As you can tell, Chris loves it here! #vetmed #vetmedhumor
Two-person job
When you have the best coworkers, everything is a two person job! #twopersonjob #vetmedhumor
Isla’s recovery story!
This is Isla. She came to the states in 2017, from the Virgin Islands, after major hurricanes wrecked the islands. When she arrived, it was very clear she had a spine injury that affected her mobility. She found a loving home that rehabilitated her and gave her a great quality of life she had never experienced. Fast forward to this year…she started showing signs of her old spine injury affecting her mobility again. Her veterinarian started her on Librela, an osteoarthritis pain medication. This is an injection medication that your veterinarian administers monthly. Isla’s family noticed pain relief after the first injection and a couple months later she started running around with her house mate again. Librela has been a game changer for some of the senior dogs with mobility issues so consider this product if you are seeing signs of slowing down in your baby!
😂😂 Featuring Obi, who is our tech student Destiny’s pet!