The Island of Aruba may be small, approx. 7x19 miles, but it has a very big animal overpopulation problem. Many of the 20,000 owned dogs are unaltered and allowed to roam freely. Thousands of homeless dogs and cats have been and continue to be born. These animals are forced to live on the streets, in rough terrain, at the garbage dump or on beaches and must continually search for food, water and s
helter. Since they receive no medical care, many contract tick borne or other diseases, become heartworm positive and live a life of suffering. Our organization, Annies Faith Foundation (AFF) was formed by a group of concerned tourists who were greatly disturbed by the number of homeless, hungry and sick dogs they were seeing on the Island. This small group works to spay/neuter as many homeless dogs and cats as possible and to educate the residents about the importance of sterilizing their own pets to help with the overpopulation crisis. Presently, homeless animals are gathered by the Aruban government or turned in by the residents and killed, resulting in over 8,000 deaths each year. AFF works to save dogs and cats off the streets, providing them with veterinary care, spay/neutering, food and foster homes until a forever home can be found in Aruba, the United States or Canada. When an adoptive or foster home is found in the states or Canada, AFF coordinates with tourists who are getting ready to make a return flight to a destination close to the animal's new adoptive or foster home. Tourists will escort the animal for the flight and upon reaching their destination, an AFF member will meet them at baggage claim and coordinate getting the dog or cat the rest of the way. AFF relies solely on donations and all donations are used only for the benefit of the animals. Please visit to find out how you can help. Also visit us on Facebook Annie’s Faith Foundation to see many happy adoption stories! We also volunteer and support Aruba rescues New Life for Paws Foundation and Aruba Flight Volunteers.