We recommend teaching your dog to 'Place' (lay down until further notice,) on a visual marker of some sort. (A blanket, a towel, a mat, a bed, etc. something that is easily transportable and easy to clean.) Teach your dog that laying down on the Place marker is valuable and highly rewarding. Build duration in Place by rewarding your pup for staying on the Place marker.
You can also offer high incentive items, like a special chew or lickimat while your pup maintains the Place cue. If they get up, simply calmly and quietly remove the reward until they put themselves back into Place. This will take a few seconds for them to workout- be patient!!! The second they land in Place once again, Mark with YES!!! Place! and immediately deliver the special treat/ chew/ lick mat back to them.
All Engaged Dogs know and love the Go Find game and several variations of it. From a simple scatter feed on the floor, to adding challenge by sprinkling kibble and treats in the grass/ low lying bushes/ a new novel area, we can increase the challenge and novelty of the game.
Follow for more tips, training, and games to play with your dog!
#gamesfordogs #dogtraining101
Practice the "Touch" cue regularly in short training sessions and incorporate into your daily life. Reward every. single. time. If your pups' Touch cue is reliable, it can be your most versatile tool in your toolbelt.
#dogtrainingtips #dogtraining101
Remember that dogs take in much more information from the environment than humans do and as their general managers in this life experience, it is our job to set them up for success by allowing time for acclimation and training them in ways to help them co-exist confidently, happily, and healthily in this life, by our sides.
If you'd like to join us for the next pack walk (In the DC Area), sign up on our site.
We would LOVE to see you there!
#dcdogs #dogtrainingtips
Stationary Work with Penny Grace at the Capital 🐶🇺🇸
Stationary Work with Penny Grace at the Capital 🐶🇺🇸
The simple fact that you asked them to complete a cue and they were able to do so successfully is a confidence building exercise you can do regularly. Use known cues to your dog in environments you are confident they can be successful and repeat often! Follow us for more Dog Training Tips.
JUST ONE MORE WEEK! This book is the perfect way to learn how to understand your dog and build an authentic relationship. I am so excited to cover the framework and topics in this book, and have incredible discussions about our dogs, their behaviors, and how we can strengthen those relationships even more. Anyone (even those outside of the DC area) are more than welcome to join!
Register today using the link in my bio!
#virtualbookclub #dogbehavior