Our program helped over 115 properties this year. This wouldn’t have been possible without donations, transporters and supporters. Let’s make this bigger and better for next year.
Each appointment at People for Animals is $65. We have 5 appointments each week and every other Friday, we have 3 more.
At BVSPCA, we have 4 appointments each week at $25. We also need drivers to and from the clinic in New Castle, DE.
We can always use canned food (to feed the cats while they recover - 6-8 cans for each cat we fix), dry food for our properties, paper towels, cleaner, newspaper, towels, zip ties, and carabiner hooks.
We need someone to help with traps that don’t work anymore. It is very frustrating to be trapping and a cat go in and the trap won’t trip.
If anyone has traps that they aren’t using and would like to lend them to us, that would be great. Sometimes we have so many appointments and assists that we scramble for traps that work.