I realized there is no better antidepressant than furry love! And so for my own personal and selfish reasons, I went to my local shelter and applied to be a Foster Kitty Mama. Little did I know that I was signing up for a healthy dose of Daily Laughter! From there, the idea to share the wealth of kitty antics and stories came from a friend, and well, here we are. The number of kitties changes as e
ach one becomes ready to go to the adoption center. Spike is an adult male long haired domestic black cat age 2. I also have a service dog, Miss Molly May, an adult female Aussie Sheppard Mix age 8. The main reason I do this is because I needed these kittens far more than they needed me. And I am home most of the time since I am a disabled veteran. Animals have always been better friends than most humans, and they ask for nothing in return. All they want is to love you. All they need is love, kibble, fresh water, toys and your love. I am basically inviting the whole world wide web into my home in an effort to share these foster kittens with people who for whatever reasons may be unable to foster themselves. If doing so, inspires or encourages even one other person to try fostering when they weren't exactly sure they were up for it, then this page is a success. Fostering is a lot of hard work. Each healthy kitten is similar to an active messy toddler. Each unhealthy kitten is a constant worry and needs endless attention to recouperate. If I can't keep them here until they are healthy, the shelter would have to euthanize them. Frankly, I find fostering kittens to be very confidence building for someone like me who is usually considered by society to be the helpless one. It gives me that warm fuzzy feeling that only comes from helping someone who can't benefit you in any material way. Anything that makes me feel so loved and useful is great by me. And believe me, I think it will be as great an experience for you-- either by livestreaming or by volunteering to foster yourself. Please keep in mind that cleaning after kittens 24 hours a day is hard for someone like me. Please no criticism because my home is RARELY NEAT, KINDA SHABBY, COVERED IN AN ENDLESS LAYER OF ANIMAL HAIR, and SCATTERED WITH MY STUFF AND THE KITTIES STUFF. And finally, The camera will be pointed at the Living Room at all times unless I have company which is fairly infrequent. Occasionally, thanks to the TBI and PTSD I sleepwalk. If you witness this, please email me from the contact page with the time and date, and I apologize now for my pjs or gown. My night clothes cover up more than most people's actual clothing so don't get any ideas. There is nothing ~weird~ going on here.... this is the Foster Kitty Kottage, not a cathouse. LOL You may notice that I am a little batty so no picking on me if you hear me talking to myself. Please ignore the crazy cat lady behind the curtain. LOL I'm mostly nocturnal (as are the kittens) so the best fun will be at night. And last but not least, I hope you enjoy the contagious laughter, love, and hard work that goes into raising strong, sturdy, socialized kittens. Taking them back to the adoption center can make me cry, but luckily for me, there seems to be plenty of kittens in need, so the tears pass as soon as I get another litter.