Call or text : 803.508.2330 Amanda
Call or text : 860.601.0578 Topher
Email : [email protected]
YouTube : Amandawise11
Instagram : pennylessfarmsc
Pennyless farm in Wagener, SC. SERVICES,
Trailering $1.50/mile ($75.00 minimum)
Commercial Shipping of horses, price provided by carrier
Horse Show Costs:
Show Day Training/Schooling $100.00 per day
Horse Show ‘Day Ca
re’ $75.00+ per day
Braiding: Price determined by braider
Class/Show fees, Estimates can be provided. Stabling Costs:
Training Board: Stall, hay, grain, shavings, basic supplies and full care. Consignment Board: Full training & full care, sales appointments, marketing and contracts etc. Commission due at lease, and/or sale. $1,250.00/month.**
‘Short Term’ (Less than 1 month) board: Day rate for services mentioned in the ‘Consignment Board’ and ‘Training Board’ $75.00 per day**
All boarding & stabling options also include additional therapies to promote comfort/performance, Magnawave, 3B Laser, Theraplate, SportInnovations magnetic/massage blanket, SportInnovations magnetic/massage hoof boots, SportInnovations magnetic leg wraps, and ice/vibe leg wraps. Commission fees on Sales/Lease:
20% commission paid on leases. 15% commission paid on sales. ** commissions paid on all sales or leases agented or brokered through Pennyless Farm. Other:
**Shoeing, Veterinary, Chiropractic work, Dentistry, will either be billed directly or in addition to boarding fees.
**Horse show fees paid directly to the horse show either by check or credit card, depending on show management.
**Shared Expenses (ie: hotels, groom costs, tack stalls etc.) to be divided equally among all clients / horses attending show. Specific details in boarding contact/agreement.
** As of March 2022 a $250.00 inflation charge will be added to all horses stabled in the barn to cover fluctuations of shipping charges, grain, hay, fertilizer, w**d killer, etc.