Pogo has almost mastered ‘sit’ as a way to say ‘please’. ⭐️ This easily turns into an automatic sit when puppy approaches a human. Isn’t that far preferable to puppy jumping on you? Dogs are highly social beings, and jumping up as a way to get attention and affection is *completely natural*. We have to teach them our preferred way of communicating their needs, and during the first 12 weeks of life, they absorb and process new information rapidly like sponges. We work diligently to teach and reward the automatic sit, and we do not punish undesirable behaviors like jumping. Puppies love to please, and they will repeat behaviors that elicit joy and praise from us. Pogo sits, gets his food reward and hears an excited, “good sit!” from me. He’s beginning to run up to me and sit for his rewards, food + praise/affection. I sure do love looking into these puppies’ eyes and letting them know how loved they are! When families share that they are shocked by their new puppy sitting in front of them instead of jumping on them, I know our work has paid off. And I encourage them to stay consistent with training.
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Our miniature double doodles are almost 6 weeks old, and they are continuing to thrive.🌟 here they are in action.
They still nurse a couple times per day, but mama Iris makes sure to let them know when their little shark teeth are not welcome.😂 These pups are truly a joy, and we love watching them grow while actively preparing them for life with their forever families. We work very hard every day here at Rainbow Doodles to be purposeful and intentional in laying a solid foundation with each puppy so he or she goes home as a grounded and peaceful companion.
We still have a few deposit spots left on this litter who will be 20-30lbs when mature, have low-to-no shedding coats and ready to go home on September 25th. Call or text Chrissy at (770) 616-3002 for more information. We vet every potential family very carefully.
Each of our puppies comes with 4 weeks of live, online training with professional dog trainer and incredible human, Dre Nolon, with My Loyal Hound. We are setting our puppy families up to win!
#rainbowdoodles #minidoubledoodlesofinstagram #doubledoodle #puppyculturebreeder #ethicaldogbreeder #puppytraining #puppiesnearme #myloyalhound
Watch until the end as 9-week-old Micah focuses on his mama, Kelley, and her gentle commands. Kelley is doing a beautiful job of communicating positively with Micah, showing him that she hears his voice by offering praise and treats. As he offers human-appropriate behaviors, her responses say to him, “I hear you! Yes! That’s great!” She also uses the clicker to strengthen his early manding skills. It is very impressive that Micah stays focused on his mama while his big brother is also active in the background. ⭐️ Check out our stories to see Kelley’s feedback about Micah’s Puppy Culture foundation. So thankful for the way this family is investing in raising Micah to be the best he can be! ⭐️ #puppyculture #puppyculturebreeder #doubledoodle #puppysocialization
It’s time to give honor to our children who have given just as much to these puppies with socialization and love as we have. Here is our 7-year-old son powering up the clicker and reinforcing human-appropriate behavior with our 8-week-old puppies. They know to sit for attention and treats, and we encourage each of our puppy families to continue reinforcing this to communicate the following to their new puppies: “You have a voice, and I see and hear you.” This is the foundation we give our puppies so they approach the world and the people in their world with joyful anticipation of good things. This is the heart of Puppy Culture! 🙌🏼 #puppyculture #puppyculturebreeder #goldendoodle #labradoodle #newpuppy #puppytraining #puppytrainingtips
Peter is a great listener
Precious Peter is now RESERVED! Peter is very easygoing, intelligent, affectionate, is doing very well with potty training and loves children, adults and other dogs. We adore this phantom baby. He will bless his new family! 🥰
Handsome Jude
Handsome boy Jude is RESERVED.🖤🤍 Jude is highly intelligent, comes when called, is doing very well with potty training and loves children, adults and other dogs. We love him so much. We are excited for him to join his new family soon.
Here is what it looks like for puppies learning to “mand” in action. What I am teaching them is to offer a human-appropriate behavior when they come to me. Instead of jumping up, they get rewarded for sitting.🌟 One of the comments I get often from families who have adopted puppies from us is that the puppies are still manding months after going home to them. We teach the puppies very young that their voice matters. Instead of pushing them down or away when they jump on us (which is encoded in their highly social DNA to do), I simply wait for them to sit, and then they get rewarded with a treat and a click. Over time, they begin to offer the sit automatically went in front of a human. It is magical.🌟 #puppyculturebreeder #manding #operantconditioning #doubledoodles #goldendoodle #labradoodle #puppyculturepuppies
3 weeks old today! 🙌🏼🐾🎊🤩
Happy 3 weeks old to our gorgeous little country music namesake crew! They are Standard Double Doodles who are non-shedding and will mature to approximately 45-55 pounds. We only have 4 deposit spots left! Call/text Chrissy at (770) 616-3002 if you are considering one of these furever family members. Located in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
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Meet Connick!
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Meet McGraw!
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Meet Reba!
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Meet TR!
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Meet Aldean!
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Meet Nash!
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Meet Cash!
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Meet KC (Kenny Chesney)!
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