Paws4Christ Animal Rescue

Paws4Christ Animal Rescue Registered 501(c)3 non-profit org rescuing, rehabilitating & rehoming animals in crisis 🙌👣🐾✝️🐶🐈🐎🐴🫏🐩😻🐎🦮🏇

Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home animals in crisis from cruelty, abandonment and neglect. Furthermore with fundraising, networking, engaging alongside fellow rescues, providing and scheduling transportation; we will continue to save lives with the guidance of the Lord. Ongoing support from the community such as volunteering, donating and fostering will ensure finding amazing, per

manent adoptive homes for all animals the Lord places in our path. Our Promise to the Lord is to be the Hands, Feet & Paws 4 Christ!

$5 Friday is here and we need some help getting these babies to the vet and supplies for unexpected intakes. 🐶 Snow Whit...

$5 Friday is here and we need some help getting these babies to the vet and supplies for unexpected intakes.

🐶 Snow White will go in for a follow up, medication refills and needs her stitches removed. She is currently doing well, pain management and exercises daily. She will have a series of X-rays done in a few weeks to see if she is healing as expected or require a revision. We will update that information as soon as we know.

🐶 Miss Lady is high heartworm positive, having nose bleeds and issues with baring weight on her rear leg. She needs bloodwork to rule out possible infection, medication and to start her heartworm treatment as soon as possible.

🐶 Remi needs an exam, heartworm test and some guidance with her separation anxiety that is one of the most difficult ones we have seen. She has severe breakdowns if you walk out of the room. Remi does not want to be left alone, she fears we will leave her like her owners who completely neglected her, locking her in a kennel 24/7 outdoors. It will take her sometime to work through this and trust us enough that we will not abandon her. She has a long road to recovery, it’s really one of the most challenging and heartbreaking cases we have had. She is over a year old but inside she is still just a puppy who never got to experience any joy in life. She laid in that kennel just waiting for someone to give her the attention and love she deserves. We believe she will pull through this in time and we really need some prayers for her that she does.

🐶 Sophie is an unexpected intake! She was saved by a family because her owners were having her euthanized and now she is at risk again because they can no longer keep her. We agreed to help rehome Sophie but now we have to step in and save her before she is taken to a High kill shelter as a surrender and euthanized. She is such a happy, loving and playful girl that deserves a full life. She has been let down so many times that we won’t let that happen again. She will be here with us this weekend and we need so many things that we are not prepared for. We have a sweet family that has been approved to foster with us locally as long as she gets along with cats. We will cat test her Saturday with one of our cat rescues who helps train our doggie rescues to come around them safely. Please send some prayers that this works out and she takes to cats without any concerns.

🐶 Bert was another young boy who was found in Victoria, Texas as a stray in early 2024. He was taken in by a family who had him for several months and could no longer keep him. We were also trying to help rehome him, but we have not found the right family after several home visits. He went to a foster family for a couple of months and was doing great, but recently there has been a lot of shooting from the neighbors and it has caused him to develop some anxiety and act out with their doggie. So he has unexpectedly come to us this week and is doing okay, but we would love to get him into a foster home with less doggies so he can get more individual attention to help him gain his confidence back. He is such a sweet, silly, energetic pup. He likes to be by his humans side and pictures don’t do him justice on his size, he is a little guy, over 40 pounds but just a petite boy. When he first came into the rescue, he was happy, full of joy, bouncy and so lively. We want to help him overcome his anxiousness that he developed over a few months so he trusts us and feels safe in his environment. Loud noises like gunshots, firecrackers etc can cause most doggies to develop anxiety, the family that fostered Bertie did so amazing with him, they were truly a huge blessing in his life and they just wanted what was best for Bert. It was heartbreaking when he had to leave them but we sure appreciate the family more than they know and the time they gave little Bertie we know he will always cherish and remember.

📣Great news 📣 We have the indoor kennel coming on the 9th as long as the weather permits. We are planning on moving within 30-90 days to be living on the same property as the kennel. We still need loads of material with costs of $500 to finish the ground work to prep for the kennel arrival. If you would like to help cover some of these costs please consider donating so we don’t have to push it back any further. We will update on this as soon as we have information. With so many medical and unexpected intakes recently we are overwhelmed and need your help.

We are quite overloaded and really in need of fosters, volunteers and donations. If you can help in anyway please reach out to us. We love and appreciate you all for your continued support and prayers. Have a blessed Friday 🙏🏻🐾🧎🏻‍♀️‍➡️🙌🥰🐶🐈😻$Paws4Christ

[email protected]

UPDATE: We have an approved family to foster Sophie. Will cat test her this weekend to see how well she does to go into ...

UPDATE: We have an approved family to foster Sophie. Will cat test her this weekend to see how well she does to go into this foster home without concerns🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Sophie has just a few days left!!! She needs a foster family to step in and save her life… She is fully vetted, heartworm negative, house trained, great with kids and other doggies. Please consider fostering with us so we can give her the life she deserves. Sophie was an owner surrender that was taken to the vet to be euthanized. A family stepped in to save her and can no longer keep her so now she is looking at being surrendered yet again to a high kill shelter in Houston, Texas that will be put to sleep if she is surrendered. She has been failed multiple times by humans and doesn’t deserve to die. She is such a sweet and playful pup, full of life and love. It’s not fair to her what she has gone through, all the confusion, how many times she has been let down. She just wants what every doggie does and we want to help give that to her but we can not do it without you! Please consider giving her the gift of life. Can you foster Sophie? Please share so we can get her to safety and work on getting her into a forever home. Through Christ all things are possible, we know and trust that he will make a way. If you want to be a part of her journey please message us or apply to become an approved foster with us. Thank you, have a blessed day.

Foster Application

📣🐾REUNITED WITH FAMILY🐾📣DO YOU RECOGNIZE ME??? Please share so can be reunite this pup with family!!! Has been bathed, n...



Please share so can be reunite this pup with family!!! Has been bathed, nails trimmed, and received rabies vaccine. No microchip!!! Pup is in safe hands but we know someone is missing their baby. Found running across Main Street in Victoria around 2:30 PM Wednesday Jan 29th. If you recognize, please message us or contact 361-578-4854 so we can help get this baby home.

We are calling on all rescue partners, fosters, adopters 📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣Victoria County Animal Services has recently taken ...

We are calling on all rescue partners, fosters, adopters 📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣

Victoria County Animal Services has recently taken in 25 doggies from a cruelty case and because of space these great, vetted, adoptable dogs will be euthanized if we don’t act now!!! Please share, foster, adopt, network, volunteer, help, help, help!!!

🚨🚨URGENT🚨🚨OVER CAPACITY🚨🚨All these babies need a plan ASAP!!! Please see the ones with Kennel cards that are urgent and ...


All these babies need a plan ASAP!!! Please see the ones with Kennel cards that are urgent and at risk for euthanasia…. They need out now!!! They are all Spayed/Neutered, Microchipped and Vaccinated. Please consider giving them a loving home or check with the shelter about foster and volunteer opportunities that are very needed! Several of these babies have been with VCAS for over six months. They are healthy, happy babies and deserve life. Please share, sponsor, volunteer, foster, adopt!!! 

Victoria County Animal Services
122 Perimeter Rd.
Victoria, TX 77901

☎️ (361) 578-3564

Email: [email protected]

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Ohhhh Echo!!! This precious baby boy is living his bestest life with his new family 🐾🐶He came to us October of 2024 afte...

Ohhhh Echo!!! This precious baby boy is living his bestest life with his new family 🐾🐶

He came to us October of 2024 after him and his brother were dumped on a property in Yorktown, Texas. The land owner was threatening to shoot them both. Echos brother was rehomed but no one wanted him because of his eye. He had a ruptured cornea from blunt trauma, meaning someone intentionally harmed him. He had a great fear of men in cowboy hats, so we surely suspected that the man wanting to shoot them was related to his injuries! Echo also ended up having an additional surgery for a growth on his side. After all his vetting and surgeries he made a complete recovery and doc cleared him for adoption. We knew God had a special family just for him.

Echo has a new name and it fits him well. His fam decided to call him “Prancer” because the silly boy prances around when he walks and it’s so adorable. He has a fursibling named Sarah that he appreciates spending his time with, they are inseperable besties that enjoy playtime and laying around the house getting cuddles in or going out for walks on sunny days. He loves, loves his toys and recently got to experience snow for the first time ever and they had a blast!!!

We are so happy for Prancer and his new family. God knows that baby went through so much in his life to be so wonderful and loving. He will have such an amazing future with his sweet family and we can’t wait to hear more updates on how well he is doing. We love you Echo “Prancer” and ohh how little Reeses Pieces misses you.

We have some updates on the three that we have taken in from Bloomington in the past two weeks. 🐾Snow White🐾This baby th...

We have some updates on the three that we have taken in from Bloomington in the past two weeks.

🐾Snow White🐾
This baby that had surgery on her leg is doing great. She’s moving around wonderfully and in great spirits. Her pain seems to be under control and we are waiting on some other estimates for a possible revision by an orthopedic surgeon. For now she’s healing and bearing weight on that leg without any complications.

🐾Miss Lady🐾
An Australian Shepherd mix that we got a call about last week she was out in a field with cattle. She was covered in mud and cow manure. We went out several days looking for her and it seemed as though she had puppies somewhere so we couldn’t take her right away we had to make sure she didn’t have any out there. On the third day, Saturday when we spotted her, we could see that she was either pregnant or definitely had a litter recently because she was so engorged. We walked around the area that she had been in and did not find any puppies. After talking to several people informed us that the puppies were taken, and she was dumped. Our hope is that someone has her puppies safe and warm, not in the hands of someone dangerous. We had a plan for her to go to a rescue partner in Michigan, where her breed is highly adoptable. We took her to the vet for an exam the x-rays showed that she did not have puppies in her tummy. They also had to x-ray her leg on the left back side because she keeps favoring it, but there were no brakes thankfully. She has been panting a lot and having nose bleeds, but they checked her over and said it could be stress related to keep an eye on her and gave her medication. Her heartworm test came back high positive and because our rescue partner cannot take heartworm positive dogs Miss Lady will be staying here in Texas with us so she can get her treatment and find her forever home. Currently, she is still having bowel movements full of corn, and we believe that she was eating corn from the deer feeders in that pasture. We are giving her medication for G.I. upset as well to help keep her comfortable while she passes everything. The x-rays showed her to be quite compacted. She is such a perfect angel, we cannot understand how she was dumped, but we are happy and blessed to have her.

🐾Remington “Remi”🐾
The sweet and innocent baby girl that was locked in a crate all of her life with little to no food, water or shelter 24/7, just completely starved and neglected. She had some frostbite on her paws from being out in the cold and you could tell she hasn’t eaten for some time, she is so malnourished. We are on day two and she continues to look at food, smell it and walk away as if she doesn’t know what it is. Water is like Heaven to her and I’ve balled my eyes out over and over again watching her drink water like it’s her last drop. I don’t understand why people do this to them and why it went on as long as it has, but I’m thankful to God that she is safe and will never be harmed again. She has so many needs and we are desperately asking for donations to get her into the clinic for an exam and medication. She has so many abrasions on her body that when we bathed her, it was nothing but blood and urine coming off of her. Her front paws, bowing in from laying in that crate so long and when she walks, she goes for a little bit and then falls down. Until she gets the proper nutrition and medication in her, she’s not going to have the strength to move around without struggling. Everyone in that neighborhood said that she was very aggressive and that is why they kept her in a crate, but this little girl does not have a mean bone in her body. She is an angel that is so sweet, gentle, loving and just craving attention that she’s never had. We want to be able to give her all she needs so we can get her well and give her a chance at an amazing life she deserves.

Yes this has put quite a huge strain on us in so many ways. We have Foster’s that are needing us to take doggies recently and families that we offered to help rehome pets guilting us into taking them because they will have to euthanize if we don’t or take them to high kill shelters where they will be put down because they are owner surrenders and it’s not fair to us or the pets. Rescues are meant mostly for emergency situations like a lot of the ones that we handle. We take the time and kindness out of our hearts to help REHOME but we get taken advantage of and made to feel so bad for not helping right away. It puts a strain on a lot of things in rescue.

Please help us raise funds to supply the needs of these three emergency intakes. We know there has been so much going on lately and we feel terrible asking for help but they need this and we cannot do it without your support. We appreciate you all so much for continuing to help us with all we do.

Please see our donation links below and you’re also welcome to send us items needed to help care for our rescues. God bless you all!!!

Donation Links$Paws4Christ

[email protected]

Chewy -list


UPDATE: Victoria County Animal Services did a welfare check on her and the owner surrendered. We are on the way to get h...

UPDATE: Victoria County Animal Services did a welfare check on her and the owner surrendered. We are on the way to get her now.

UPDATE: VCAS is on the way 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Reposted (copied)

Last night I was outside the house in these cold temperatures. I screamed and cried for someone to let me in but my family seemed to ignore me. They shouted out the door and told me to shut up! I tried to keep my body temperature by curling up and getting into my limbs, but I could feel the bite of the cold on my fingers, climbing up my body. I cried more and still my beloved family didn't care. I got in a wet spot and couldn't move. My feet hurt so bad that my whole body was shaking uncontrollably. Finally gave up and my heart rate went down with the freezing cold wind. I'm sure they forgot I was out there, because no one would let a family member suffer a nightmare like that, right?
Love, confusion and sadness.
That felt the pet you decided to leave outside to freeze to death. 😢😢😢😢💔💔💔💔

📣Message from Paws4Christ Animal Rescue📣
Too many are locked in crates with little to no coverings, blankets or heat lamps. Tied out on chains with no shelter at all tonight or through this week. I am livid because proper authorities know!!!!!!! Those babies I fear will be dead by morning. What do you do? Go take them!!! Fight them, possibly go to jail! They have no voice, I am truly sick and can’t believe they left you’ll out there. You can not make them be a good owner!!! Now look at them, shivering and slowly dying because you had hope in people that don’t care at all and didn’t even follow up to make sure they had proper shelter 🤬😡😤😣

In Texas, it's illegal to leave pets outside in freezing temperatures without proper shelter, food, and water. This is considered animal cruelty and can result in fines and jail time. It is a violation of Texas Penal Code 42.092.


The Safe Outdoor Dogs Act, passed in 2021, requires pet owners to provide adequate shelter for their pets in extreme weather.

The law applies to rain, hail, sleet, snow, and subfreezing temperatures.

The law prohibits leaving a dog outside and unattended with a restraint that unreasonably limits the dog's movement when temperatures are below 32° Fahrenheit.

The law prohibits the use of chains or heavy weights as restraints.


A violation of this law is a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and a fine of up to $4,000

If the conviction is a third offense, it's a state jail felony, punishable by up to 2 years in a state jail facility and a maximum $10,000 fine

Sadly because these laws are not enforced, there is not much protection for these babies who have no voice at all!!!


UPDATE: Shadow was returned home but continues to escape because he doesn’t have a fenced yard and his owner is disabled...

UPDATE: Shadow was returned home but continues to escape because he doesn’t have a fenced yard and his owner is disabled. They are wanting to rehome him, he is a sweet boy, doggie friendly and needs a home with a very secure, large yard for potty and playtime because he is quite the adventurous boy. A very sweet friend is helping this family to rehome Shadow and he is doing a trial with a family. So far all is good and he has access to acreage to run and have freedom safely. Please say some prayers that this works out for Shadow and is his furever fam!

Please share lost doggie in Victoria, Texas. Found on Mimosa Ave!!! 

📣📣📣EXTENSION UNTIL 1/27/25📣📣📣🚨🚨🚨Deadline is Monday 1-20-2025 for these 2 babies that have grown up in a shelter🚨🚨🚨🐾Chloe...

📣📣📣EXTENSION UNTIL 1/27/25📣📣📣

🚨🚨🚨Deadline is Monday 1-20-2025 for these 2 babies that have grown up in a shelter🚨🚨🚨

🐾Chloe & Brody are dog, cat and kid friendly. They will both be vetted if they are adopted🐾

They deserve a family of their own 🙏🏻🧎🏻‍♀️‍➡️

205 days in the shelter
Approximately 14 months old

126 days at the shelter
Approximately 11 months old

Go see them here 🐶
Cuero Animal control
407 US-183
Cuero, Texas

Safe and in amazing care with Dorothy O'Connor Pet Adoption Center 💖🐾🙏🏻🚨🚨🚨EXTENDED TO 1/27/25 🚨🚨🚨If any of our approved ...

Safe and in amazing care with Dorothy O'Connor Pet Adoption Center 💖🐾🙏🏻

🚨🚨🚨EXTENDED TO 1/27/25 🚨🚨🚨
If any of our approved fosters are able to assist with this momma & three puppies please reach out to us on messenger. Rescue friends if you have space let us know. They were found under a house in Bloomington, Texas need help!!!

Update: Thank you all so much, we have met her goal to move forward with Snow-Whites surgery tomorrow. The vet did call ...

Update: Thank you all so much, we have met her goal to move forward with Snow-Whites surgery tomorrow. The vet did call in some additional medication to better control her pain, so we are praying it makes her more comfortable so she can eat, drink and get around better without so much discomfort. We will keep you all updated on her progress. Please say some extra prayers that the surgery is a success and everything goes well 🙏🏻🧎🏻‍♀️‍➡️🐾

Good Morning,

We have until noon today to raise $322 to keep Snow-Whites surgery appointment for tomorrow or we will have to push it out a few days more. After being hit by a vehicle in Bloomington, Texas she was left in a ditch with her leg and the injured side of her body three times the size of her right side leaving her hip completely out of place and the ball broken between her hip and leg with shattered bone fragments loose causing her pain and discomfort. She is not taking interest in her food or water since late yesterday evening or wanting to get up and move around much. We are contacting the vet today because we are not sure if the pain medication needs to be increased thinking that she may have built up a tolerance to it and needs some adjustments to help her have more relief. She has been having normal bowel movements and urinating fine so we don’t believe there is an issue in that area but we are adding medication to make sure it’s not her tummy upset to rule out anything possibly going on. We have been monitoring her temperature several times a day and she is on antibiotics, so we don’t believe there is an infection. Today we are asking for prayers for Snowie and that you please share or donate if you can. We appreciate you all for your generous support in the many ways you have helped us continue with Snow-Whites needs so we can get this baby girl on the road to recovering. She is very sweet, loving and truly a wonderful pup with such a gentle heart considering all she is going through is just amazing.

We will update more as we have information to share. You are welcome to call in donations directly to the clinic or to one of our links below. Thank you all, have a blessed day!

Main Street Animal Hospital
2306 North Main Street
Victoria, Texas 77901
☎️ 361-578-4854

🌟Donation links🌟$Paws4Christ

[email protected]


Update:1/15/25 We are so close to Snow-Whits goal! We need to raise $347 more in donations to keep her surgery appointment for this Friday. Please share 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Thank you 🧎🏻‍♀️‍➡️🧎🏻‍♀️‍➡️🧎🏻‍♀️‍➡️

‼️ $2 Tuesday ‼️We are asking for help to keep this surgery appointment. Snow-White was hit by a vehicle in Bloomington, Texas and left in a ditch to die. We still need to raise almost $500 towards Snow-Whites surgery. She can have surgery done this Friday January 17th if we have enough funds to cover it. Her hip is completely out of place, the ball that sits in the socket between her hip and leg is broken and all the shattered bone fragments will need to be removed. The medication has brought the swelling down tremendously but she still is having trouble walking but for no more than a few minutes to move around a bit. She is able to potty but it takes her sometime because of the discomfort and you can see it’s frustrating to her. She has such great spirits otherwise, a very sweet girl but definitely in pain and quite uncomfortable. You’re welcome to call in donations directly to Main Street Animal Hospital ☎️ 361-578-4854 or stop by at 2306 North Main Street in Victoria, Texas. If the surgery isn’t too long they can also spay her but with anesthesia that comes with risks and we don’t want to take a chance if the doctor feels it can wait until she recovers from the surgery. We will update more soon. Thank you, have a blessed day!

🌟Donation links🌟$Paws4Christ

[email protected]

Update: Bo & Dukes 🐶🐶🐶They are doing great in their foster home. These sweet bonded brothers spent over a year with Vict...

Update: Bo & Dukes 🐶🐶🐶

They are doing great in their foster home. These sweet bonded brothers spent over a year with Victoria County Animal Services after they were surrendered by their owners. They were adopted and returned, facing multiple possibilities of being euthanized! We knew without a plan we couldn’t pull them but with the deadline approaching we did not want to take a chance and couldn’t bare to let them be killed. We rescued them from euthanasia August of 2024 and they spent time with us most weekends and indoor boarding weekly. We got to see them nearly everyday, several times a day. We took them on long walks and spent time with them together. They were so sad and confused everytime we had to leave them and it broke our hearts. They are such well behaved, wonderful boys who deserve a loving home and we know there is a family out there just for them. They like to run and play, get along with other doggies, kids and enjoy sunny days in the water. They are both crate trained, housebroken and a joy to be around. Their foster momma spoils and loves them so much. They play dress up and get to truly feel what it’s like to be a part of a family that loves them like their own. We couldn’t do this without fosters committed to helping us with our mission. We know when these boys find their furever family, they will not be easy to let go. Everytime we have an adoption, it opens up opportunities to help more of these babies and it’s such a blessing to have amazing fosters work together with us respectfully, responibly and as a huge part of our rescue doing more than what’s expected to be sure they thrive in their new homes and experience how life should be for them before being adopted. We love these boys so much, they are truly special and we appreciate Heather Norris for stepping in weeks before Christmas and fostering Bo & Duke. Her family has fostered many wonderful doggies who have been adopted into great homes and we owe a huge thanks to them. We love you’ll and appreciate everything you do 💝🥰🐶🐾🫶

Adoption Application

Looking to adopt a new furry member to your family? Look no further than Dooks! This adorable young man is a friendly an...

Looking to adopt a new furry member to your family? Look no further than Dooks! This adorable young man is a friendly and goofy pooch that loves to play, snuggle, and make new friends, both human and canine. Sporting an athletic build, Dooks is always up for a game of catch or a nice walk in the park. He's treat motivated and knows the sit command like a pro, making him easy to train and a joy to be around. He's also crate trained and fully housebroken, so he's the ideal canine companion if you're looking for a low-maintenance pup. Dooks gets along with every dog he meets although he is a little curious with the small ones! That said, he's not a fan of felines, so unfortunately, he is not suited for a home with cats. He does best with teens and adults as he's a bit playful when he's excited. If you're looking for a furry friend who loves to cuddle, plays with his stuffed animals so gently, and likes to be the center of attention, then Dooks is the pup for you! He's such a sweet and affectionate doggie who just wants to spend time with his people and be loved. So come on down and meet Dooks today! He's sure to steal your heart with his adorable antics and unending love.

Dooks Rescue Story

Dooks Rescue Recovery

🐾Adoption Application🐾

We received a message about two puppies in Bloomington, Texas being starved!!! Owners moved out and left them behind. We...

We received a message about two puppies in Bloomington, Texas being starved!!! Owners moved out and left them behind. We can vaccinate & deworm as well. We would need a foster to assist. If anyone can help please message us. Rescue partners if you have space to assist, let us know 🙏🏻

Update: We have a foster not available until the weekend if anyone can temp help until Sunday afternoon please message us.

Update: We have a temp foster to help until Sunday and then they will go to a foster in Victoria. If you can help with dogfood, blankets or crates please let us know. Thank you 🙏🏻

Update: We went to pick them up and the owners came and got them. We don’t have direct contact with them, but are communicating with the people that notified us about this and praying that they let us come pick them up 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔


Victoria, TX



Website,$Paws4Christ, https://paws4christanimalr


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