Yesterday I got to do another lion cut on a severely matted cat. she was very old and stopped grooming herself, o tried doing the best they can but couldn’t keep up became they’re also older. The baby fur was no longer fur but a pelt. The owner understood this was not a beauty hair cut but a medical one. So she understood that it would not be perfect especially with not being able to beaten her up because she was starting to get stressed and as groomers we can only do what the babies allow because we want a groom to be a happy experience and not a stressed one. As a groomer our job is not to judge in cases like this but to help. Most the time when owners come in with pets like this they already feel bad enough and are looking for help, it is our job to educate them and to help their pets. It took several hours and loads of breaks for this old girl but When this owner picked her cat up she was beyond happy with the results, her skin was a little damaged due to the severe matting but I also work at a vet so we were able to send her home with some antibiotics. The owner was happy and had a huge weight lifted off her and her baby not only looked better but also probably felt so much better once all the Matt’s were removed.…. I was glad to help out this fur baby yesterday 😍