Todays post from Troy Brewer ministry STRONG EVIDENCE
Our “foolish” hearts become darkened when we think we are too smart to believe in God. That’s why out of 31,170 verses in the written testimony He has given us called the Bible, there is only one verse dedicated as an explanation to the agnostic. The Fool has said in his heart there is no God!” Psalm 53:1a NKJV
The 31,169 explain who God is for those who want to know. Are you one of them?
When you ask me why I believe in God, I tell you, “Because I want to.” I have chosen to see the evidence and know MY REDEEMER LIVES! I can look around and, with barely enough sense to add single digit numbers, see the design in the perfect order around us – order in our bodies, the ecosystem, time and the seasons, and, yes, our solar system. I don’t see the random chaos and decay that just happens when you leave things alone, but I see the super intelligent design in the systematic pattern of perfect order.
If there is a design, there is a designer! If there is a thought, there is a thinker! If there is a plan, there is a planner!
The plan is revealed through the heavens! This not only tells me there is a God, but this God is a God of purpose, a God of destiny and He wants to give His power for the benefit of others.
Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophecy of the stars. "...For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” Matthew 2:2 NKJV
Jesus Christ fulfilled 4,000 years' worth of prophecy from inspired men and untold millions of years as prophesied through the stars and signs in the heavens. Jesus told the world that He didn’t come to reveal Himself. He came to reveal the Father who sent Him. He came saying, “You have seen the design, now let Me introduce you to the Designer. Let me show you the One whose hand covers the universe and who has named all the stars.” Do you want to know Him?
Declaration: Creation declares the glory of God. I see Him in everything around me. The more I get to know Him, the more I see about Him in my world. I rejoice that Jesus came to Earth to reveal the Father. I believe His words and let Him reveal even more to me.
From My Book: Looking Up Expanded Edition