Last night, we had to say goodbye to our beloved hospital cat, Raymond (Ray, Tater Ray, Tater Tot, Ray
Ray, Tay Ray, Ramundo). Ray came to be a part of our team 6 years ago. He was the manager of the whole
downstairs and did his job well. He made sure he was fed on time, and if he wasn’t, you’d get slapped in
the leg as you walked in. He made sure everyone ate their lunch, because if they didn’t, he’d try to eat it
when you weren’t looking (and sometimes when you were). He made sure all the garbage’s were empty
by knocking them all over each night. He sat on important paper work while the practice manager,
supervisors and doctors were trying to work. But most of all, he kept us laughing on the hard days. He
offered emotional support in his own feline kind of way. Love bites were his favorite.
At the end of September, Ray was diagnosed with a malignant sinus cavity tumor. It was growing very
fast and we knew his time was limited. Over the past month, he has been spoiled and loved by so many
people (even more than he already was). But we had to make the difficult decision to not let him suffer
any longer. After Clinic hours, he went peacefully in the arms of our practice manager, surrounded by so
many people that loved him.
Every one of our staff members, past and present, has cared for Ray in one way or another; being his
voice when he wasn’t feeling well, giving him love and pets, feeding him, and making sure he received
his medications.
Being in the veterinary field, it’s in our very bones to want to fix, heal and protect animals. Ray was
proof that even with an entire hospital at his disposal, even with as badly as we wish we could; we just
can’t fix them all. But if love was enough, he would have lived forever ❤🐾