Hello Little Smokers! Good news and bad news. Bad news first.
Due to some unforeseen changes and personal circumstances, we are not doing Little Smoke the same this year. This is unfortunate, but Sharon and I decided that it would not be feasible. We know so many of you count Little Smoke as one of your favorite events of the year, and we ae sorry.
However, here’s the good news! Operation Support Our Troops (where I am Board Chair) is having its major fundraiser, Golfin’ For The Troops, on Monday, August 12th at Eagle Brook Country Club in Geneva. Some of you may be golfers, some may not. If you want to golf, let me know. It is a fantastic, private course that you may not otherwise have an opportunity to play, so take your chance now. It is only $175 (must be booked by August 1st) including golf, cart, ci**rs, beer on the course, 2 hour open bar, ci**rs on the patio, dinner, and maybe MORE ci**rs on the patio!
After golf, there is a 2 hour open bar, starting at 5pm, with ci**rs on the patio, then dinner at 7, and we will have a HUGE raffle and silent auction tables. Sound familiar? The cost for open bar and dinner is only $75, which you need to book by August 1st. If you mention that you are a Little Smoker when you book golf (which includes lunch, bar and dinner) or just bar and dinner, I will provide a pack of ci**rs for you just like Little Smoke.
Hey, take a hookey day at the end of the summer and come out to Geneva and help us out, or even just come out after work for dinner and drinks! If you just can’t join us for either golf or dinner, please consider making a donation to Operation Support Our Troops, either from your business or personally. Every bit helps!
We would love to see many of you at this event, and continue to help us raise donations for Operation Support Out Troops!
Thank you for your part and continued support of Little Smoke and our charities. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Carl Pedersen
Board Chair
Operation Support Our Troops
Executive Director of
Little Smoke Chicago