This Giving Tuesday please consider donating to Sande School of Horsemanship and partnering with us in continuing to provide much needed services to our community. As a 501(c)3 non-profit, Sande School of Horsemanship was founded in 2010 with a mission to provide accessible equine programs focusing on life skill development for all individuals, including at-risk youth and people of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities. At Sande, programs utilize the power of equine relationships to teach students integral life skills. We are committed to helping our community’s most at-risk, under-served populations succeed and thrive as active community members through our four programs:
Therapeutic Riding provides horsemanship lessons to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities whose needs require at least one staff member for each student. In addition to building confidence and communication skills, lessons bolster physical strength and a great way for individuals who often cannot participate in mainstream activities to have a sport.
Equine-Assisted Mental Health provides counseling services to people who seek an alternative to talk-based therapy. Sessions include a combination of experiences and activities designed to help process trauma, increase resiliency, improve self-awareness and emotional regulation skills.
Youth Leadership is designed for youth who desire to build their life skills, strength and resiliency. Students progress to become Horse Care Volunteers, Youth Mentors and Junior Instructors. By learning how to care for horses and help others, young people grow into community leaders who are able to face and overcome challenges in a healthy and positive manner.
Integrated Horsemanship serves any youth or adult who want to learn how to ride, handle, understand and care for horses. Time is spent in mounted and unmounted activities, with the overall focus of lessons learning how to achieve mutual trust and respect with the horse. Group classes offer a high instructor to student ratio, integrating neuro-typical students with individuals with I/DD who do not need 1:1 in order to safely engage.