SalemView Farm

SalemView Farm We are a private family farm located in Northeast PA. Focusing on rehab and senior care equines.

Current view from the porch.  No filter needed. 💐 🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴 🌺 ❤️

Current view from the porch.
No filter needed.
💐 🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴 🌺

Happy Father’s Day- to all you amazing dads out there!!! ❤️❤️ enjoy your day, you deserve it! 🥰

Happy Father’s Day- to all you amazing dads out there!!! ❤️❤️ enjoy your day, you deserve it! 🥰


Happy Easter everyone! 🐰

Monday vibes. Driving to NY to grab grain for the ponies ❤️ 🐴

Monday vibes. Driving to NY to grab grain for the ponies ❤️ 🐴

Becca’s hijacking kisses from her boys.  😘🤣💋

Becca’s hijacking kisses from her boys. 😘🤣💋


The response to Prison City’s IPAs have been through the roof since we started selling them in cans and on draft….

So we are super excited to have gotten Barrel Aged Wham Whams, a bourbon barrel aged imperial stout, one coconut/vanilla and the other coffee coconut and vanilla!

Rumor has it there’s going to be snow over the weekend, and what better to drink during a snow storm than a new barrel aged stout!



With temps stuck firmly around 90, and the humidity best described as soupy, even us Upstaters are wondering if it's too hot to ride. The US Polo Association has a quick rule of thumb we like. If the sum of the temperature and humidity is:
· Less than 130 - no problem;
· Greater than 150 - use caution, especially if the humidity is greater than half of the total;
· Greater than 180 - use extreme caution, since normal cooling is almost ineffectual and horses may resort to panting.


While it may look appetizing, spring grass can pose numerous risks to your horse. Horses who are overweight, older, or prone to laminitis (founder) are particularly at risk. Below are some tips to help avoid laminitis this spring!


Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie offered a group of teen girls at the Girls Write Now Awards fantastic advice about the importance of being true to yourself. She observed, "I think that what our society teaches young girls, and I think it's also something that's quite difficult for even older women and self-professed feminists to shrug off, is that idea that likability is an essential part of you, of the space you occupy in the world... [and] that you're supposed to hold back sometimes, pull back, don't quite say, don't be too pushy, because you have to be likable...

What I want to say to young girls is forget about likability. If you start thinking about being likable you are not going to tell your story honestly, because you are going to be so concerned with not offending, and that's going to ruin your story... The world is such a wonderful, diverse, and multifaceted place that there's somebody who's going to like you; you don't need to twist yourself into shapes."

For an empowering picture book about the value of being true to yourself regardless of what others think, we highly recommend "Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon" for ages 4 to 8 at

For an excellent book for pre-teen girls on staying true to yourself even in the midst of social pressure, we recommend "A Smart Girl's Guide: Drama, Rumors & Secrets: Staying True To Yourself In Changing Times," for ages 9 to 12 at

For a fantastic guide for teen girls that teaches them how to be true to themselves and strengthen their self-confidence, check out "The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens" for ages 13 and up at

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has published a short book offering guidance on raising girls to become strong, independent women, "Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions" at

Adichie is also the author of several acclaimed novels including "Purple Hibiscus" (, "Half of a Yellow Sun" (, and "Americanah"(, as well as the essay "We Should All Be Feminists" ( and its new accompanying journal "We Should All Be Feminists: A Guided Journal" (

She has also recently released a powerful and poignant reflection on grief based on the recent loss of her father: "Notes on Grief" at


Good Morning SalemView! 🥰❤️🐴


Night check done- ponies are all snoozing in the barn with their layers on. Everyone drank their soup for dinner, and Paxils fever is staying down, and the cellulitis is loosening up and doing what it needs to do. Steady as she goes captain… ⛄️💨🎄🥶🌬️🌬️🌬️🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄 saying silent prayers 🫶🏻🙏


Houd je ook nog van jouw paard als hij niet meer aan jouw verwachtingen voldoet?

Houden van, is zonder verwachtingen, anders is het gehechtheid.

Laat dit even op je inwerken…..

Als je heel eerlijk bent naar jezelf, waar moet jouw paard dan aan voldoen om zelf tevreden te zijn? Moet hij bepaalde prestaties verrichten? Met welk doel? Wat brengt het jou? Wat brengt het jouw paard? Waar ben jij aan gehecht?

Ben je ook nog heel erg blij met jouw paard, en hou je nog evenveel van hem als hij niet meer zo gezond is, en niet meer presteert wat jouw doel is met hem? Of verkoop je hem dan en ga je weer verder met een ander paard?

Zorg je kosten wat het kost voor jouw dier tot de dood jullie scheidt? Of hij nou 4, of 3 benen heeft? Grote oren, een hangbuik, een rommelige vacht?

Jouw paard neemt jou helemaal zoals jij bent. Zelfs als je je dag niet hebt, en dat weleens op hem afreageert. Als hij wordt geslagen omdat hij niet stil kan staan. Als hij met pijn in zijn rug door een slecht passend zadel door moet lopen. Hij houdt nog steeds evenveel van jou.

Zelfs in de meest barre omstandigheden ziet hij het mooie van jou, en wil harmonie, al kost het zijn gezondheid en zijn leven. Hij neemt jou helemaal zoals jij bent.

En zelfs als hij helemaal op is, en het niet meer gaat, wil hij vóór jou, dat het goed gaat. Dat zijn de paarden die glanzend in de stal staan en vanbinnen kapot zijn.

Ik zag dit plaatje voorbij komen, dit is zo passend voor wat ik voel bij de paarden, dat ik deze moest delen. Voor al onze trouwe viervoeters hoop ik op meer bewustwording…..




We must stop normalizing things that are wrong

*mares are thin when they are feeding babies

*tack that doesn't fit but it's my favorite saddle

*horses in shoes the wrong shape with broken back angles

*you can't keep weight on an old horse

*this deeply sloppy 20 x 15 area is the only pasture I have

*4 out of 10 horses were lame at yesterday's show

*extreme sunbleaching just happens

*that eye waters all the time but it doesn't bother him

*extremely skinny horses in the 4th of July parade

*a lot of horses are lazy when they eat and drop their feed

*bridling a horse by slamming the bit at the mouth and wrestling the head down out of the sky

Some are said and done out of ignorance.
Some are said and done out of tradition.
Some are said and done out of a lack of caring.

But if we are people who love horses, we have to train ourselves to know better and not see any of these as normal.

We must learn how we can do better because what is labeled as normal often is not actually what is Right

We would love to give this kind old gentleman the forever retirement home he deserves, if we could get a little help wit...

We would love to give this kind old gentleman the forever retirement home he deserves, if we could get a little help with his bail! We have his stall ready and transport on standby! PM me for PayPal link if you are able to help us! Even a little goes such a long way! Please help us bring Duke home! ❤️


This little girl has been waiting for her turn to be adopted❤️


Waymart, PA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 8pm
Tuesday 8am - 8pm
Wednesday 8am - 8pm
Thursday 8am - 8pm
Friday 8am - 8pm


(570) 647-8581



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