Bonding with your Pet Reptile
Happy Valentine’s Day! Let’s talk about reptile bonds and how to bond with your reptile:
-Offer a variety of foods on a regular schedule. Reptiles LOVE routine, whether it’s with photo periods having regular light and dark times, or with food. When your animal associates you with a feeding at a particular time, this builds trust. Hand-feeding is a positive interaction to have with lizards and geckos who eat plants or fruits (DO NOT hand-feed mice to snakes, always use tongs!)
-Floor time is a great way to offer enrichment. Giving your bearded dragon or gecko time outside of their enclosure to explore is fun for both parties. Just make sure you keep a close eye on them and that your other critters are contained.
-Imprinting occurs when animals are raised by you from a young age. When you’re the first human they get familiar with, this can give you a leg up on creating that bond.
Interested in keeping groups of reptiles or frogs? Here are some of The Dude’s favorite communal species:
-Red-eyed tree frogs
-North American green tree frogs
-Borneo-eared tree frogs
-cinnamon tree frogs
-Emerald Tree Skinks
-East African spiny-tailed lizards
-Amazon milk frogs
-Ocellated skinks
-Dumpy tree frogs
-Viper geckos
-green anole lizards
-Mourning geckos
-long-tailed grass lizards
Note: If you keep males and females together, or Mourning geckos, you may end up with fertilized eggs and offspring.
Background on Lt. Dan:
You may have noticed that Dan is missing one of his back legs! He came to The Dude about 3 years ago with a badly broken right hind leg. At Red Bluff Animal Hospital, he was placed under anesthesia and the leg was amputated. He's now a permanent resident of The Bio Dude's showroom and participates in community outreach events with our other animal ambassadors. Fun Fact: he was almost named Ron Burgandy.
Location: The Bio Dude Inc Houston
15116 Highway 3 Bldg 4 Webster, TX 77598
Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm Sat: 10am-5pm
Phone: (717) 305-0684
Some of The Dude’s favorite plants for critters like dart frogs and New Caledonian geckos🌿As you can see, plants provide animals with areas within the tank to carry out their natural behaviors. The most important things to consider when choosing plants for a vivarium are the type of soil and humidity level, and how your animal might use the plants. Do they climb and perch? Do they like a lot of coverage? Are they heavy-bodied?
Note: some of these plants can thrive in less humid conditions like a cornsnake tank.
Choosing the right plants is especially easy with species-specific plant packs on
Location: The Bio Dude Inc Houston
15116 Highway 3 Bldg 4 Webster, TX 77598
Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm Sat: 10am-5pm
Phone: (717) 305-0684
#thebiodude #biodude #bioactive #bioactiveterrarium #bioactiveenclosure #exoticpets #dartfrogs #frogs #crestedgecko #htx #houstontexas #tropicalterrarium #tropicalvivarium #pothos #philodendron #arrowheadvine #nature
Our Black Friday deals are continuing through Cyber Monday! If you haven’t already grabbed that bioactive kit or Kages enclosure, you still have until 11:59pm CST tonight to place your order online or visit us in store for the following:
🟢30% off kits, plants, wood, and Bio Dude products USE CODE: BFCM2024
🟢15% off live animals in-store and on Morph Market
🟢$75 off Kages PVC enclosures USE CODE: KAGES75
Location: The Bio Dude Inc Houston
15116 Highway 3 Bldg 4 Webster, TX 77598
Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm Sat: 10am-5pm
Phone: (717) 305-0684
#exoticpets #reptilestore #sale #cybermonday2024 #cybermonday #htx #houston #bioactive #beardeddragon #leopardgecko #plants #terrarium #ballpython #nature #explore
🟢30% off kits, plants, wood, and Bio Dude products USE CODE: BFCM2024
🟢15% off live animals in-store and on Morph Market
🟢$75 off Kages PVC enclosures USE CODE: KAGES75
Ends Monday 12/2 at 11:59p.m.
Location: The Bio Dude Inc Houston
15116 Highway 3 Bldg 4 Webster, TX 77598
Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm Sat: 10am-5pm
Phone: (717) 305-0684
Email: [email protected]
#BlackFridayDeals #petsale #petstore #CyberMondayDeals #blackfriday2024 #reptilestore #terrarium #plants #bioactive #bioactivetank #houston #htx #thebiodude #cybermonday2024 #snakes #leopardgecko #frogs #pettarantula
Happy National Espresso Day! Combining coffee with conservation, $1 of each bag of Dude's Brew purchased goes towards protecting rainforests in Papua New Guinea. Available in 3 reptile-themed flavors spanning light, medium, and dark roasts. Find them on the main site, or in store. Sip sustainably☕.-THE DUDE ABIDES👍🏻...#espresso #coffee #houstoncoffee #ethicallysourced #singleorigincoffee #wholebeancoffee #reptilelover #petsofinstagram #snek #snakesofinstagram #crestedgecko #ballypython #beardeddragon #herpetology
Make sure you watch Part 1 of our Showroom Update series to hear a little bit about what we’re trying to create at our store and why. As exciting as this upgrade is, it means that a few of our store’s resident animals will need new homes. It's the best decision for their well-being due to the store's space limitations and in the long-term as our business continues to grow. It’s not an easy choice to let go of animals that you’ve raised from the egg, but we will carefully vet any prospective new owners to make sure everyone goes to optimal, loving, bioactive forever homes. That being said, if you have the desire and capability to take care of any of the following special critters, please reach out to us through either Morph Market or contact our point of sale:
-Proven breeding group of Dumpy Tree Frogs ideally with their established tank MORPH MARKET
-2 Cuban Knight Anoles IN-STORE
-Christmas Mountain Gopher Snake with established tank IN-STORE
-Cinnamon Tree Frogs MORPH MARKET
Location: The Bio Dude Inc Houston
15116 Highway 3 Bldg 4 Webster, TX 77598
Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm Sat: 10am-5pm
Phone: (717) 305-0684
Email: [email protected]
#thebiodude #gophersnake #cubanknightanoles #knightanoles #dumpytreefrogs #whitestreefrogs #cinnamontreefrog #reptilestore #petsofinstagram #exoticpets #anolelizard #paludarium #dumpyfrogs #cinnamonfrog #snek #moreliabredli #carpetpython
Exciting changes are coming to The Bio Dude store's showroom in the upcoming month! We can’t wait to lift the veil on our behind-the-scenes projects and create educational displays for you to enjoy. Special thanks to Kages for helping us up our game with more energy-efficient, customizable PVC enclosures. Stay tuned for Part 2!
Location: The Bio Dude Inc Houston
15116 Highway 3 Bldg 4 Webster, TX 77598
Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm Sat: 10am-5pm
Phone: (717) 305-0684
Email: [email protected]
#thebiodude #reptilestore #bioactive #bioactiveenclosures #bioactiveterrarium #terrarium #houston #htx #petsofinstagram #exoticpets #cubanknightanole #dartfrog #childrenspython #moreliabredli #carpetpython #skunkgecko #fattailgecko
Cute, captive-bred critters on The Bio Dude Morph Market🦎🐍
Location: The Bio Dude Inc Houston
15116 Highway 3 Bldg 4 Webster, TX 77598
Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm Sat: 10am-5pm
Phone: (717) 305-0684
Email: [email protected]
#reptiles #morphmarket #morphs #pythons #skunklinedgecko #mourninggecko #bandedgecko #crestedgecko #thebiodude #leopardgecko #reptilesofig #petsofinstagram #cinnamonfrog #poisondartfrog #vipergecko #bredlipython #reedfrog #gecko #borneofrog
Pt. 2 talking about bioactive enclosures in the long-term. Ecosystems change over time! If you choose a Bio Dude substrate, the initial dirt you use can be effective for up to 10 years, as long as it's topped off and a soil revitalizer is used every 6 months to 1 1/2 years. Be sure to monitor your ecosystem’s key elements—soil, plants, clean-up crew, and biodegradables to know when to add more nutrients. If you ever have questions about how your terrarium is progressing, feel free to reach out, and we’ll be happy to assist!
Location: The Bio Dude Inc Houston
15116 Highway 3 Bldg 4 Webster, TX 77598
Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm Sat: 10am-5pm
Phone: (717) 305-0684
Email: [email protected]
#thebiodude #shopsmall #bioactive #terriarium #pet #petcare #animalcare #bioactivehabitat #bioactivesetup #bioactive #houstonpets #reptilekeeper #petsofinstagram #exoticpets #ballpython #crestedgecko #beardeddragon
Let's talk about how a pre-made bioactive substrate can really up your chances of having a successful terrarium in the long-term. The health of your plants, clean-up crew, and critter all depends on the soil mix and how long it retains its nutrients. The Dude has put in the testing and research to create bioactive substrates that last 10 years with minimal maintenance. This keeps you from having to replace your soil mix because it got depleted. Why risk having to constantly replace all your soil due to depletion when you can monitor your ecosystem, and add a soil inoculant or top-off layer about once a year?
Taking the DIY approach can result in long-term success, but it requires more research with attention to what needs to be mixed in to keep the soil nutritious enough to support your ecosystem. To get recommendations on DIY mixtures, check out Reptifiles’ page with recipes and options. The Facebook group Bioactive Reptile and Amphibian Setups USA also has information and inspiration from those who have chosen to do the ~dirty~ work or trial and error themselves.
Location: The Bio Dude Inc Houston
15116 Highway 3 Bldg 4 Webster, TX 77598
Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm Sat: 10am-5pm
Phone: (717) 305-0684
Email: [email protected]
#thebiodude #nature #explore #bioactivesubstrate #terrarium #reptilelover #amphibian #frog #beardeddragon #cornsnake #ballpython #crestedgecko #bioactiveterrarium #bioactiveenclosure
Kages offers premium, customizable PVC enclosures that allow you to perfectly craft your critter's home. Handcrafted in the USA, these cages ensure easy assembly, superior heat retention, and energy efficiency. They’re perfect for both humid or arid bioactive setups. From sliding polycarbonate doors to a wide array of size and design options, each customizable feature prioritizes animal well-being offers premium, customizable PVC enclosures designed with your pet's comfort in mind. Handcrafted in the USA, these cages ensure easy assembly, superior heat retention, and energy efficiency. They’re perfect for both humid or arid bioactive setups. From sliding polycarbonate doors to a wide array of size and design options, each customizable feature prioritizes animal well-being.
You can find Bio Dude branded 4x2x2 Kages like this one on our site!
Location: The Bio Dude Inc Houston
15116 Highway 3 Bldg 4 Webster, TX 77598
Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm Sat: 10am-5pm
Phone: (717) 305-0684
Email: [email protected]
#thebiodude #nature #explore #habitat #enclosure #pvcenclosure #pvchabitat #pvc #customhabitat #reptilelover #amphibian #frog #beardeddragon #cornsnake #ballpython #crestedgecko #bioactiveterrarium #bioactiveenclosure