Thank you and Sophie Wright for the interview now on lensculture.com:
In her striking collection of portraits, Constance Jaeggi explores Escaramuza—a female-led equestrian performance—and its significance in Mexican-American identity, cementing its place in the monolithic history of the American West.
“Escaramuza is an example of cultural preservation in an era where globalization often dilutes local traditions; a way of keeping customs and stories of past generations alive by passing down skills and technique from one generation to the next. It is a celebration of heritage. It is also a source of personal empowerment for many of the women involved, providing a strong sense of identity and pride and challenging traditional gender roles by showcasing women as skilled equestrians and leaders in their communities. This empowerment is not only personal but also communal, as it helps redefine gender norms within a cultural context.
I have come to think of Escaramuza as a sort of road map. It contributes to a sense of understanding, for the practitioners, of where they come from, where they are going and who they are. It’s a uniting element between generations, between family members, between past, present and future.”
For more: Lensculture.com
Interview by Sophie Wright
Portrait of Yamilex, Naomy and Katie
Nampa, ID
Process and scan