Having a fun morning out playing in the rain before a few of them hit the road to California , Washington St. later today.
It was a nice afternoon today! They had lots of fun.
Morning Play time! F1b Reverse Saint Berdoodles 5 week's and 2 days old! They think it's fun to go under the fire pit! Lol. Everyone is doing great, they have started eating dry food , and are doing great at potty training. I'll post an early morning potty break in the comments. Lol
First trip outside in the Rain! They hesitated a little but then ran out and went potty and right back in. Lol. F1b Reverse Saint Berdoodles 4 weeks and 5 days old!
F1b Reverse Saint Berdoodles, 4 weeks and 3 days old! We have been outside to potty and play 4 times already today! We can go in and out the door by ourselves now, it's about a 6 inch drop off so that's a great achievement! They are running everywhere now! Lol. We all have a mouth full of teeth now so we are going to start eating softened food instead of mush tomorrow, then after a few days we will try dry food! I forgot to take the toys out this time, but they are to busy exploring and prefer the leaves and grass and each other to play with right now anyways. Lol.