Felicity is getting better and better each milking! Yesterday she was able to do two at once for the first time
The time is coming to a close for our cattle journey. We started with four calves about 20 months ago. The first was my precious Baldy. My favorite boy. We self harvested at 450lbs because he got dangerous. Baldy wasn't aggressive, but he loved to play and his favorite game was to sneak up behind me and "bump" my butt with his head. For cattle, it was a soft little tap. For me, it lifted me off the ground. I couldn't risk him hurting someone on accident so we went ahead and processed him first. The second was Betsy, who was a gift to family. He was dropped off at a butcher and provided so much meat to them. Now we just have Charcoal and Marshmellow. Marshmallow was never a snuggle bug even as a bottle calf. He will allow some scratches, but that's it. Charcoal let's me scritch, scratch and hug him. He is such a good boy.
I try to post them on social media because even though they are destined to become meat, I think it is so important that people recognize that there was a LIFE that mattered in order to make that meal. We raise over 80% of our own meat and these steers will likely push us to 100% unless we want something specific we don't raise like seafood. Yes, it is sad, but he didn't stop being important just because he is in the freezer and it means a lot to know I'm not eating animals with crappy husbandry and poor conditions.
That being said, cattle are large ๐๐๐ I don't think I'm going to raise them again to butcher weight. Maybe some bottle calves because cuteness, but these guys can do some damage if they want and I'm happier sticking to my goats, chickens, ducks and rabbits for meat sources.
Welcome to the homestead baby bunnies!!! She had 10!!! Great job Princess ๐๐
Two days old ๐ Buttercup didn't take again ๐ญ But Pricess had very first ever kits and she had 10!! It appears to be 2 chocolates, 5 black/dark chocolate and 3 mottled Grey like mama.
We caught a wild swarm, but before we could move them into a new hive ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ Every bee is dead. Why? #beekeeping #beekeeper #savethebees
Buttercup is nesting! She just started pulling fur so babies by tomorrow ๐ #babybunny #bunnylove #minirex #minirexrabbit #bunnyrabbit
We are literally SWIMMING in eggs here. It's nice after no eggs for almost 4 months! If you want farm fresh eggs, we get 2-3 dozen a day so we have plenty to sell. PM for information. These have all been hard boiled for our own family. Some will be eaten normal. Some deviled. Some eggs salad. Some will be pickled! Do you have a tried and true pickled egg recipe? We want to try something different!
2023 has been full of blessings already. We just had our fourth goat birth of the year, bring our total number of baby goats born to ten!
Petunia, our Spanish doe, had her babies first. She had twin bucklings on the 7ths. Her birth was a surprise (we knew she was close, but had no date) because we had a second doe in labor we were watching already. She birthed unassisted and has been a surprising great mother after being very confused that first day. Unfortunately, one of her bucklings got chilled with the weather drop and he passed away Friday. Petunia and her cuter-than-words buckling (Juniper) are looking for new pastures. Despite not being a dairy breed, Petunia is trained to milk and stands well. She has more than needed for her baby and is happy to share as long as you give her treats and pets.
Toph was next. She was due on the 8th, but I noticed signs of her in labor on the 7th before I had to go to work. I let Brandon know to keep an eye out and told her I want some cashmere girls from her, but to wait until I got off. No such luck. I got the call at work that SURPRISE Petunia had her twins first, but Toph was progressing fast and secured in our birthing areas. While still at work I got another call. Triplets! She had two doelings and a buckling and only needed a small bit of assistance with a poorly positioned breech for her third. She is being a great mother. Her buckling is the sweetest of the bunch so far and he is looking for a new pasture. Toph is half Nigerian Dwarf. We were told she is half Pygmy, but I'm not convinced. I'm fairly sure she is a Fainter/ND mix that highly favors her ND parantage. The sire for her babies is our ND buck Jedi. Toph carries the cashmere gene so she is silky soft and the babies could very well carry it as well. Both doelings will stay with us for a few months and one will be available in time.
Mary had her babies late at night on the 8th without warning so we had 7 baby goats born on one weekend. She had twins: a buck
Hanging out with my Luna girl, impatiently awaiting her babies ๐
A little time with my Luna Girl โก we are waiting impatiently.
I have the best piggies ever ๐ Babies coming soon! We have registered American Guinea Hogs perfect for pasture raising and small homesteads.