnose and get the right plan in place to keep your horse happy and healthy. Movement and exercise is the key to the health of a metabolic horse, the pool or aquatred are both great ways to stay fit while we help make sure your horse is on the med doses best suited to their case. Remember, metabolic issues are no longer just in old and overweight horses, we have seen it in horses as young as 6 as well as horses that have come to us underweight.
3 ways to show how much you love them this Valentine's Day. 1. Cold Spa Therapy: a great way to help your horse maintain healthy and cool legs and feet. 2. Nebulizer treatments: they aren't just for horse's that are sick; it's also helpful to help maintain a healthy airway as well as a healthy immune system both pre and post travel. 3. KLOUD+ Therapy: PEMF therapy helps stimulate blood flow, the most basic and essential component of the body healing
#NationalMakeAFriendDay We cater to any equine athlete large or small and personalities with just as big of a range. Your horse can make a new friend or hang out with the humans in the barn if that's what they prefer. We have a variety of stall options depending on what your horse prefers so they are comfortable and happy during their stay with us.
A pony’s prediction! Who is your pick for Super Bowl LIX? Don't forget just like these pro athletes, your horse can make use of many of the same therapy tools that they use such as ice baths, laser and chiropractic therapy, and even hyperbaric oxygen therapy, all of which are available here at KESMARC
Your dressage horse is basically a professional ballerina right? Ballerinas take great care to make sure their bodies are strong and able to perform at their strongest. Your horse is no different. The aquatred helps your horse increase balance and strength while the cold spa helps maintain tight legs and more efficient muscle soothing post workout and competition. #nationalballetday
We are definitely in foaling season! This season always brings with it excitement, joy, and lots of stress. We all want each foal to be as healthy as can be and for the mare to make a full and easy recovery post birth. Hyperbarics can be a great way to help both mare and foal following birth. This therapy helps the body make it's own oxygen rich blood and helps stimulate healing as well as stem cell production all making for easier post birth recovery
This guy definitely deserves some carrot cake for being such a good boy in his first show back. We absolutely love hearing progress updates from our clients. #NationalCarrotCakeDay
Horses (both large and small) are natural swimmers! This guy took right to swimming following approval from his vet with the all clear to start rehab
#nationaldressupyourpetday We take our jobs to rehab your horse using aquatic and non aquatic therapies very seriously around here. But we do love to have fun too!
The snow is beautiful but training in this weather can prove to be quite difficult. KESMARC has some stalls available right now for your horse to have some quality time off, even if only for a couple weeks, they can maintain their fitness level and stay out of the elements!
There's plenty of people with new years resolutions for their own weight. How about horse owners that would like to help their horse with it's weight? We track each horse's weight weekly to make sure they are on track for whatever the goal may be. #nationalweighinday