Freedom Farms

Freedom Farms City girl & family doing country things on her urban farm! Living sustainably. Selling farm goods!

Today was a good day at the market! It’s been months since I’ve had all positivity and decent sales, I needed this!! Tha...

Today was a good day at the market! It’s been months since I’ve had all positivity and decent sales, I needed this!! Thank you to all who came out or have come out to support all the farmers and makers in the community! It’s a wonderful feeling! I bought myself some flowers at the market today, aren’t they pretty. Does anyone know what they are? I think they are gerbera daisies, but I’ve not seen the coloring before? Any insight if it’s natural or dyed somehow? Anyway, gerberas are one of my favorite flowers, they just feel happy and they make me smile! Hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday weekend!

Love these farm kids! 💛💛💛 Before school most days these cuties get up early and come out to the garden and barnyard to “...

Love these farm kids! 💛💛💛 Before school most days these cuties get up early and come out to the garden and barnyard to “help” with chores. Their tasks include feeding the ducks and chickens, moving everyone to the yard, and making sure everyone has fresh water. Sometimes it goes smoothly, sometimes I find duck and chicken feed in the strangest and most wasteful places. But ultimately they are learning responsibility and how to respect and care for the creatures in our family. Grateful for dirty hands, laughter, and sunflowers that inspire silliness. 🌻

Happy National Dog Day to three of the biggest and goofiest doggos I know. I am blessed to be the caretaker of these mag...

Happy National Dog Day to three of the biggest and goofiest doggos I know. I am blessed to be the caretaker of these magnificent hounds Zephyr, Zeppelin and Zaytos. I don’t know where I would be without them. Dogs are a girls best friend and my favorite animals on this earth, and boy do I love them. Shoutout to my past pooches that paved the way for these guys, Ming, Cleo, Zelda, and Zugdor, you are my little furry angels and I miss you all everyday. 🐾 Hug those smooches extra today, and treats for everybody!

Howdy Folks, Happy Farm Girl Friday and Happy Weekend! I will be off from the market this weekend and next (8/17 and 8/2...

Howdy Folks, Happy Farm Girl Friday and Happy Weekend! I will be off from the market this weekend and next (8/17 and 8/24). If you are in need of soap, eggs, or other items, please message or text and I can have the farmstand all set and ready for ya! 😉 Thank you so much!

First day of school! First day of school!! 3rd and 4th grade here we come! So proud of these kids and can’t wait to see ...

First day of school! First day of school!! 3rd and 4th grade here we come! So proud of these kids and can’t wait to see all that they learn this year! ❤️📚✏️📓🖍️📐🌱🌎

Happy Farm Girl Friday!! Hope you are having a great week! I’ll be at the Vista Farmers Market tomorrow (7/20) from 8am-...

Happy Farm Girl Friday!! Hope you are having a great week! I’ll be at the Vista Farmers Market tomorrow (7/20) from 8am-12noon. I’ll then be taking off from the market 7/37, and 8/3. Returning 8/10. Stock up on your soaps and goods now! Thank you so much for your support!

How blessed am I? My little farmhands are the cutest around!! Love these kids something fierce!

How blessed am I? My little farmhands are the cutest around!! Love these kids something fierce!

Happy Farm Girl Friday! There’s never a dull moment around here 😅 Last week we hosted our annual 4th of July party and h...

Happy Farm Girl Friday! There’s never a dull moment around here 😅 Last week we hosted our annual 4th of July party and had a total of 114 guests over to the farm. Took last weekend off from the market to recover, and it was helpful, but just not enough. Followed that up with my son’s birthday this week, and trying to make that special. And then Zaytos landed himself at the vet yesterday with a laceration on his upper thigh. Still tired, but pushing forward! I’ll be at the Vista Farmers Market tomorrow (Saturday, July 13th, and next weekend July 20th too!) Stop by and grab some homemade raw goat milk soaps, would love to see your beautiful faces!

Happy 4th of July, and happy very soft opening of the farm stand! We have power!! Which means my beautiful refrigerator ...

Happy 4th of July, and happy very soft opening of the farm stand! We have power!! Which means my beautiful refrigerator is plugged in and in operation! Fresh chicken, duck, and quail eggs, and fresh raw goat milk are out there! And soaps and other goodies! I’ll be seeing some of you at the party later and look forward to it! Have a fun and safe day!

I feel like I’m behind on posts lately, but the beet garden gods smiled upon me today when I decided I was making beets ...

I feel like I’m behind on posts lately, but the beet garden gods smiled upon me today when I decided I was making beets for dinner! 🤪 This beast was a solid 10 pounds!! I’m feeling super behind in my garden this year, as other tasks have taken higher priority. So a very feral garden produced this monster, along with some brothers and sisters! 😅 I was worried that something like this wouldn’t be edible, and was surprised to take a bite of raw beet and be thrilled with the sweetness! My kids are munching raw beet spears as I type this! My son also pointed out the smiley face in the last picture, pretty cool! Sometimes I grow tasty things even if it’s surviving on past efforts and not current ones. Serves as a good reminder for me, hope it helps you too!

Ask Me Anything Mondays! Happy Monday, haha! 🤪 I recently received a request for a question post, so I’m going to give i...

Ask Me Anything Mondays! Happy Monday, haha! 🤪 I recently received a request for a question post, so I’m going to give it a try! On Mondays I’ll open up the floor for questions, think gardening, plant, pest, animals, kids, personal, lol, anything! I’ll do my best to get back to all questions, maybe a short response here, maybe a whole post on the topic, we’ll see! How can I help you? What do you want to know? Ask me anything and have a wonderful week! Thank you for the idea!

It is with the biggest, saddest heart that I share that my first, and favorite lesson horse passed away last night. Moe ...

It is with the biggest, saddest heart that I share that my first, and favorite lesson horse passed away last night. Moe was an incredible, sometimes cranky, big old man who I fell completely in love with! I had the best time finding the spots on his neck that made him stretch out like a goober and his lower lip get all wobbly. He taught me so much and I throughly enjoyed being paired with him! I’m going to miss picking home grown garden goodies and seeing what he likes to snack on. I found out he liked carrots, and carrot tops, watermelon, and bananas. He was not a fan of cucumbers, and once when I fed him radishes, he looked at me as if I was trying to poison him. The radish incident made him wary of my offerings for a week or two 😂 I’ve missed riding Moe for a while now, and it’s hard to think of going to the barn and not having the chance to love on dear sweet Moe. I’ll miss you SlowMoe, may you rest easy in the biggest, greenest pasture in the sky! Thank you for sharing your horses and family with us all! I know I’m certainly grateful for the love and care that you give to all of your animals! Sending everyone hugs!

Just wanted to write a quick public service announcement… I volunteered this morning to educate elementary and middle sc...

Just wanted to write a quick public service announcement… I volunteered this morning to educate elementary and middle school aged students at a preview of the Plant*Grow*Eat exhibit at the fairgrounds. I had a handful of absolutely delightful children, kind, courteous, and respectful. I also had a lot of bratty, rude, entitled, and disrespectful a$$holes. I understand that raising children is hard! I’m in the thick of my parenting years and there are days I just trudge through. Enforcing kindness, and manners can be grueling and tedious. But I refuse to unleash wild and disrespectful children into society. I’m trying with all my might to raise kind and courteous little people that grow up into wonderful adults (God willing)!Parents!! It is not a teacher’s job to teach YOUR children how to behave in public! There were many volunteers out today having to try and manage kids that were not fun to be around. Okay, rant over. Hope you have a nice Monday! Be kind out there!

Praise the Lord! I got good news today! Three months ago I was treated for melanoma on my lower back. At the time my der...

Praise the Lord! I got good news today! Three months ago I was treated for melanoma on my lower back. At the time my dermatologist decided to refer me to the eye doctor to be checked for rare and unlikely melanoma of the eye. When I met with the first doctor he dilated my eyes and ran his tests and came to the conclusion that I have a “suspicious” freckle in one of my eyes. He sent in a referral for another doctor and follow up tests. It’s been a long wait, but today I met with that doctor who came to the conclusion that I have a birth mark in my eye. They took very detailed pictures today to document it and I have a follow up with him in 6 months to confirm nothing has changed. In the meantime I can breathe a sigh of relief as he reassured me I shouldn’t worry. Feeling so grateful that this chapter is hopefully closing and will soon enough just be a part of my history.

Happy Mother’s Day! Couldn’t be more grateful for these beautiful kids! They drive me insane and make me gush, sometimes...

Happy Mother’s Day! Couldn’t be more grateful for these beautiful kids! They drive me insane and make me gush, sometimes simultaneously. Motherhood is a wild ride, with so many ups and downs and twists and turns, but I wouldn’t trade it. It’s always an adventure, and God willing I have many more years to make memories with my children! Love you both so much!

Happy Farm Girl Friday! I caught this pretty lady working hard in the garden this morning! Look at her heavy pollen pant...

Happy Farm Girl Friday! I caught this pretty lady working hard in the garden this morning! Look at her heavy pollen pants!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I’ll be at the Vista Farmers Market tomorrow 5/11 from 8am-12noon. Stop on by for some goat milk soap or a goat milk bath bomb for mom!

Happy World Naked Gardening Day! 💛💛💛 The first Saturday in May is celebrated worldwide as naked gardening day. Gardeners...

Happy World Naked Gardening Day! 💛💛💛 The first Saturday in May is celebrated worldwide as naked gardening day. Gardeners and non-gardeners alike shed their clothes and enjoy nature in the n**e. This has become a tradition for me as it gets me way out of my comfort zone and always makes me laugh! You should see some of the bloopers!! 😂 Will you be joining in on the fun?

Happy Farm Girl Friday! Do you look at a dandelion puff and see a w**d, or a million potential wishes? Haha, I see both,...

Happy Farm Girl Friday! Do you look at a dandelion puff and see a w**d, or a million potential wishes? Haha, I see both, it honestly depends on the day and where my head is at. Despite either headspace, when I look closer, I see art. I see the beauty of this natural thing. The way the seeds are all lined up, how the little helicopter fluffies (proper name for them is pappus) all fit together perfectly. Designed to spread and swirl in the wind with a gentle breeze, or a creature walking by, or someone hopeful and ready to make a wish! Despite my headspace or yours, this little beauty persists, it doesn’t care if you think it a wonder or a pest, it just does what it does. I want to be more like a dandelion, persistent, resilient, doesn’t care what others think about it, and full of wishes! Sorry for my random musings on dandelions today. I’m grateful for an entire morning off all to myself and I’m doing my best to slow down, enjoy the quiet, and really soak it all in!
I will be at the Vista Farmers Market tomorrow 5/4, and next weekend too 5/11. Hope to see you there with some sunshine!

Happy Farm Girl Friday! The highlight of the week had to be my first bee swarm capture! Josh and the kids saw a swarm se...

Happy Farm Girl Friday! The highlight of the week had to be my first bee swarm capture! Josh and the kids saw a swarm settle into a neighbor’s utility box on the drive home from school. They stopped to watch a bit and introduce themselves to the folks who live there. Josh and I went back a little later with materials and our suits to bring them home. I don’t have a bunch of extra beekeeping supplies on hand (so if you know of anyone getting rid of anything, please let me know!) so we made some things, make shifted a bunch, and placed an order! What a cool experience to scoop bees and place them in a hive box! I’m hopeful they settle in at home and I can help others in the area with swarms! Also, I will be taking this weekend off from the market. I really need to come up with a schedule. Honestly, every weekend at the market just isn’t sustainable for me. I’m generally a one woman show and while I feel that it’s good for my kids to see me working hard and understand my ethos, it’s also important that I take some downtime and enjoy the fleeting moments of their childhood. Finding balance is hard! Hope you have a beautiful weekend, and thanks for reading!

Happy Earth Day!! One of my biggest reasons that sustainability is so important to me is for these beautiful little huma...

Happy Earth Day!! One of my biggest reasons that sustainability is so important to me is for these beautiful little humans! I want them to know and enjoy nature like I do! I strive to add to the biodiversity on our farm, and hopefully have an impact for wildlife around our neighborhood! I’m growing food without spraying harmful pesticides, because I don’t want it in my body, or in the water table and the environment. I’m making goat milk soap to nourish our skin as we bathe, and keep the soaps free from artificial dyes or perfumes so it isn’t absorbed into our bodies. When I sell my goods at the market, or (hopefully soon) my farmstand, they are wrapped in sustainable packaging- wax paper, string, and glass or tins. All of my labels are paper, not plastic so they can biodegrade. I strive to make choices every day to help make the world better, for my kiddos, and future generations. I’m hoping this makes a lasting impression on my children and they continue to choose to do right by Mother Nature even when I’m not around to push it. They did a wonderful job this weekend picking up trash! Happy Impact Day Wild Keepers! Keep up the good work!

Happy Farm Girl Friday! When it was decided that we would be going on a cruise to the Bahamas for Spring Break, my numbe...

Happy Farm Girl Friday! When it was decided that we would be going on a cruise to the Bahamas for Spring Break, my number one request was to see the swimming pigs, and I’m happy we did! (Just don’t tell Zoink that I snuggled other pigs) I was impressed with the size of some of those hogs, and how sweet and tame they were. Sitting down and posing for people was so cute. I made them wait a bit and broke up the melon into smaller pieces because I wanted to extend my time, and they would nudge me and tell me they were ready for more. I guess Zoink isn’t the only pushy pig out there.

Happy Farm Girl Friday! Here’s a photo recap of some fun around the farm from the week. It’s been busy but good. Prepari...

Happy Farm Girl Friday! Here’s a photo recap of some fun around the farm from the week. It’s been busy but good. Preparing to be “out of the office” this coming week on Spring Break. Stay tuned for some adventures off the farm! Hope you have fun and stay safe! And Happy Easter!!

Pretty little Spring morning, enjoying the dewdrops in the garden.

Pretty little Spring morning, enjoying the dewdrops in the garden.

Happy Farm Girl Friday! I’m so excited to share! I did a thing! Finally got business cards designed and printed and they...

Happy Farm Girl Friday! I’m so excited to share! I did a thing! Finally got business cards designed and printed and they will make their debut at the Vista Farmers Market tomorrow, Saturday 3/23, from 8am-12noon, rain or shine! Come pickup Easter basket items before I’m off for two weeks for Spring Break! Have an awesome weekend!

Early morning milking selfies, and our festive spirit at the Vista Farmers Market this morning! 🍀

Early morning milking selfies, and our festive spirit at the Vista Farmers Market this morning! 🍀

Happy Farm Girl Friday! I just completed Master Gardener Docent training for the Carlsbad Flower Fields. If you have nev...

Happy Farm Girl Friday! I just completed Master Gardener Docent training for the Carlsbad Flower Fields. If you have never been to the fields, you should stop by sometime this season, it is absolutely stunning! I look forward to being involved at the fields again. If you didn’t know, a few years back I was a volunteer tractor driver at the fields for the Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum- so fun!
Just a heads up that I will be taking the next two weekends off from the market (out on 2/24 & 3/2), returning 3/9. If you are local and need anything before then, please reach out and we can work something out! Thank you so much and enjoy your weekend!


Vista, CA


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