
NNYYorkies Small hobby breeder of quality yorkies. 2-3 litters per year. All our yorkies are family pets!

Mickey is 6 months old and is bigger than expected at around 8 lbs. He is a chocolate parti yorkie and a total love bug!...

Mickey is 6 months old and is bigger than expected at around 8 lbs. He is a chocolate parti yorkie and a total love bug! We are searching for the perfect family to adopt him so he can continue his happy life. We originally planned to breed him with our 2 females but he’s grown too big for safe breeding. He’s had all his shots and is house trained! PM for more details!

Update: Bailey has a new family! 10 week old parti yorkie. Smallest in the litter! Available now. Comes with dewormings,...

Update: Bailey has a new family! 10 week old parti yorkie. Smallest in the litter! Available now. Comes with dewormings, first shot, vet checked, blanket, toys and food! Watertown, NY. PM for more information! Estimated adult size at 5 lbs!

Male parti yorkie, dewormings, first shot and health certificate from our vet. Ready for his forever home this Saturday!

Male parti yorkie, dewormings, first shot and health certificate from our vet. Ready for his forever home this Saturday!


Parti colored males, ready December 7. Serious inquiries only please!


Getting a little bigger and more playful 🥰

These guys are almost 4 weeks old now and will be ready for their new homes December 7. Both are absolutely gorgeous and...

These guys are almost 4 weeks old now and will be ready for their new homes December 7. Both are absolutely gorgeous and love to snuggle and give kisses. These are purebred parti colored yorkies. Mommy is 7.5 lbs and daddy is 5 lbs. PM for more information!

2 boys available for deposit at this time! The girls have already been reserved. Please PM for details.

2 boys available for deposit at this time! The girls have already been reserved. Please PM for details.

The babies have arrived! 2 girls and 2 boys! All are doing great! One girl already reserved. PM for price and details!

The babies have arrived! 2 girls and 2 boys! All are doing great! One girl already reserved. PM for price and details!

Maddie is expecting 5-6 puppies in this litter but they won’t last long! PM for details and price! Ready by Christmas!

Maddie is expecting 5-6 puppies in this litter but they won’t last long! PM for details and price! Ready by Christmas!

These 2 are having babies around October 17th! Updates to come!

These 2 are having babies around October 17th! Updates to come!


Watertown, NY



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