It’s time! Let’s get the seminar Rockin tomorrow morning! If you heard about this seminar last minute, text or call me as we may be able to get you in! 608 445 6149
Here is your last Friday Tidbit before we see you tomorrow morning!
Genetics and Bringing The Most Out Of Your Dog! Enjoy!
Tomorrow’s Itinerary!
Upland Hunting/Tournament Hunting- Seminar Sat August 8th and Sunday August 9th!
The sport of upland tournament hunting continues to grow at a rapid rate with many different organizations hosting events around the country. Whether you’d like to compete at local level or take this sport to a National level, this seminar is for you! Learn the game from a inside view of what it takes to understand the rules, know the game, improve your shooting skills and get your dog trained to a competition level while being prepared to win! We will be teaching the sport from both sides the fence; Pointing breeds and Flushing breeds.
Itinerary: Saturday August 8th
7am Registration: Please arrive on time to get registered as we would like to start at 8am sharp! At registration please let them know whether you are participating with a dog or not.
8am to Noon: It’s All About The Dogs!
Learn what it takes to make your current or future dog a champion! We will be showing puppy development and watching pups in live action! We will go over subjects like Force Fetch, Upland Quartering (flushers), Lines (Pointers) understanding genetics to get the most out of your dog, how to plant birds in training, use of the whistle, conditioning and much more to have your dog prepared to compete and hunt in the future.
This is the time to get your dog out as we will work on different skills in live action and have fun!
Noon to 12:30 Lunch
12:30 to 5pm
Learning The Game Of Upland Tournament Hunting- Shotgunning
In this segment we will go over the rules of the tournament hunting game. We will teach what to do and how to it when faced with different situations in the field.
Last Friday Tidbit before the 2nd Annual Upland Tournament Hunting/Hunting seminar next weekend August 8th and 9th at THE BLAST!
Your Friday Tidbit: Dog Levels, Player ethics, Learning the Game, Understanding the importance of the sport of tournament hunting.. Enjoy!
I’m possibly thinking of going Live Friday to answer questions and give you more of an inside view of the seminar. If you are interested in me going Live please post topics or questions in the comments on this post.. Can’t wait to see you all next weekend!
Here is your Itinerary!
Upland Seminar is only a week and half away! Important Itinerary Changes and Seminar Updates!
Upland Hunting/Tournament Hunting- Seminar Sat August 8th and Sunday August 9th!
The sport of upland tournament hunting continues to grow at a rapid rate with many different organizations hosting events around the country. Whether you’d like to compete at local level or take this sport to a National level, this seminar is for you! Learn the game from a inside view of what it takes to understand the rules, know the game, improve your shooting skills and get your dog trained to a competition level while being prepared to win! We will be teaching the sport from both sides the fence; Pointing breeds and Flushing breeds.
Itinerary: Saturday August 8th
7am Registration: Please arrive on time to get registered as we would like to start at 8am sharp! At registration please let them know whether you are participating with a dog or not.
8am to Noon: It’s All About The Dogs!
Learn what it takes to make your current or future dog a champion! We will be showing puppy development and watching pups in live action! We will go over subjects like Force Fetch, Upland Quartering (flushers), Lines (Pointers) understanding genetics to get the most out of your dog, how to plant birds in training, use of the whistle, conditioning and much more to have your dog prepared to compete and hunt in the future.
This is the time to get your
Upland Tournament Hunting Seminar 2 weeks away! Get signed up as it is filling up fast now!
Your Friday/ Saturday Tidbit: You aren’t anything without a well trained dog!
Enjoy! Can’t wait to see everyone!
Text 608 445 6149 to get signed up!
It’s almost limits and trophy chasin season!
We Rockin While Whackin N Stackin at Godspeed!
Learn the In’s and Out’s of Upland Tournament Hunting Saturday August 8th and 9th (see flyer for info and to sign up in the comments)
Here is your Seminar Friday Tidbit: Avoid Losing, Before You Can Win! Enjoy my friends!
A updated seminar itinerary will be posted soon as well!
Have a good weekend!
Get signed up by texting 608 445 6149
Cowboy Up! Our boy Cowboy wrangling roosters for some club members on this beautiful day!
The Rush Of The Flush Hunt Club open till Thursday April 16th! Come enjoy the club one last time before the season ends!
608 445 6149
This is the epitome of a trained Flushing Retriever! (The pheasant is to the right of the screen running in front of Winnie)
In most cases a flushing retriever would not be able to be controlled to not flush this bird out of range! But Winnie is no ordinary Flushing Retriever who has been trained in our advanced Upland program from a puppy!! On running birds I whistle sit her with maximum control while she is watching the bird run in front of her! I put the hunter in position to shoot or in some cases put a kid in position to shoot and then release Winnie at the right time! The result, a bird in the bag that would never happen without proper training!
Winnie literally has done this thousands of times for hunters across the country! A video like this makes my heart so prideful as who knows how much longer she can keep making upland magic! THE RUSH OF THE FLUSH Hunt Club is Rockin with this great weather! Get out and make memories with your dog or hunt behind a champion like Winnie!
#winnieisabeast #pheasanthunting #welltrainedretriever #itsalifestyle
Sam The Man!
Nice started one year old male available! Previous owner wanted more of a hard charger!
Sam has a great foundation: Collar conditioned, gun conditioned, Force Fetched, running above Junior Level marks on water and land, nice quartering pattern in the Upland field with a very pleasing attitude!
Sam has been house broken as a pup and is great with other dogs.. Sam needs a low pressure owner who wants a dog that is easy to handle in the field and can be a great family companion by night!
For more details call me only 608 445 6149
Sam is out of two MH QAA’s
It’s all above me!
Building relationships/friends, sharing time with family and friends, creating business relationships and best of all, giving your dog or hunting behind a dog, to give them justice for what they love and are bred to do!!!! Why??? Cuz, “It’s All About The Dogs” and the people who share our passion!
Thank so much for such a great start to our season since starting in October! We are gonna take a lil breather as our WI Traditional Gun Deer Season starts this coming Saturday! Therefore we will be Closed this Thursday Nov 21st till Tuesday December 3rd!
I cannot express enough how grateful I am for all the support as this club grows above and beyond my imagination! The satisfaction I feel for all the time put forth into this business, is so rewarding to me! So, thank you!
It’s time to whack a whitetail then head out Thanksgiving Day, for my own Traditional Thanksgiving Pheasant hunt in the Dakotas! Excited to get the club back rolling before the year ends and we kick off the second half of our club season in 2020! Watch for our Black Friday bird special during this break and think about giving someone the club experience for Christmas with a gift certificate! Cheers 🍻 everyone!
As always; We Be Rockin while Whackin N Stackin at Godspeed!! 💪
“It’s All About The Dogs”!!
That moment it all comes together!!
Quotes from our trip;
Bring out the “Air Force” -Pointers covering big ground!
Bring out the “Navy Seals” Labs digging out birds humans can’t get by themselves!
This is what it’s all about people! I hope I inspire you to make your own memories like mine that I mention in this video!
Pumped to be back Rockin at the kennels and hunt club!
You ask, you shall receive!! I appreciate the messages of you guys missing my Friday Tidbits about training and hunting with a Retriever! Here is your Waterfowl and Upland tidbit! Enjoy! Have a great weekend everyone!
So excited for the seminar tomorrow! One of my mentors Bill Hillmann taught me a valuable lesson, on how to train dogs to Championship level by keeping a high level of focus during the Foundation Training. I’m excited to share my knowledge in the world of Upland!
Walk ins available! Can’t wait to make a epic day tomorrow!
Upland Bird Dog Seminar: Sport, Field and Shotgunning! This Saturday and Sunday August 10th and 11th with Pro Gun Dog Trainer Mike Vaughn (
Weekend updates!
Hope everyone is getting excited as the seminar is almost here! We are in the process of getting everything set up throughout the week for everyone to enjoy the weekend! We’d like to remind all participants of a few things! There is a few walk-in spots available. So feel free to contact us if you have heard of this seminar last minute!
1. Gear:
Shotgun and Box of Shells,
50 ft check cord (we have extras if you don’t have one)
Upland vest ( if you don’t currently have one it is not a necessity)
E Collar (don’t panic if you don’t have one, you can use one of ours)
Lawn Chair with notebook and Pen (We will have extra lawn chairs for those flying in)
Rubber boots: some of the areas of our grounds can be wet, I’d recommend packing your rubber boots)
2. Be here at 7:30am this Saturday for registration in the clubhouse as we’d like to promptly start at 8am
3. Camping: Feel free to set up Camp on the Northside of the driveway. You are more than welcome to come set up camp anytime on Friday for the weekend
4. The closest Hotels are located in this post
5. Airing of dogs: We have plenty of room to air dogs. Please be courteous of others as you air your dogs on the property.
6. Lunch and Snacks: Please pack your own lunch as we will be taking a lunch break at Noon. We will be providing the after seminar cookout and cocktails however will have limited options for lunch.
7. We have a few walkin spots left! So if you or if a friend of yours has