I've got black venezuelians, green emeralds and sterbai corydoras. Also have 2 banjo catfish all for a good price. Message me! Don't forget to play the video below!
Plenty of lava rock for your aquarium!
Driftwood is now available!
Cholla wood and dragon stone available!
Have a lot of snails that need to be rehomed! Let me know!
African dwarf frogs and silver kuhli loaches available!
Getting into this hobby remember the number 1 thing is to let your tank cycle for months. Petco will tell you otherwise maybe a couple weeks. When it's cycled then you can add fish. Adding live plants to an aquarium is a must. They help eliminate ammonia, algae and waste. If your tank isnt covered in 90% of plants your not foing anything. They basically act as a filter and help keep the water clear. Another important thing is your light choice. I recommend a dimmable light. Most ppl want a super bright light. This can change your water color to green or brown. Definitely not a good option. In the end think of your aquarium as a pond,lake or stream. They take care of themselves! Just let your aquarium do its thing! If yal have any questions message me and I'll be glad to help!
I have one large fire eel left. Still have 6 zig zag eels a available. Thank you for looking!
Big bumble bee catfish I need rehomed.
Whiptail catfish needs rehomed.
African dwarf frogs and snails available!
Still have plenty of zig zag eels!