I see a lot of posts and messages asking for help identifying the s*x of an axolotl. Often those also describe the typical horror-show in which someone had two "females" that suddenly started churning out eggs. That SHOULD be a rare event - but it isn't.
Identifying the s*x of an axolotl is easy… sort of.
The catch is that there is no absolute way (short of genetic testing - which I'll discuss in a bit) to determine s*x before they reach s*xual maturity, which is typically between seven and 11 months of age - but can be significantly longer!
In most cases a breeder can reliably determine s*x by 8 months of age, and often much earlier, if they know what to look for and have genetically fit, uniform clutches to work with.
Before going on, I do want to address something that came up in discussions a couple of years ago. Some people suggested that it is possible to identify s*x in very young juveniles - even hatchlings - by looking at their internal organs through their skin. NO.
To be clear: Yes, you can see right into the guts of juveniles under about three months old - especially in albinos, leucistics, and most hypomelanistics. Unfortunately, visual identification of the s*x of a s*xually immature juvenile without actually dissecting them to examine the s*x organs is nearly impossible.
This is because gonadogenesis (formation of te**es and ovaries) doesn’t take place until 30-70 days after hatching. The s*xes are completely indistinguishable prior to that event, both externally and internally. Even after the go**ds begin to differentiate, dissection and direct examination of the gonadal tissue is necessary for proper identification. There is little physical difference between the ovarian and testicular tissues and their associated structures until much later in development, at s*xual maturity, when egg formation expands the ovarian ducts, by which time the skin is no longer thin enough or transparent enough to see those structures. While the internal organs are somewhat visible, almost all that you can see in the belly is the intestine.
Contrary to what a lot of online sources suggest, s*xual maturity for most axolotls comes around seven to nine months of age. The exact timing of s*xual maturity depends on overall health, availability of protein in the diet, and genetics. In general, the healthier and better-fed axolotls reach s*xual maturity earlier than those that are ill and/or poorly fed.
Just as some clutches show HUGE variation in growth rate, those same clutches often have HUGE variation in timing of s*xual maturity, which can present serious problems when trying to s*x juveniles. Almost all of that variation, though, can be eliminated within three generations by careful selective breeding.
Once a genetically uniform, healthy clutch reaches s*xual maturity it becomes pretty easy to distinguish males from females. As a general rule, in a genetically uniform, healthy clutch with uniform growth rates, all of the males will become s*xually mature at about the same time - within 2-3 weeks of one another, at most. This is typically around 7-8 months of age. Females mature much later, but that doesn’t present a problem for s*x determination: If all of the males in a clutch have clearly “popped” within a short time, all of the remaining animals that have not “popped” are female! Of course, I would wait a couple of weeks to be sure.
“Wait” some breeders will object. “I have seen males that popped long after the other males in their clutch.” Yep. In general, males that are extremely late bloomers are almost always infertile (I say almost always because I assume there are exceptions, though I have never seen such an exception myself).
Axolotls have only one body opening that serves for all waste excretion and s*xual functions, called the cloaca, which is the opening just behind the legs at the base of the tail. They have nothing equivalent to a p***s, and have no external ge****ls.
In females, the cloaca has a small bump toward the front, and is raised a bit on the sides where small muscles are used to pick up and hold onto a s***m cone when mating. The female cloaca doesn’t change much at maturity, and looks about the same as that of any immature juvenile to the untrained eye.
In the pic of the axanthic female you can clearly see the small bump on the cloaca of a female axolotl above the red arrow. This is an 8-month female axanthic.
In males, though, there are big lumps on both sides of the cloaca, called seasonal papillae (which just means “bumps”). They are always there in s*xually mature males, but they are much larger and more obvious when mating season rolls around - though for axolotls raised in artificial environments this can be any time of the year, or always!
These big lumps contain specialized glands that secrete pheromones (chemicals that act like perfume to attract and pique the interest of females), as well as secretions that increase the motility and survival time of s***m.
In the pic of the GFP copper leucy male you can clearly see the enlarged glandular tissue on the cloaca. This is an 8-month male GFP copper leucistic.
As axolotls mature, you may notice some other s*xual differences.
For example, males tend to have longer tails than females of the same genetic background. Males also tend to be leaner, especially toward the back of the belly. The difference isn’t great enough or consistent enough to be a reliable indication of s*x, though, and certainly can’t be used when comparing axolotls of different genetic backgrounds.
Females tend to be plumper and rounder, especially in the belly. This is mostly due to the fact that females store eggs for a long time in preparation for mating. It is also because males tend to be a bit more focused on finding mates at certain times of the year, and may focus less on eating during those times.
Are there other ways to determine s*x? Sure!
S*x determination in axolotls is not what we mammals are used to. Mammals, including humans, have a special chromosome, the “Y” chromosome, that most of the genes needed to turn a developing human into a biological male. The most important of these genes are the SRY(S*x-determining Region Y) gene, which tells the developing go**ds to become te**es, and the DAZ genes, which are required to produce s***m.
This means that anyone with a Y chromosome is biologically male… er… usually.
Note: There are interesting exceptions to this rule. There are a lot of genes that work together with the SRY and DAZ genes to build a male body. Testosterone, for example, is needed to signal the te**es to mature and “drop” into the external sc***um sac. Testosterone also signals muscle, bone, and other tissues to form a masculine body type. That only works if other genes that instruct the cells to make the testosterone receptor protein are working correctly. If those genes are missing or damaged, the cells cannot receive the signal to form masculine tissue structures. A mammal with any of several such mutations will be genetically male, but physically female. There are human families in which this is actually common. It is also possible, though very rare, for humans to be mosaics of both male and female tissue! With 8+ billion people on the planet just about every rare thing happens to someone.
The Y chromosome is very small compared to other chromosomes in humans and other mammals. Through a process of elimination, the Y has retained the genes needed to produce males, and little else. This makes it easy to identify a male mammal just by looking at its chromosomes under a microscope. A male human, for example, will have 22 pairs of matching chromosomes, and one pair, the X and Y, that don’t match.
To see examples of the difference between the chromosomes of males and females, Google "karyotype" images.
ALL of a human female’s chromosomes are in matching pairs, since she will have two X chromosomes.
Because males have two different s*x chromosomes, the X and Y, we say that male mammals are heterogametic, a word that roughly means “different s***m”. This means that it is the male mammals that determine the s*x of the babies. Babies that get a Y chromosome from the male are males, and those that get X chromosomes are female.
Axolotls don’t work this way.
Similar to birds, axolotls have what is called a ZW s*x determination. In axolotls (and many other amphibians, birds, some fish, and some reptiles), the female has a W chromosome that has the genes needed to make an embryo female. Without the genes on the W chromosome, an embryo always becomes male. Females have the Z and W, and males have two Z chromosomes. That makes the female axolotl the heterogametic s*x.
In birds and most other organisms with ZW s*x determination it is pretty easy to identify the s*x just by looking at the chromosomes from a single cell. Just as the Y chromosome is unusually small in mammals, the W is unusually small in birds. This means that you can take a picture of the chromosomes in a single cell (a karyotype) and see that there is an unmatched pair.
That won’t work with axolotls, though. The s*x-determining genes of the W chromosome are packed closely together, but there are a lot of other genes on the W along with them that are also present on the Z chromosomes. This makes the Z and W the same size and appearance under a microscope.
Most species of animals have very distinctive, easily recognizable s*x chromosomes. The chromosome that has the s*x-determining genes is usually very small compared to its partner. Some species of animals have indistinguishable s*x chromosomes because their s*x-determining system is relatively new, in evolutionary terms. To be clear: “relatively new” means within the last few million years.
This may well be true of axolotls and their close relatives, but I doubt it. I suspect that the s*x-determination system of salamanders is really very old, but that the mechanisms that cause s*x chromosomes to differentiate in other animals are messed up due to their absolutely huge, bloated genomes, which are absolutely choc-full of “transposons” that don’t really do anything but copy themselves.
But there is a “sciency” way to identify the s*x of axolotls - even before they hatch!
In 2017, Melissa Keinath, working in Jeramiah Smith’s lab at the University of Kentucky, developed a simple PCR test to determine the s*x of an axolotl from a tiny sample of the animal's cells. The test has been refined so that it can be done with a skin swab or a little bit clipped from the tip of the tail (which, of course, grows back with no ill effects).
There are several DNA base sequences that have been identified in the axolotl genome that are found only in females. Keinath’s test amplifies one of those, a 219 base pair DNA fragment, which can then be easily identified using gel electrophoresis. The whole process takes a couple of hours. This sequence isn’t really part of the genes that make an axolotl female, but since it is only found in females, it works to distinguish male from female. Using one of these s*x-specific sequences (published in 2017), anyone with PCR reagents, a PCR machine, and a gel electrophoresis box can s*x axolotls of any age.
Please note that university labs won't do this for you. It is just a bit too expensive, time-consuming, and low-priority for people working on doctoral projects and clinical research. But there are a couple of people in the axolotl community who offer genetic s*xing, or use it to guarantee the s*x of their young juveniles. Lizzy's Lotyls is doing this now.
Coming soon…
Just last Summer, researchers at the Ambystoma Genetic Stock Center at the University of Kentucky identified the specific gene (or genes, depending on how you define “gene”) on chromosome 9 that actually makes an embryo a female, and they will be publishing the results soon.
Even cooler: It is now possible to link a fluorescent protein gene, like GFP, to the s*x-determining region in such a way that a s*x-linked trait is produced! Using this method, axolotl lines would then be bred with this trait so that females have it and males don’t, making s*x identification at any age easy and flawless - as long as you’re not producing GFP clutches.