This right here!
There is no magic wand for dog training. Families that show up and do the work are where the magic comes from.
I can work with you and your dog every day, but unless you, the family, are putting in the time, effort and commitment, you won’t see the changes in your dog, or yourself.
Owners, once you truly get that nothing changes with your dog until you change, you’ll be prepared for reality. Whether that be transforming yourself and your dog, or settling for the status quo with both of you—at least you will know precisely where you stand and also precisely what to expect.
Trainers, once you truly get that nothing you can do with a dog will actually change the dog unless its owners change, you’ll also be prepared for reality. Whether that be letting go of unrealistic expectations (and the frustration/resentment that goes with) for the undetermined, or falsely feeling like Superman/Superwoman because of what you’re capable of achieving with the dog—at least you’ll know precisely where you stand and what to expect.
If both owners and trainers agree to work within the framework of reality and the obviously observable dynamics between owner and dog—or environment and dog—then both parties can approach this dog training enterprise with clarity and healthy expectations. Which would save much disappointment, resentment, and heartache on both sides.
The upshot? Owners, unless you’re truly prepared to change whatever is required to change your dog, it’s best that you save your time, money, and hopes. Trainers, unless your owners are truly prepared to change whatever is required to change their dog (this is your job to suss out), then please save them their time, money, and hopes—and on the way you’ll save your well-being and avoid much of the emotional burnout that derails so many.