Diamond Fetching
Who says cats don’t fetch! Diamond, just over 1 year old loves to play fetch with her springs. She is a playful and sweet girl who will climb into your arms and kiss your face! She needs to go to an experienced cat person because when she gets very playful, she will use her paws to grab you and she is known to nip you. As she gets use to her environment and people, that behavior does lessen significantly.
Wista Playing
Earlier, I put up a post about Wista, our CH kitty. I wanted to post a video showing her playing like any other kitty.
If you want to learn more about Wista or any other of our kitties, we will be at Pet Supply Plus on Saturday, April 6th from 11 to 2. We will not have any cats there, but you will be able to visit them at their foster homes, which are near by.
Pet Supply Plus is located at the intersection of RT 9 and 27 in Natick.
Happy 15th Anniversary Guardian Angels!
It was 15 years ago when friends Susan, Kim and Sally, after a few years working as a satellite of Kitty Angels Cat Rescue, spun off from that group and started Guardian Angels Cat Rescue. They knew there were so many homeless and needy cats and kittens in the MetroWest area that needed to be saved, they saw a need to start their own 501C organization. They started a foster environment where cats and kittens are cared for in homes by loving foster families. Once the kitties were healthy and socialized, Kim did her magic and found loving homes for their babies.
Kim and Susan have worked tirelessly bringing in cats, kittens and pregnant mothers. In the 15 years they have rescued approximately 4000 cats. That’s 1000’s of vet visits, spays and neuters, shots, sick visits and major surgeries. They do not spare any expense to treat and heal hurt cats. Their passion has attracted many volunteers to help them in this journey. They could not do all they do for the cats without their foster families. There have been many over the years and some have been helping since the group started.
Susan, Kim and their volunteers have experienced so much over the last 15 years. It’s not just playing with kittens! It’s countless nights getting up and bottle feeding kittens with no mothers, it’s cleaning up after a litter of kittens who have diarrhea and can’t make it to the cat box, it’s treating ring worm for weeks that runs rampant thru a litter once one kitten is infected. It’s treating kittens for tape worms! It’s giving medicine 3 times a day to a litter of kittens that look exactly alike! It’s taking a kitty to the vet to have a leg amputated and being amazed how they are climbing the cat tree structure the next day. Then it is making the heart breaking decision when a cat can’t be saved.
Most of all we have to thank all the people that have supported us over the past 15 years. We have been bless
This black cat has been showing up almost nightly on Irving St in Natick near Bradford and Liberty. If you recognize the cat, please message us.
Please share!
This grey cat has been seen at Arbor Circle in Natick the past few days. He has a very distinctive meow and it looks like he has a deformed left ear. If you recognize this kitty, please contact us at [email protected]
Why we adopt in pairs! Really have fun playing and learning together 😸.
Finding creative ways to keep Yuki off the jigsaw puzzle 😹. Got her watching the Cornell Feeder Watch Cam.