Secrets of a Pet Dog Trainer
1. Puppy teeth just don't hurt us anymore, but we pretend it's awful just to make clients feel heard
2. Pockets are life. Clothes without pockets are pointless, you may as well go to work naked.
3. No, we are not like The Dog Whisperer. No, we do not love Cesar Milan. But we get asked at every party anyway.
4. We don't know where, but somewhere in our house or van is a handful of meat slowly rotting away
5. We rarely eat meals at your standard breakfast, lunch, dinner times. Most food is consumed in the van between sessions because we can prep DIY raw dog food til the cows come home but our own food....na
6. We can't drive past a "Land for Sale" sign without looking up the price on RightMove before remembering we've already spent all our money on our dogs
7. We hear "do you train husbands too?" and/or "I suppose you're a people trainer more than a dog trainer really aren't you?" every single day of our lives but we smile back every time.
8. Our garages, sheds and outhouses are ram-packed with random bits of equipment and other assorted junk pretending to be equipment, just in case we ever need a broken A-frame and 506 tennis balls to fix someone's dog
9. No matter how qualified & experienced you become, you will always be mansplained how to do your job by an old man in the park who's had German Shepherds his whole life.
10. For all the poo, wee, blood, saliva, sweat and tears we wouldn't have it any other way and most of us feel lucky to wake up in the morning and actually be excited about going to work.
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