It was a sad, sad day last week at Five Horses when we lost
one of our beloved icons. Feather's loss was tragically unexpected. It is heart-wrenching for all of us in the Five Horses' tribe and we are all still struggling to gain some sort of acceptance in this loss. She is already missed in the deepest way.
Feather will forever be remembered for her huge heart,
hilarious antics, and her beautiful soul. She was such a dynamic personality. For some, she was the gentle giant who showed them how to quiet their internal loudness. She challenged others to be steadfast in their goals and stand with confidence, no easy feat with a horse her size. She was well-known for having the smoothest gaits of any horse at the ranch and for being a truly trustworthy trail horse.
Megan, Feather’s human mom, says this: “She saved my life.
It’s really that simple. She gave me the confidence I needed to become the person I needed to be. She gave me the courage to demand the respect I deserved from others in my life. Feather opened the door into a whole new life for me—a life at Five Horses with a tribe of people I never knew I needed, but so deeply did. Right now I’m broken, but she taught me how to be strong so I know I’ll find some way through this”.
I’d like to invite you all to share some of your favorite memories and/or pictures of Feather. Just to get the ball rolling, here are a few to start with:
The day she got so mad she JUMPED out of the round pen while working online.
That time she sat on the gate and broke it.
The time she knocked over a sapling in her paddock by itching on it.
The times she stood quietly just sharing time and being still with you.
How wonderful a mother she was to Prim.