Fun times were had! Memories made! BCSA National week is done! We saw our friends and met new ones.
Our dogs were well represented and did quite well! Here are the results for Happenstance:
Fast cat Fri-Sunday-
Repo, Happenstance Debt Collector bred/owned by Amanda Gross *earned approximately 125 points out of the 150 needed in his first weekend doing Fast cat!*
Sweepstakes Friday:
Puppy sweepstakes-
Swindle, Butterfield's Smooth Talker bred by Alisha Butterfield, owned by Amanda Gross and Alisha Butterfield, handled by Amanda Gross *showed fantastic 9-12 month dog*
Repo, Happenstance Debt Collector bred/owned/handled by Amanda Gross *1st 12-15 month dog*
Katana, Happenstance Sword Wielder, bred/owned/handled by Amanda Gross *showed fantastic at her first show in 6-9 month girls*
Zeal, Happenstance Hope Springs Eternal bred by Amanda Gross, owned by Mary Lynn Duncan and Amanda Gross, handled by Amanda Gross *3rd 12-15 month girls*
Bred by exhibitor sweepstakes -
Swindle, Butterfield's Smooth Talker bred by Alisha Butterfield, owned by Amanda Gross and Alisha Butterfield, handled by Alisha Butterfield *3rd under 12 month dogs*
Wage, GCH CH Happenstance Break The Bank BCAT bred by Amanda Gross and Deanne Veselka, owned and handled by Amanda Gross *made the cut in a huge over 12 months dogs*
Kindle, GCH CH Happenstance Wildblue Illuminated bred/owned by Amanda Gross and Deanne Veselka, handled by Amanda Gross *made the cut in a large over 12 months girls*
Matilda, Maid of The West Matilda bred/owned by Mary Lynn Duncan and Amanda Gross, handled by Mary Lynn Duncan *showed fantastic!*
Veteran sweepstakes -
Kindle, GCH CH Happenstance Wildblue Illuminated bred/owned by Amanda Gross and Deanne Veselka handled by Amanda Gross *3rd 7-9 year girls*
National Saturday:
Repo, Happenstance Debt Collector bred/owned/handled by Amanda Gross *showed fantastic in Bred by exhibitor adult*
Waffle, Happenstance Time Will Tell bred by Amanda Gross and Deanne Veselka, owned and handled by Amanda Gross *4th open Any Other Allowed Color*
Swindle, Butterfield's Smooth Talker bred by Alisha Butterfield, owned by Amanda Gross and Alisha Butterfield handled by Amanda Gross *1st Open Smooth coat*
Katana, Happenstance Sword Wielder bred/owned/handled by Amanda Gross *showed great in 6-9 puppy girls*
Zeal, Happenstance Hope Springs Eternal bred by Amanda Gross, owned by Mary Lynn Duncan and Amanda Gross, handled by Mary Lynn Duncan *3rd Amature Owner Handler*
Ponzi, Happenstance Embezzlement, bred by Amanda Gross and Mary Lynn Duncan, owned and handled by Amanda Gross *made the cut in a huge bred by exhibitior adult class*
Matilda, Maid of The West Matilda bred/owned by Mary Lynn Duncan and Amanda Gross, handled by Amanda Gross *3rd Open Any Other Allowed Color*
Wage, GCH CH Happenstance Break The Bank BCAT bred by Amanda Gross and Deanne Veselka owned/handled by Amanda Gross *showed great in Best of Breed*
Parent club specialty Sunday-
Repo, Happenstance Debt Collector bred/owned/handled by Amanda Gross *3rd bred by exhibitior adult*
Waffle, Happenstance Time Will Tell bred by Amanda Gross and Deanne Veselka, owned and handled by Amanda Gross *3rd open Any Other Allowed Color*
Swindle, Butterfield's Smooth Talker bred by Alisha Butterfield, owned by Amanda Gross and Alisha Butterfield handled by Amanda Gross *1st Open Smooth coat*
Katana, Happenstance Sword Wielder bred/owned/handled by Amanda Gross *showed great in 6-9 puppy girls*
Zeal, Happenstance Hope Springs Eternal bred by Amanda Gross, owned by Mary Lynn Duncan and Amanda Gross, handled by Mary Lynn Duncan *2nd Amature Owner Handler*
Ponzi, Happenstance Embezzlement, bred by Amanda Gross and Mary Lynn Duncan, owned and handled by Amanda Gross *showed fantastic in bred by exhibitior adult*
Matilda, Maid of The West Matilda bred/owned by Mary Lynn Duncan and Amanda Gross, handled by Amanda Gross *2nd Open Any Other Allowed Color*
Kindle, GCH CH Happenstance Wildblue Illuminated bred/owned by Amanda Gross and Deanne Veselka, handled by Amanda Gross *shower fantastic in 7-9 year veteran*
Wage, GCH CH Happenstance Break The Bank BCAT bred by Amanda Gross and Deanne Veselka owned/handled by Amanda Gross *showed great in Best of Breed*