Howdy y'all! I know this may seem like a lengthy post, but if you've got the time to spare, we'd greatly appreciate a few minutes of your time to update y'all!
It's no secret that the cost of everything has risen exponentially and I can assure you, the farm has been no exception.
Since our first flock in 2018, feed prices have nearly doubled, with no end in sight. We have never sold our eggs at a price where we profit, we merely hope to provide at least some feed bill relief. Unfortunately, inflation has forced our hand.
There's so much more to an egg than just breakfast. A hen doesn't even lay a full-size egg until she is about 8 months of age. Before we even see that first egg, we have incurred the cost of the chick itself, feed, and operating cost of a brooder (not to mention the brooder itself). Due to flood damage, we had to construct a new coop. We spared no expense when we decided to build a raised, 12x26 coop for our flock. It provides AMPLE room and keeps them warm in the winter and cool on those hot Texas nights. The cost of the coop has never and will never be factored into the price of an egg. That is a cost our family has paid to provide the best home for the animals we have chosen to be responsible for.
Yes, the cost of just about everything has increased, but if I could ask anything of you, it would be to consider the countless time and money that go into growing a quality product. You get what you pay for, and you can truly taste the difference in everything that grows from the love and compassion that we put into everything on our farm. That being said, we are researching new ways to feed the flock to keep the rate of $6 a dozen from increasing. If you're interested in the true value of an egg, below is a link to an article conducted by Cental Wyoming College.
We are grateful for the continued support and understanding as we navigate the ever-changing world around us. Thank you! 🙏
How much do you pay for eggs? Do you purchase them at the grocery store or from local hens cared for by our Wyoming farmers and ranchers? In Fremont County, along with across Wyoming and the nation, eggs are in short supply. The current nationwide outbreak of avian influenza has killed over 60 milli...