Perfect end of the year gift for teachers! 🙂 Self serve. Cash box is inside the egg cooler.
Flowers - $20 each arrangement
Eggs - $5 dozen
Syrup - $10 bottle
Peonies, ranunculus, foxglove and more!
** Eggs are farm fresh & -unwashed- safe on the counter for 3 weeks and in the fridge for 3 months. Rinse before using. **
Tapped 8 trees today! #maplesyrup #michiganhobbyfarm #adventuresinlarsonland #larsonlandhobbyfarm
Chick hatching #adventuresinlarsonland #larsonlandhobbyfarm #chickenmom #chicks2021 #oliveeggers
Chickens & doggies <3 #crazychickenlady #chickenmom #chickenlady #adventuresinlarsonland
Watch that baby wiggle!
We have 15 chicks developing. Cracked all the duds just to know what happened and only 2 were fertilized so... technically we didn't fail at those. 10 days to go!
Looking for a GoPro to borrow for hatch day if anyone has any suggestions!