Good Morning!!
I had a few of you guys message me about things we needed over here, and a friend suggested I make an Amazon wish list. For those of you that asked- these are some things needed (and several wants, not NEEDS)
I did end up throwing all of my daycare items I intend on getting in the next little bit, so please don’t feel like you need to get the big items! (Paw clippers, grooming tools and all the rest of the big…)
The biggest things are toy replacements and towels/blankets.
IF you feel like you wanted to get something, and you end up finding it cheaper somewhere else OR it’s something different, but you think the pups will love it- please feel free! We’re all about saving money!!!
Please do NOT feel obligated to send us anything!! It was just easier to make this post, rather than message the single people who have asked 🙂
As always, give your baby nose boops & butt scritches for me!!!
🐾 ❤️ 🐶
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