Charlie loves his red light treatments!
What a beautiful morning to go ride down to the river!
I cannot even begin to express how happy it makes me to see the horse on the left living his best life and actually behaving like any other normal horse. If you don’t think a horse’s ability to regulate their emotions and nervous system doesn’t affect every aspect of its life, you are sadly mistaken.
Trying to help keep the horses cool today!
Just watching the bikers go by!
Yes, I trail ride them all on a loose rein. Ride the horses body, not the horses face.
How to unwind after a horse show!
When you’ve been really working hard on helping a horse find relaxation and they finally do! slow trot, stretching long and low on his own on a LOOSE rein!!!🤩 You must perfect the small things first! “Friesians aren’t high headed. High headed is an alert posture. If you calm the mind you change the posture. But if you believe your horse is high headed because of their breed, you won’t think about the mental state causing the issue and fail to address that underlying concern.” -Warwick Schiller
Some people avoid riding horses outside of the arena on windy days. I am not like some people. I like my training horses to get as much exposure as possible, to as many things as they possibly can while they are here, with me! When god gives you lemons, you make lemonade with it.♥️#horsetraining #buildingblocks #trailhorse