Stephanie's Shepherds Rescue, Rehab and Training, 501C3

Stephanie's Shepherds Rescue, Rehab and Training, 501C3 Stephanie's Shepherds Rescue, Rehab and Training is a non profit 501c3 organization, specializing in

Ok guys....things are slow today and not sure why....but we need to get some donations in. I am super excited to send Da...

Ok guys....things are slow today and not sure why....but we need to get some donations in. I am super excited to send Dara the raffle basket as she donated $100 yesterday and the $50 GC to Nichole as she was picked out of a hat for the winner, as she was one of the people who donated as well.

Today is really important to see if we can get $ for transport for Kevin(who is going to PA) and for Finnegan as he is going west of NY. We also need to raise $ for Maisie's spay. As well as Justice's HW treatment.

We know it's a big ask, buttttt this is good news. We've been trying to get Kevin adopted and we're so excited he's going to Lesley who's an amazing supporter of us AND a very experienced GSD handler. And we have an amazing working dog handler for Finnigan. On top of that, Maisie And Winnie are happy and on the way to healthy in a wonderful foster with Reph and his wife Kristie and we may have an adopter for one of those girls! And Odin is safe and sound with Jolene who was gracious enough to PAY for a board and train for him and he's back with her and doing amazingly well. Justice is out of the hospital and will be going to foster today. Bastien although not technically with our rescue but we are helping raise much needed supplies for him, is also doing so well! So pls know we're busy but things are going well!

What do we need RIGHT NOW....well the important thing is transport $ for Kevin and Finnigan....we also need some $ for my electric bill and Maisie's Spay....we know it's a lot BUT if we could get 1/3 of our supporters to donate just $2, that would make a HUGE dent in those pls pls pls pls share this post and pls ask everyone yoj know to donate their $2 to support us.

I did get the proofs for our decals AND reusable bags and I'm so excited so post it soon. And we are working sweatshirts and long sleeve shirts so stay tuned for those!

Pls help with your $2 today.

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email is [email protected]

Thank you all!

Pics of Odin, Winnie, Kevin and Justice for your viewing pleasure:)


Hello apologies for not getting back on last night....unfortunately we didn't meet our goal for Justice for yesterday, but we did get a good amount...we need to still raise a ton of $ not only for Justice's HW, for Maisie's spay, and for transport $ for Kevin and Finnigan....we still have Odin out on foster as well...we know it's a lot but we've got fosters and adopters for BOTH Kevin and Finnigan and need to get them to their destinations.

Thank you to Nichole and Dara as
They won the GC and the basket! Thank you both ( we messaged you)!

So with that being said we're doing a big fundraiser thx to our eboard member ! (PLS CLICK BELOW)

Below it's attached....pls consider donating and buying a raffle tix.

Lastly today is $2 Tuesday. We need to see if we can raise enough for Justice's HW and Maisie's spay. So we're asking all our supporters to donate their $2...that's it just $2.

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email is [email protected]

Thank you everyone!

On a roll everyone!!! Got some more $...I think $700 is a lot for one day...we're at $200 right I'd like to se...

On a roll everyone!!! Got some more $...I think $700 is a lot for one day...we're at $200 right I'd like to see if we can get another $200 for tonight and then well announce 2 winners! Thank you to Dara and Sylvia for your donation! Dara is winning the raffle basket so far with a donation of $100!!! Can we see if we can get another $200?? Justice deserves us to help her....we saved her from pyometra so let's get her healthy from HW!

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email is [email protected]

We. CAN. Do. This!!!

Ok everyone, I am thrilled to see we've gotten $100 so far...this is great.....thank you to Jodi, Diana, Suzie, and Heid...

Ok everyone, I am thrilled to see we've gotten $100 so far...this is great.....thank you to Jodi, Diana, Suzie, and Heidi! $100 down, $600 to go....we got this everyone....

Remember we've got a $50 visa GC and a basket for the highest donation!!

Justice DESERVES JUSTICE! Let's get her healthy and happy and in a home where she is loved!

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email is [email protected]

Thank you all!!! Let's keep this going❤️❤️❤️🩷🩷🩷 Justice is counting on us to get her back to health!

Ohhh and I am going to be taking Kevin to his foster this week....I am so thankful that has agreed to meet me....nonetheless it's a great distant I'll need to TOMORROW we're gonna be doing something a little different to raise some $ for gas....stay tuned for $2 TUESDAY'S giveaway!

Ok everyone we need ALL hands on's the deal...we're gonna put up the Amazon Wish list a little later as we ...

Ok everyone we need ALL hands on's the deal...we're gonna put up the Amazon Wish list a little later as we need to get all the donations we can today!! So we're gonna do a MIDNIGHT MADNESS fundraiser! Here's how it works....we have 12 hours till midnight....that's 12 hours to try to get $700 yes I know that's crazy BUT, unfortunately Justice is HW+...and because of her condition we need to do a few extra things. We need to do some bloodwork on her and we need to get a chest x-ray to make sure that she is healthy enough to go through heartworm treatment, with injections.

So with that being said, we're going to do two things. Below is the raffle basket that we are going to donate to the person who donates the most. Secondly we are going to pick from all of the people who donate today, and one person will receive a $50 Visa gift card. I'm hoping with these two incentives we can raise the entire amount for today. We did raise some money this past weekend for her other expenses, so today my main focus is raising that money, to be able to get her in for her bloodwork, and chest x-ray, to make sure that she is healthy enough to go through heartworm treatment.

Please consider helping, and know that the raffle basket is worth over $150! There are two T-shirts, two doggy bandannas, a Kong toy, a bag of treats from Coast to Coast Dog Treats Inc., a paw print pen, a "dog mama" pin, and an absolutely gorgeous biothaine collar that will fit a dog's neck anywhere from 13 to 16 inches.

We're trying here everybody, and I am thrilled to say that we got the money for Maisie, for her heartworm treatment, and so right now we need to raise the money for our sweet Justice Please consider helping us!

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email is [email protected]

Thank you! We'll be back on at 12am to
Announce the winners:)

The wish list for Bastien (Warlock) the emaciated heartworm positive German Shepherd we saved last week from an Alabama ...

The wish list for Bastien (Warlock) the emaciated heartworm positive German Shepherd we saved last week from an Alabama shelter, is ready! He’s on a refeeding protocol that includes puppy food and vitamins so he can gain weight in a healthy way. We want to be able to add salmon oil, bone broth and probiotics which are also on the list, as well as peanut butter powder which is great for weight gain and the homemade treats I plan to make for him as his foster.

If my address doesn’t populate on an order please PM me - Callison Tiffin.

I am meeting Bastien tomorrow! He’s been in great hands since he left the shelter but I’m anxious to get him here to really start spoiling him!

Thanks to all of our supported who have donated for Bastien!

A few photos of Justice (Elaine) which I received this evening from our contact in Alabama.  She was hospitalized over t...

A few photos of Justice (Elaine) which I received this evening from our contact in Alabama. She was hospitalized over the weekend after her emergency pyometra surgery on Friday. Despite being very debilitated from her emaciated condition, Justice made it through the surgery and has been resting this weekend.

Unfortunately she IS heartworm positive. 😢. But this is far from our first rodeo with HW+ dogs so we will make sure she receives the proper care. She will be starting on a month’s worth of Doxycycline therapy along with Nex Gard for prevention of new heartworms developing and to sterilize the adults she currently has. Once we have her bloodwork results and she can have chest X-rays, the disease can be staged so we can make a treatment plan.

If Justice can tolerate the Immiticide injections to kill the adult heartworms quickly, we will proceed with that, starting them in about 2 months, after the Doxycycline has had a chance to do its work. If she cannot tolerate the injections she will have the so called slow kill “moxie Doxy” protocol which consists of the same 30 days of doxycycline along with the monthly moxidectin heartworm prevention, via giving her Nex Gard Plus.

While we try to stay away from slow kill because it really doesn’t kill anything, but just has the adult heartworms dying off gradually, over the past few years, there has been some great research showing that using this medication combination can, in some cases, clear all of the adults in as little as six months.

Meanwhile, we have an updated working plan for Justice, as a foster in Alabama has stepped up for her! All being well, she will stay with that foster for about 2-3 weeks to give her time to heal from the surgery and begin to regain her strength before transport to a long term foster.

I will update again hopefully tomorrow once I’ve seen her bloodwork results and have been in contact with Justice’s Alabama foster. We are ordering puppy food for her, both dry and canned, and a multivitamin. I will calculate her necessary daily intake so she can gain weight without triggering receding syndrome. We will have an Amazon wish list for Justice this week as well - I’m just waiting to learn more about her personality and needs.

- Caroline

Afternoon all! I am excited to let everyone know that my daughter places 2nd with Trouble and 3rd with Pride at our end ...

Afternoon all! I am excited to let everyone know that my daughter places 2nd with Trouble and 3rd with Pride at our end of the year United Dock Dogs facility event. AND Pride made the top 10 NATIONAL rank in his division ACROSS THE COUNTRY! He jumped today so we'll see where he places. We have to wait till all the other facilities tabulates their dogs before we know where he places in his division. However this is a HUGE accomplishment! I'm so proud of them!

I also wanted to let everyone know that we got a decent chunk of $ this weekend. Thank you to Diana, Linda, Kim, Richard, Kala, Leslie and Melissa! I am also excited to see NEW supporters helping by donating! So thank to and welcome.

We are working on transporting Kevin to Pittsburgh this week....we will need transport $ for pls consider helping...even if it's, $2,$3,$5! Every penny counts.

We are also looking at flights to get Finnigan to his new home. This won't be cheap but I am not comfortable sending a dog like him with strangers. So I'm hoping that we can raise enough $ to fly. Kenny Wallace and I are working on this, this week. He will also have to be shipped cargo which I'm having a panic attack about....last time we shipped dogs cargo, one passed granted they all had ME, but it still gives me pause to do this. However the trip o feel will be better than in a car for hours and hours on end.

Lastly. We will get an update on Justice(aka Elaine) tomorrow. The plan is to move her to GA this week, however we need to raise the remaining $400...that will help with transport to GA, $ for puppy food, and preventatives. We are holding our breath to pray she doesn't have HW....or else this will be another expense, but this poor thing deserves to be safe AND healthy.

We are set for Maisie, thank you to all who gave. Especially Robin and Nichole!

However I am still worried about the electric bill. We do have a fundraiser up our sleeve, thanks to our board member, Heather Simonson! I think this will go over really well! So stay tuned. We are also working on fall swag gear including sweatshirts/long sleeve shirts, (thank you Heidi for heading this up)car decals and reusable bags! I'm so excited to see how these turn out. Stay tuned.

If you'd like to help with any of these projects we are working on, pls do.

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email is [email protected]

Thank you all!


As many know I'm involved in several dog sports....Along with my daughter . She is a jr handler and we qualified for nationals in United Dock Dogs! So she and Trouble and Pride competed yesterday and I am overjoyed to say BOTH of these stunods made the end of the year finals for our facility in CT, United Dock Dogs!

Who says rescues can't do the same as well bred dogs!

So we're here now, already practiced and waiting on the event to start. Wish them luck!

We'll keep everyone posted!

Well what a crazy few days....but we have some amazing few updates...I am elated to announce that Kevin is go...

Well what a crazy few days....but we have some amazing few updates...I am elated to announce that Kevin is going to foster. I know that Leslie is heartbroken as she just lost her heart dog Athena and I wasn't sure if she was ready, but she knows Kevin needs a home. As well, everyone experiences grief differently. Maybe you couldn't take on another dog right away, but maybe I could....we are incredibly blessed to have such amazing supporters who value and respect us. So she talked last night and we both feel this is the best thing for Kevin! We're trying to figure out transport now. We couldn't be happier!

Secondly, as well, I am thrilled to announce that our high drive working dog Finnigan has a home. We are working on transport's not the closest to NY so Kenny Wallace and I may fly....obviously this is going to be a little on the high side, expense wise,
but this is a dog who MUST go to someone who will work him. His lineage is one with super tracking and protection sport titles...he is NOT a pet dog by any it's taken us a while to get him into the right place. Unfortunately some people have contacted me in reference to what I should be doing with him, which honestly,I'm annoyed about. I didn't ask for opinions nor did any of those people step up to offer help. So with that being said, we are not going to announce where he is going. So I just hope that people respect my decision and know I have Finnigan's best interest at heart. We will need financial help getting him to his new pls consider helping us.

I am also elated to thank Kathleen who took Potter, who's now Fire and Pancake who's now Ice. Both dogs have done AMAZING under her guidance. If you don't remember Fire was only 66 lbs and extremely under weight. He's now a huge 90 lbs and looks ABSOLUTELY amazingly healthy. Man do we love our fosters/adopters!

And lastly....Elaine who's new name is gonna be Justice, is still at the hospital recovering. We still are asking for financial help for her. We will need to get puppy food, preventatives, and will need $ for her boarding and transport to GA. I'm going out on a limb here and asking for more $ as I'd bet she's also got yes it's a lot but we've gotten such support for her....I'm looking to take in $500 this weekend. I'm really upset as people on a certain shelter page where she was posted, pledged for her and not one of them sent a dime. Pls don't pledge if you aren't going to stand by your post. There's $130 in pledges that we probably won't ever see for disappointed in people at times....does anyone understand these dogs are in our care, and we pull them because people say they'll help? What do people think happens when you don't help us, they become MY responsibility and I'm not rich by any IF you pledge, pls honor that.

Overall a great start to the weekend. PLEASE help us if you can....we've got a lot of expenses cominf up, but all such wonderful things happening! We surely couldn't do this without you all, but we have a long way to pls share this post and ask others to help us:)

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email is [email protected]

Thank you all!

She made it!!!! Things are still critical as she's in bad shape, so pls keep praying. She will be hospitalized over the ...

She made it!!!! Things are still critical as she's in bad shape, so pls keep praying. She will be hospitalized over the weekend....but as I said, this was fate. God put her in front of Caroline for a reason....she absolutely would have died if we didn't save her.

We'll keep everyone updated....pls keep those donations coming....we need $ for supplements, boarding (which we have set up already), transport and puppy food....

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email is [email protected]


Venmo is

Wanted to update everyone as we've gotten a big response. This is not Jarsa, unfortunately. We were hoping maybe it was,...

Wanted to update everyone as we've gotten a big response. This is not Jarsa, unfortunately. We were hoping maybe it was, but she was spayed prior to going
To Jeff. Bebo I'm terribly heart breaks for you.

In the meantime, we are waiting to hear an update on Elaine....pls understand we are dealing with poor rural shelters/vet clinics so we'll get an update as soon as they contact me we're all on pins and needles....🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻pls keep her in your thoughts and prayers!

Pls also keep those donations coming....we need our electricity bill paid! Thank you to Heidi, Robin, Christine, Mary Ellen, Nichole, Margaret and Elizabeth! You guys rock!!! Oh a side note...we may../MAY have a foster for Kevin!!! Keep your fingers crossed. And pls know how much your support means to us!

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email is [email protected]

Thank you all!!!

TRIGGER WARNING! Do NOT look up this trainer unless you can handle dogs dying from animal abuse! Ok we need alllllll han...

TRIGGER WARNING! Do NOT look up this trainer unless you can handle dogs dying from animal abuse!

Ok we need alllllll hands on deck!! Unfortunately we got some bad news this morning about Elaine, the Mal in Alabama who I posted about last night. She has pyometra...and if anyone knows that condition, it's fatal. We got A LOT of response over night and got the call this morning that she was going to die unless we helped I said last night, there is a reason she was put in our path. So the trigger was pulled, and she is being prepped for surgery right now. We don't know if she is going to make it, but some other major things have come to light about this particular dog. There is a trainer in the south, who is on the run currently, for animal abuse. He apparently has a dog named Jasra, in his care, a while ago, and apparently was training her. I don't know the details, however, apparently that dog died. As I said, I don't know all of the particulars, but there is a strong suspicion that in fact Jasra didn't die and this may be we've been in contact with some people behind the scenes about this situation, so we're working on it. PLS keep this sweet thing in your thoughts and prayers. Luckily we had some people step up to help pay for her surgery but undoubtedly we will need help financially with her! We just could not turn our backs on her. Lord only knows what this poor thing has been through!

With that being said, we are still doing our $5 FRIDAY! So if you could please skip that afternoon latte, and donate your five dollars to help not only for Elaine, but also Maisie, and our electric bill, that would be fantastic! And please share this post so we can get as many donations as we can.

I understand if there are people who are frustrated with us, but people need to understand the sheer amount of killing that is happening within this country, and we are a rescue, and this is in our souls and in our blood! As I stated yesterday, there's a reason Elaine came into our lives and we could not just let her die an awful painful death laying on a concrete floor in a shelter! That is not who we are! And I hope that everybody understands and respects that decision.

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email is [email protected]

Thank you all!

Ok here's the deal....I am not overly religious(was raised very Italian catholic/catholic school, etc) as I le...

Ok here's the deal....I am not overly religious(was raised very Italian catholic/catholic school, etc) as I left the church a while ago....I absolutely believe in God and Jesus And respect all other religions....not sure who's up there but I firmly believe "God" is in charge and He guides us and puts things in our path for us to help....we've gotten tons of messages for pleas of help, some I haven't even returned yet, as I'm struggling with the ones we have....but there's something about this girl....we dont know much about her other than we know she's in bad shape....there's a chance she may not make it out of the shelter she's in...and THAT is killing me! This girl was put in my path FOR A REASON, as I firmly believe God wants me to help her....but I cannot do this alone....we don't have the $ yet for Maisie and we don't have a penny for our electric bill....we still have Kevin and ahhhhhh we're just spent....BUT I HAVE FAITH! We've been in these situations like this before and I KNOW when things are about to crumble, that's when everyone steps up to help....well, that time is now!

Today is $5 FRIDAY! So let's start today off trying to save this sweet girl...she's been let down by humans and God put her in our path FOR A REASON. So I'm gonna go all out and say, we need $1500! Yup that's crazy but I KNOW we can do this....I've got to pay something towards the electric bill,(so $700) we need $200 more for Maisie and that leaves $600 for this sweet girl, which will go fast. But we've got to try!! Who the hell else will!?!!?? Every shelter/rescue/foster is slammed and for me, that's God's way of saying, Stephanie, this is you. You and your team GOT her. So PLEASE help ME help HER!

$5 is all we ask! Imagine we have just 1/3 of our supporters donate their $5! We'd be SET! Let's save her everyone! Let's DO THIS!!!

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email is [email protected]



And this is why we keep begging for $....THIS Is what is in our shelters...and unfortunately this shelter likes to kill....we have no $ or room for her, but I can't just sit by and do nothing....we've got to get help everyone!! We've got to get Maisie's HW paid for and we've got to pay off our electric bill....I have no idea how to save her with no $....or help....and I get it, we're all strapped....but I'm coming here tonight to ask for your help....our hearts can't do this much longer. The sheer condition of the dogs we get tagged on, pictures in the emails, text messages, are absolutely horrendous. It is a good thing I don't know the background of this dog because I would be in jail!

The bottom line is this, we are a rescue, this is what we do, and I'm coming here tonight, to ask you to please step up, and donate a few dollars. I stuck with my word that we wouldn't take any more dogs until Maisie gets her heartworm treatment money, until we get Kevin adopted, and until we can pay off our electric bill, but I just can't take the pleas every single day! PLEASE donate a few dollars if you can....and if anyone can help this sweet thing, PLEASE LMK ASAP. We're trying to help but with no room and no $, idk what
to do! So we need you ALL desperately!

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email [email protected]

Thank you all!


I know some people saw some stuff about Warlock who's now Bastein from GA. Caroline and I talked and yes he was pulled under our rescue but Caroline is taking responsibility for him....he is in bad shape and it is killing us not being able to take in more, however, $ is super slim, we still need to raise $ for Maisie, I've got to pay my electric bill and we've got to get Kevin into a home.

Once those things are done, we can consider taking on more dogs....however it's the absolute most irresponsible things to do, to take on more debt(though we don't have much)more dogs with no $ and no space. I vowed when I created this non profit that we would NOT go into debt and I'm going to stand by that as much as I can. Of course things like electric bills can't be helped, but we'll do what is in our control.

Below is Bastein...he's got a lot of work ahead of hom to get healthy....he's super malnourished, has HW and is Caroline is working on him now...well keep everyone updated. In the meantime, PLS share Kevin's post below. Thank you all!

Hello let's try and get this sweet boy adopted once and for all.Kevin has been with us since Jan. He deserves ...

Hello let's try and get this sweet boy adopted once and for all.

Kevin has been with us since Jan. He deserves a good safe happy home. He's roughly 18 months - 2 years old. He's very dog neutral but does have a lot of energy. We'd love nothing more than to see him with a larder confident female
Dog. He's about 85 lbs and very tall. He loves to play ball or go for walks but he also can relax at your feet.

Hes UTD with rabies, neutered, crate trainer, on HW/flea tick meds and is ready for his new home.

Phone consult, m&g, vet and reference
Ck and foster to adopt contract for 2 weeks. If all goes well then there's the adoption contract and $495 adoption fee.

Pls pls pls SHARE SHARE & SHARE to get this sweet boy adopted!

I am ELATED to show you all some pics of sweet Romeo! As many know he came to us from my friend Joy and he ABSOLUTELY ne...

I am ELATED to show you all some pics of sweet Romeo! As many know he came to us from my friend Joy and he ABSOLUTELY needed to work. As much as I loved this boy, he was too much to do service dog work for me....though his body size and shape was perfect for me....but his personality was one that needed to be used in some other fashion.

I had a VERY hard time letting him go...and even Heidi who transported him to Lesa in St Louis, said she was in love with him on their transport! He's just that dog that makes you fall for him.

I knew Lesa was gonna do wonderful things with him and I knew she'd fall in love with him just like we all did.

I am happy to report he's doing amazingly well and is training to do SAR and maybe HRD work....he's absolutely got thr skills and drive for it.

Thank you to everyone involved in his rescue and placement! Happy tails sweet we just need to get Finnigan a placement and we'll be golden!

Ohh and pls don't forget to donate your $2 for $2 Tuesday. We need everyone's help.

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email is [email protected]

Thank you all!!

Ok everyone it's $2 TUESDAY. Let's see what we can do to raise some much needed funds....I am happy to say that we are l...

Ok everyone it's $2 TUESDAY. Let's see what we can do to raise some much needed funds....I am happy to say that we are looking into getting our sweatshirt/long sleeve teeshirt campaign going....and we have some car decals coming up as well....below is the design I like best....will you order one? Pls let us know....once Heidi confirms everything with the company we will post the info. Thank you for your help Heidi!

Pls help us today with your $2 for Maisie and paying down our electric bill.

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email is [email protected]

Thank you all!


It's dogs like this that kill us! How precious is this...he's in Arkansas and we want to help but until we get Kevin adopted and the rest of the $ for Maisie and $1k for our electric bill, we just can't! This economy is surely killing us...this is breaking my heart....this is every single day. Day in and day out....we just don't have the $ or the space....I wish I hit the lottery....I feel like we are failing these dogs on so many levels....poor things like this don't deserve to NOT have a home!!

If you feel inclined to help....we need funds badly....pls help....every dollar counts!

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email is [email protected]

Pls help us if you can.....these guys deserve help!


Mannnnn did this bring back soooo many memories...for those who don't know this is my heart dog Caesar....he was rescued out of the Bronx in 2014....I went to see him in Aug of 2014 and it was a done deal....I fell in love with this precious we were trying dock diving with him and my 2 kiddies....this was sept 2016....he became such an incredible dock diver and loved this sport....this rescue was founded BECAUSE of him and my Hannah...2 of the most amazing GSDs to ever walked this earth....I miss them dearly....hug your dogs tighter today yall.

Hope everyone is enjoying their day off before the unofficial start of fall....gonna be a new one for me, as I only have one kid now in many know my son graduated from HS this year and is now a fire fighter and a little change for us....but excited for the fall....

Ck back in tomorrow with everyone! Enjoy the rest of the day!

Send a message to learn more

This is my friend Lizz's GSD rescue in Canada....they are having as many issues as we are. Adoptions are pretty much non...

This is my friend Lizz's GSD rescue in Canada....they are having as many issues as we are. Adoptions are pretty much non existent, they are in desperate need of fosters as well. They have a waiting list of 200 dogs that need rescue and donations have pretty
Much ceased...then she posted this yesterday. I am so incredibly happy that they were able to raise $3k and someone matched that donation to pay off a $6k bill. They did this with less supporters than we ya know what, why not try....

We have a $2k electric bill for our kennel space....IF we raised $1k, would
Any of our supporters potentially match that and help us pay this bill? Yup, it's a big ask....but we are facing times right now that are THE most challenging I've ever seen it be....bottom line, I personally cannot afford to have a $2k electric bill for our kennel while some may think it's bold to even ask this, if we don't ask, well never know....

We are in the process of getting our sweatshirt fundraiser going for fall. As well as we are designing car decals with our name as a fundraiser also....we're trying our best but things are so tight right I'm going out on a limb here and asking if we DID raise the $1k, would anyone be willing
To match that donation?

In the meanwhile if you feel the generosity to help, ANY and we mean ANY amount helps.....

Venmo is Stephanies_Shepherds
PP is fortheluvofGSDs
Zelle is Stephanie's Shepherds/email [email protected]

And pls know while I know some may think that's over the top to ask such a thing, we're desperate....we need help and support and I don't mean to offend anyone just thought since it was done by another non profit, why not try here also....


Good Morning Everyone ☀️ First, cause I know everyone is eager to know: WE MADE IT!! Total raised: $6,201 🥹😍🥰🫂😭 YOU GUYS ROCK!! Officially our biggest campaign EVER!! Thank you, thank you ❤️

With this success I have been able to tackle many small things, pay myself some money back to get my rent caught back up and current, plus keep up with the day to day + extras (like Nellie's vet visit), did a few enrichment things, and it has been such a HUGE relief. This made possible by YOUR interactions! Shares/likes/comments WAY up!! Posts were getting seen!! And yet, still not a single post over 100 shares (the highest was 62). IMAGINE WHAT WE CAN ACHIEVE IF WE START HITTING 100+!! 😃

We are not in the clear yet. And I do have a small fear that we have pushed really hard, and now support will disappear again. This is the cycle we get trapped in, and it's that ongoing support that is crucial to keep the rescue going. We will be here for September! But we need that support to continue through September, and then of course onwards beyond that, to keep the rescue open. We still have much debt to tackle, and get on top of.

To add to my stress is our deadline at the kennel. We need to be out of here by the *end of October*. That gives me 2 months to locate a new place. I have not received any properties yet from either real estate agent to consider, but I'll follow up after the long weekend. My focus will be continuing to tackle down our debt, getting as many dogs adopted as possible between now and then so we have less dogs to worry about during setting up a new place, and of course fundraising to keep the doors open and manage our daily expenses and upcoming medical bills. I know we can do this! These past 4 days proved me that support is out there, if we can reach and connect with everyone. I know there are plenty of people on this page that still haven't being connected with, so I need your help to keep our flow going. Today is Sharing Sunday, the perfect way to start off the month with a bang! Can we make this the first post that reaches 100 plus shares for the month of September? This is also my birthday month, so consider this my ongoing gift for the month: 100+ shares on our daily posts!!

Our debt currently:

Gas (heat): $779.16
Hydro: $278.69
Water: $488.15
FedEx: $124.98
Faire (merch for vendor booth): $2160.03
$500 loan (puppy food)
$2000 loan for North's surgery and medical care.
~ $2000 loan for Nox's surgery and medical care.
~$1000 loan for Pépé's escape proof crate.
Niagara Falls Animal Medical Centre: $575
Paws Boarding Kennel: $24,750
Shake a Leg Pet Care: $9400

Upcoming known extra expenses:
New Tires & Install: ~$650
Jolly Roger's Vet Visit: $1,000+
3 annual reminders for foster dogs(I can't remember which 3 off the top of my head)

And our new rescue home! $$$ TBD once we find it!

In the account as of this morning: $4,271.01 I want to make sure that I send a chunk to both boarding facilities, both current, and past. But I'm very tempted just to clear all the rest of that small stuff so we would just have the two big bills to focus on, and then upcoming stuff. Having lots of little hands in the pot is stressful, and it's easier to tackle fewer things. But it's also nice to see those big numbers go down! But there's also the possibility that Jolly Roger turns into a Nox situation, and he needs some type of surgery; there's just so many possibilities. And that's why that ongoing support is so crucial. If I know donations are going to continue to flow, it's much easier to make these decisions and not worry that the account is going to be back to zero by tomorrow.

Please consider joining our Patreon! Patreon is a platform that allows you to send a monthly gift. It starts at just $1 a month, and truly gives me financial security. We're not there yet covering our baseline expenses, but I hope one day we will be there soon! We have I believe 62 wonderful paid supporters at the moment, and I would love to get that into the triple digits this month! It's easy to set up, and truly makes a huge difference. Please consider joining today!

Donations are welcome anytime via:

PayPal/eTransfer: [email protected]

Or to our regular vet:

Martindale Animal Clinic 905-682-5551

Also! Yesterday's m&g went very well. They have a lot to think about, no decisions yet. Not having Nellie's results back yet is a huge part of that, but Spring made a really good case for herself too. I will update when we know!


We have several fundraisers happening, so please give them your love as well!


Emily Rae 's Memorial Fundraiser Walk

Fundraiser Party for Inugoya Rehoming and Rehabilitation dogs


Paint Your Pet Fundraiser with Katie's Pet Art!

Inugoya Vendor Booth at The Waitlist 2024 (Taylor Swift Dance Gala!)

2025 Calendar Submissions (details soon)

Fall/Hallowe'en Photoshoots


Inugoya Rehoming and Rehabilitation: Raffles:



Wappingers Falls, NY


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Send a message to Stephanie's Shepherds Rescue, Rehab and Training, 501C3:

