What a festive day we had foraging and creating with our community at the fourh annual WFCzf Natural Wreath Making workshop! May your greens bring you joy and hope this winter season!
It was truly a FABULOUS FARM DAY, full of exploring, carrot picking, cider cycling, potato printing, music making, solar cooking, tractor climbing, trolley riding and lots more farm fun! Grateful to these business heroes who sponsored this year’s FREE community event and the @cityofwaltham for access to the #TickTockTrolley, proving free transportation from Waltham Common. We thank everyone who volunteered and joined us, as it is YOU who put the community in this Community Farm!
Thanks to all those students who shared their contagious energy for community and sustainable farming! We look forward to using these creatively printed bags at food access program distributions in the near future #share it forward #sustainabilitymatters
Cant wait for our annual seedling sale tomorrow (9-3) and Sunday (9-1). Soo many beautiful plants ready to GROW and nourish you!
Woohoo! Seedling Sale Saturday and Sunday! Preshop the available veggies, herbs and flower seedings on our website. We have great volunteers coming but could use a few more to help as cashiers, line assistants, and parking helpers. Sign up using this link! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F084DA4A729A6FD0-48758965-2024#/ #plantsale #garden #seedlings #walthamma #walthamfieldscommunityfarm #plantsmakepeoplehappy
Lend a hand, learn, and eat well this growing season as a WFCF work share. 1: Work Thursday or Friday afternoons as a CSA distribution helper in exchange for a FULL VEGETABLE SHARE! Email [email protected] to apply. 2: work one morning a week in the fields with the farm team in exchange for a half-priced share. Email [email protected] to apply Both are 20-week commitments and great learning opportunities!
#workshare #csa #waltham #opportunity #farm
Our WFCF team schlepped, assembled, mopped, swept, and happily moved into our new offices on the farm! It feels good to be back overlooking the fields and present to welcome our community as spring unfolds.
We really need to get seeds into the dirt, please lend an hour or 2 any Wed - Fri morning next 3 weeks, see bio and thanks. Farm on!
Happy Leap Day! See you in 2028, February 29th!
Did you know...
Leap years exist because while the world follows a 365-day Gregorian calendar, it actually takes the planet a little bit more than a year to orbit the sun. It takes Earth 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds to orbit the sun (according to NASA)
The extra day keeps calendars and seasons from gradually falling out of sync and impacting harvesting, planting, and other cycles based on the seasons.
Without Leap Days, in 100 years, our calendars would be 24 days off, and in 700 years, Northern Hemisphere summers would begin in December!