Q: How do you deal with pushy clients?
Example: When they ask if you've been on the horse for the first time or wanting a precise forecast of a horses training.
A: First of all, you have to be a good judge of character. Some clients are seriously just excited to see their horse learn and become a good citizen in society. Some clients are pushy because they are financially limited so they want the most bang for their buck. Some clients seriously don't have a clue about horses, (They think they do, but thats another conversation) so thier exceptions are completely uneducated or you have old timer that wants things forced...
I've had all of the above. My advice to you is to be as honest and straight foward the first conversation with that client. I make absolute no guarantees in a horse's progress. But I guarantee that I will try my best with each horse. As you gain experience over the years, I do promise that you will have an accurate estimate timeline of a horses progress. Just remember, the horse comes first, client second. Meaning my job is not to match the horse to the client or client to the horse. My job is to determine where that horse is best suited. And its also my right to not put myself in danger. Dont ever let someone push you to confirm their theory if the horse is rideable or not. Trust the process. Trust your abilities.
-Lucia Clemetson
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