A southern Christian gentleman says : Dare to sincerely thank GOD even when everywhere is black and it seems there is no way out . This is what real faith is really about , not like your emotions or feelings that changes constantly like the winds and waves of the ocean , completely trusting your creator that redeemed soul that was filthy guilty and washing it white as snow , He chose you and me even though we deserved just punishment. This where we go free for eternity .its this simple you trust your lord and savior even when it doesn’t make sense to you , tell him I choose to pick up my cross daily and follow you you are my daily Breath and life . , I have personally found meeting JESUS years 48 ago started on walk of my faith . Hasn’t been close to perfect. I
Fail daily , but he still forgives and picks up
And sets my feet in solid ground to keep walking towards him , than chasing the world of my own selfish ways .
I think Winston Churchill said it best . We make a living by what we get working , we make a LIFE by what we give back
, our time and extra resources . With age comes wisdom .! Life with service to others is life’s highest calling .FAith , family and friends with love are the greatest legacy one can live