On day two of our all Morgan ride, we took to a local trail on the Idaho/Wyoming border. We have some of the most beautiful riding in the country, but many of the trails are treacherous. With this amount of horses, we opted to stay down low and be safe. It was a beautiful ride, and this time we had Maggie Morgan and Amy Ehlers join us on the trail.
Dinner consisted of steaks from the RG Denmark Ranch in Nebraska. Harris and Joanie Grunden had some trailer issues so didn’t bring any of their fabulous stock😩 but were kind enough to cook for the group so we had hot meals waiting when we got off the trail.
Local Morgan breeder Tami Musante joined for dinner. It is such an honor to be able to share laughs and stories with this group of folks.
We had: Jacque and Steve White(WhiteGold Morgans) from California, Harris and Joanie Grunden(RG Denmark Ranch) from Nebraska, Sue and Derrick Olson(Rafter Bar D Morgans/Ranch Life Naturals) from Wisconsin, LouAnn Gaskell and Debbie Elrick from Idaho, Arika-Ellie-Odessa Eggelston from KDA Morgans in Washington,and Loretta Schafer(Black Walnut Morgans) and Sue Haney from Indiana.