The Metropolitan Atlanta Samoyed Club is planning events in the upcoming months for all Sammy lovers. Watch our website, www.atlantasamoyedclub.com, and page http://www.facebook.com/AtlantaSamoyedClub for more information. Feel free to pass along to other Sammy people!
Saturday, December 17 we plan to take over Piedmont Park and spread holiday cheer! We have had a great time walking 3 miles through the park handing out beads and candy. We plan to do the same. We will meet right outside the parking deck on the lowest level inside the park and walk loops. Walk as little or as much as you like.
Use the address of a building right across the street to the entrance of the parking deck off of Monroe Drive.
• We would to all dress alike with black pants and red, green, or black on top like we have done in the parade in the past. Festive hats are encouraged. :>) If you celebrate a different holiday, feel free to dress in your favorite holiday colors.
• Dress up your dog(s) with a festive collar and/or costume. It should be something they will be comfortable walking in. If you would like to purchase one, here is the link to what people have worn in the past. Two of the festive collars works best because of our big Sammy coats. Anything similar will be fine. https://www.amazon.com/YANQINQIN-Christmas-Ornaments-Adjustable-Holiday/dp/B08L4F9J6J/ref=sr_1_9?keywords=dog%2Bcollar%2Bholiday&qid=1670258288&sr=8-9&th=1
• Afterwards, spend some well-deserved time in the leash free dog park (one for small and large dogs) if you like.
Saturday, January 14 Pack Hike and location TBA
February 3-5 Dog shows in Jonesboro, GA. Come out and visit with your fellow Samoyed owners, watch the show, and learn about the breed.
Saturday, February 18 Pack Hike and location TBA
March 10-12 Agility trials in Alpharetta. Watch many dog breeds along with Sammies run agility courses.
Saturday, March 18 Pack Hike and location TBA
March 30-April 2 Dog shows in Lawrenceville, GA.
The Metropolitan Atlanta Samoyed Club is planning other events in the upcoming months. Watch our website, www.atlantasamoyedclub.com, and page http://www.facebook.com/AtlantaSamoyedClub for more information. Feel free to pass along to other Sammy people!
So mark your calendar, and we hope to see you soon at our next event - 12/17 at 12:30!
Velvet Simmons
MASC, President and Dog Mom to Marco & Gemma