A number of really important issues impacting countless lives everyday are recognized through formal observances in October. This is one that perhaps doesn't receive as much recognition, but has certainly been impactful to us. David Smith is the inspiration for Aspen Trail, and those of you who know his story understand the passion that drives us to provide Equine Assisted Services. Those of you who know him personally know that he has turned the challenges of Spina Bifida into strength and courage. For David, Spina Bifida is not a condition that defines or restricts him. It is instead a platform from which he reminds us of what is possible.
It is officially ! This is a time to celebrate the hundreds of thousands of people living with Spina Bifida. Every October, we highlight community stories that challenge us to raise more awareness and support for those living with Spina Bifida. As a community, we can do this by raising awareness about Spina Bifida either in our own circles or larger networks. It’s also a great time for us to challenge ourselves to find new ways to get involved in raising awareness and advocacy activities.
Check out our Spina Bifida Awareness Month Hub that can be found on our website https://www.spinabifidaassociation.org/awareness-month/. Here you'll find graphics and facts you can share across your social media channels. Use the hashtags and so we can celebrate with you all month long.
To jumpstart your awareness efforts, here are ten ways you can get involved this month: https://www.spinabifidaassociation.org/blog/october-is-spina-bifida-month-how-to-get-involved/