Noble Custom Mini Australian Shepherd Ranch

Noble Custom Mini Australian Shepherd Ranch This page is all about our Mini & Toy Australian Shepherds. In 2018 we Began breeding Rollo and Quinn in NC. Rollo and Quinn are expecting.

Named for our Original Breeding Couple Rollo* Noble Blue Rayne *and Bella * Belle's Southern Custom. We are posting their information and then the puppies once born will be posted with all pertinent information on purchasing. We have contracts for both Breeding and Non Breeding Rights. All purchases are by contract only.


I can't take him to the beach for a walk because it bothers you on your vacation, you don't allow me to rent a house if I have a dog, nor can I put it on urban public transport.
However, I can take him to the rubble to look for you after an earthquake, in the forest after you got lost in the mountain and you had no map or GPS; under the snow, because you did a forbidden off-piste; in the water, because despite the red flag, you went swimming when the posted signs said not to. You welcome him when you need him but not when it’s not convenient for you. After all….”it is just a dog”….

Think again people. Dogs are better than most humans, they’re kinder, more loyal, love unconditionally and they appreciate you no matter whether you deserve it or not.


@@ up & Sharing @@@

Heads up everyone it’s spreading fast in Michigan death toll already over 50 dogs. So far in northern Michigan but moving south quickly. Please keep your dogs at home!

Mystery Virus Killing Dogs
‘Keep your dogs home, don’t take them to dog parks, don’t walk them’
Posted Friday, August 19, 2022 12:00 am
HARRISON – Prior to addressing the Clare County Board of Commissioners during its Aug. 17 meeting, Clare County Animal Control Director Rudi Hicks shared with the Cleaver some sad and disturbing information. An unidentified virus, symptomatically similar to canine parvovirus, has been affecting dogs in the state. She said it was found in Otsego County first, where there were 20 cases.

“It mimics Parvo, but they are all testing negative,” Hicks said. “All of the dogs have died, vaccinated and unvaccinated. We just had eight dogs in our county, that we know of. We took a dog down yesterday for necropsy that just died of it, but don’t have the results back.”

Hicks said the virus is everywhere, and that it is believed to have come out of Louisiana.

She said the virus kills the infected dog within three days of the appearance of symptoms, and was quick to add that her dogs are not leaving the house.

“We’re not going to dog parks, we’re not going camping with them,” Hicks said. “Because there’s no cure There’s no vaccine because they haven’t identified it yet.”

She said that, due to the negative test results it is either a brand new strain of the Parvo virus that the test doesn’t pick up, or it’s something totally different.

When Hicks addressed the board after it approved a request for the shelter to use its own funds to erect a new storage/large animal housing building, and approved a spay/neuter grant, she brought the same shocking news to the commissioners.

“There is a new virus in Michigan that’s affecting dogs,” she told the commissioners. “We thought we were fine; we had not had any deaths. As of today, from last Thursday [Aug. 11] until now, we’ve had over 30 dogs die of a virus, a disease – not at the shelter – in the county. It mimics Parvo, so it’s vomiting, bloody diarrhea, and they all died within three days: vaccinated dogs and unvaccinated dogs.”

When asked if it was known how the disease spreads, Hicks said it is unknown. “They don’t know anything. The state is in a panic right now.”

She explained that cases started in Otsego, and that eight dogs along the street across from her own house had all died in three days. Hicks also said Animal Control had taken a carcass the previous day and had tested it in the field for Parvo; it was negative but had all the symptoms.

“We drove it to MSU yesterday,” she said. “So, we should get results, but just a warning to the public: Keep your dogs home, don’t take them to dog parks, don’t walk them.”

Hicks reiterated that, at this point, there is no vaccine, and no cure. She also spoke of a late evening call the day prior advising that a breeder in the southern part of the county had lost 21 puppies and dogs. Hicks said that report had not yet been confirmed, and repeated the symptoms as: vomiting, diarrhea and bloody diarrhea.


Not sure where this comes from.. but worth sharing for a good laugh!

Dear Customer,

Congratulations on acquiring your Aussie. Please find the instructions for your particular model listed below:

Although your Aussie comes fully assembled, due to particular issues during production, we do occasionally have issues with components such as screws. They invariably are either loose or missing altogether.

Mode 1: This is the sleep mode, activated for some of the day as the Aussie ages. This is normal and you should not worry about it, just accept the peace and quiet while you can.

Mode 2: Anarchy. Although we have tried to ease the effect of anarchy mode, it’s not always possible. There are inherent issues with the timer settings of anarchy mode in regards to there being none. Should your Aussie suddenly go from comatose to running around the walls, we cannot stop this feature.

Mode 3: Velcro. We believe somewhere in the assembly process someone installed an elite magnet that only is attracted to humans. We apologize in advance for the constant interruptions in the bathroom and any other place that requires privacy.

Naming: Your Aussie comes untitled as we feel owners should use names of their own. If you are unsure, we have listed below a few names our owners like to use:

Did you do this?
You’re kidding me
Give that back!
Don’t you dare
Put that down
Get that out of your mouth!
Stop herding the children

Software: Your Aussie is pre-installed with the highest software and hardware. This includes the loyalty chip, the love every one chip, the neurotic chip, the fun chip and, of course, the highly popular mayhem chip. They are all running on the WHATTHEFU@@ operating system 12.2. Although this has been in circulation for many years, we have found it simply cannot be improved upon.

Feel free to inform us of any other surprise bonus Modes that have popped up by contacting customer support at 1-800-Aus-hole.

Thank you and enjoy your new Aussie!


Your Customer Support Team

Sharing from a friend (Monica Hollingsworth) in response to a question by someone wanting to breed just a litter to have...

Sharing from a friend (Monica Hollingsworth) in response to a question by someone wanting to breed just a litter to have a puppy just like the one the bought.:

A few things that I don’t see talked about is the potential for loss. I’ve been a breeder for many years like most that are giving advice, I have mentored several of my friends who are in the same boat as you are currently. They bought a puppy with the mentality it would be a pet only dog. Then years later they decided to breed. My advice is, don’t ever breed a dog you’re not ok with losing. As breeders who love their dogs we understand the risks & accept them. We always hope for the best but prepare for the worst. The pet person typically doesn’t prepare themselves for all of the potential loss that is involved in breeding. A really good friend of mine asked for this same advice a few years ago when she was thinking about breeding her dog, who was her heart dog. She waited until her dog was mature, fully health tested, then used a stud from the breeder she purchased her girl from. She took her in for sono, X-ray, did prenatal care etc. prepared a whelping area and puppy playpen fit for royalty. Her dog went into labor in the middle of the night, hours passed and no puppies. I told her call the emergency vet and get her there now. 5 am emergency c-section. Her girl never woke up, 11 puppies that all needed to be bottle fed. For the next 6 weeks she was caring for puppies around the clock, in spite of her best efforts only 8 survived. The others were placed in new homes between 10-16 weeks. Once it was all over she was able to take a breath and grieve the loss of her beloved pet. She was absolutely crushed, I lost count how many times she told me she wished she would have really considered the risks. You always here how things go well and that’s usually the case. Even after you have a successful live litter the loss doesn’t end there. You send your puppies off to their new homes and look forward to the updates you’ll get. Until the update is your puppy was hit by a car, killed by a stray dog, contracted parvo & died, was euthanized for biting a child etc. These puppies are your responsibility for the next 10-15 years. Divorce and can’t keep the dog? Moving and the landlord doesn’t allow pets, owner suddenly passes away, new puppy is too much work, kid leaves for college, dog is too active for the home. All are reasons people get rid of their dogs. Are you prepared to take them back? It’s easy to say yes to all of this now. I’m not trying to discourage you but it’s worth saying that raising puppies is physically and emotionally exhausting, it’s not all butterflies & rainbows.
If she’s your pet and you can’t imagine losing her before old age my advice is just buy a puppy and tell your family and friends to do the same because your girls health and potential for behavioral changes post whelping is not worth supplying them with a free or cheap puppy.

Cameron took the kids home yesterday Flynn (L) Finley (R) hope y’all are doing great !

Cameron took the kids home yesterday Flynn (L) Finley (R) hope y’all are doing great !

Flynn resting after his 2nd puppy shot and microchipping

Flynn resting after his 2nd puppy shot and microchipping

Finley Snow(L) FlynnRyder(R) were so tired last night. Such a sweet little girl and boy 🥰🥰

Finley Snow(L) FlynnRyder(R) were so tired last night. Such a sweet little girl and boy 🥰🥰

These puppies grew so quickly 🤪. Rollo decided to nap in the baby crate

These puppies grew so quickly 🤪. Rollo decided to nap in the baby crate

Adapting well to lay around status after shoe 👟 playtime

Adapting well to lay around status after shoe 👟 playtime

Sibling love ❤️ of course after the knockdown drag out playtime 🤣🤣

Sibling love ❤️ of course after the knockdown drag out playtime 🤣🤣

Great ideas

Great ideas



Potty training can either be a breeze or an uphill battle depending on your dog. Make sure you remember these tips and tricks to make potty training just a little bit easier 😊

Anyone knows Krispy knows he hates puppies 🐶😀 . Of course they LOVE 💗 him

Anyone knows Krispy knows he hates puppies 🐶😀 . Of course they LOVE 💗 him

BREAKING NEWSVeterinarians at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center in the USA have  worked out the reason why grapes a...

Veterinarians at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center in the USA have worked out the reason why grapes are toxic to dogs.

After receiving reports of vomiting and kidney injury following exposure to cream of tartar, veterinarians put two and two together and worked out that tartaric acid and potassium bitartrate, compounds present in cream of tartar, are also present in grapes.

This finally answers the long standing question as to why dogs develop kidney injury following ingestion of grapes. It also answers the question as to why some dogs are affected and others are not. This conundrum lies in the variability in tartaric acid concentration in grapes with concentrations changing based on grape type, locality and ripeness.

Whilst 20g of grapes per kg (approximately 5 grapes per kg) has been reported to cause kidney damage, there is a report of a dog eating 1/2 grape per kg developing kidney injury also. So the best advice out there is still to avoid feeding your dog grapes and sultanas!


Playing pups

It’s too early Granny !! Go back to bed

It’s too early Granny !! Go back to bed

Will be trying this later first yummy mash mix.  This is a lot for just 2 babies but I know Quinn will finish it up..LA(...

Will be trying this later first yummy mash mix. This is a lot for just 2 babies but I know Quinn will finish it up..
LA(Life’s Abundance) puppy food , softened up with puppy milk replacer, Ge**er MultiGrain Mix with banana apple snd strawberry and added crushed pineapple. Should be fun tonight and tomorrow 🤔🤷‍♀️🤣🤣🤣

Finn Ryder -Red Tri boy and Finley Snow- Red Merle girl came to take turns sitting with me ( to trim nails)

Finn Ryder -Red Tri boy and Finley Snow- Red Merle girl came to take turns sitting with me ( to trim nails)


Finley Snow (Red Merle) and Flynn Ryder (Red Tri) have been attempting the “Great Escape” no success yet but probably by the weekend🙏❤️🙏

❤🐾❤The hand of a breeder is the hand that calms the dog during childbirth ...It is the hand that caresses her belly to c...

❤🐾❤The hand of a breeder is the hand that calms the dog during childbirth ...
It is the hand that caresses her belly to calm her during contractions ...
A breeder's hand is the hand that makes the path free to let the pups be born easier ...
It is the hand that does not tremble and is under the blood to help a puppy in trouble.
A breeder's hand is the hand that breaks the puppies' bag if it is not broken after birth ...
It is the hand that helps rub and clean the puppies and help their breathing.
A breeder's hand is the one that tries to revive a puppy, but sometimes he has to give up when there is no heartbeat.
The hand of a breeder is the hand that cut the umbilical cord when the mother does not ...
In addition, the hand of the breeder is the one that weighs the puppy every day to see if everything goes well.
A breeder's hand is the hand that puts a puppy away closer to the mother while the mother looks at you full of confidence ...
The hand that rubs the chest, so that breast milk is activated ...
A breeder's hand is the one that rubs on his eyes and fights fatigue and sleeps after days without falling asleep.
It is the hand that gives milk bottles day and night when there is very little yield.
A breeder's hand is the one that brings the lost puppy back to the mother, the one who plays with the puppy to socialize, the one who teaches the puppy to switch to solid nutrition.
The hand of a breeder is the hand that takes care of the little ones when it does not go well with them
The hand of a breeder is the hand you have entrusted to your future puppy in the hope that it will go well.
The hand of a breeder is the hand that is ready day and night to answer all your questions if you have any questions about anything.
For all these and many other things, the next time you shake a breeder's hand, think of everything that hand has done with love., ❤🐾❤

-author unknown to me-


Waynesville, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm


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