Strawberry Fields Animal Rescue

Strawberry Fields Animal Rescue We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization. We strive to rescue and rehabilitate animals in need. We are a full service non-profit tax exempt animal rescue.

Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and re home unwanted animals in northern Nevada.

*FOUND* Wether goat, roaming around Joe's Bar and Market in Topaz Ranch Estates. Has been a regular at the market for th...

*FOUND* Wether goat, roaming around Joe's Bar and Market in Topaz Ranch Estates. Has been a regular at the market for the past several days and was seen on and off of hwy 208. Thankfully, he's safe here at S.F.A.R. for the time being. If this is your missing critter, please, contact Gina at (775)790-0895.

A clean coop is a happy coop! As usual, the girls are working to put their personal touches in the house after we've pla...

A clean coop is a happy coop! As usual, the girls are working to put their personal touches in the house after we've placed new bedding in their house. They appreciate the clean straw but they work hard to get the aesthetic they hope to achieve as the way we place it is just never quite to their liking LOL 🀣
*A clean henhouse is essential to the well being of your flock. A build up of f***s and dust can cause respiratory problems and other illness among your birds. Maintaining a clean chicken coop and henhouse will make for happier, healthier chickens and in turn, increased egg production and better quality eggs πŸ₯šπŸ˜


Everyone who is thinking of getting dogs should read this because you need to understand this reality:

***I am a 21st century dog.***
-I'm a Malinois.
Overskilled among dogs, I excel in all disciplines and I'm always ready to work: I NEED to work.
But nowadays I get asked to chill on the couch all day everyday.

-I am an Akita Inu.
My ancestors were selected for fighting bears.
Today I get asked to be tolerant and I get scolded for my reactivity when another approaches me.

-I am a Beagle.
When I chase my prey, I raise my voice so the hunters could follow.
Today they put an electric collar on me to shut up, and you make me come back to you - no running - with a snap of your fingers.

-I am a Yorkshire Terrier.
I was a terrifying rat hunter in English mines.
Today they think I can't use my legs and they always hold me in their arms.

-I'm a Labrador Retriever.
My vision of happiness is a dive into a pond to bring back the duck he shot to my master.
Today you forget I'm a walking, running, swimming dog; as a result I'm fat, made to stay indoors, and to babysit.

-I am a Jack Russell.
I can take on a fox, a mean badger, and a rat bigger than me in his den.
Today I get scolded for my character and high energy, and forced to turn into a quiet living room dog.

-I am a Siberian Husky.
Experienced the great, wide open spaces of Northern Europe, where I could drag sleds for long distances at impressive speeds.
Today I only have the walls of the house or small garden as a horizon, and the holes I dig in the ground just to release energy and frustration, trying to stay sane.

-I am a border collie
I was made to work hours a day in partnershipwith my master, and I am an unmistakable artist of working with the herd.
Today they are mad at me because, for lack of sheep, I try to check bikes, cars, children in the house and everything in motion.

I am ...
I am a 21st century dog.
I'm pretty, I'm alert, I'm obedient, I stay in a bag...but I'm also an individual who, from centuries of training, needs to express my instincts, and I am *not* suited for the sedentary life you'd want me to lead.
Spending eight hours a day alone in the house or in the garden - with no work and no one to play or run with, seeing you for a short time in the evening when you get home, and only getting a small toilet walk will make me deeply unhappy.
I'll express it by barking all day, turning your yard into a minefield, doing my needs indoors, being unmanageable the rare times I'll find myself outside, and sometimes spending my days sunk, sad, lonely, and depressed, on my pillow.
You may think that I should be happy to be able to enjoy all this comfort while you go to work, but actually I’ll be exhausted and frustrated, because this is absolutely NOT what I'm meant to do, or what I need to be doing.
If you love me, if you've always dreamed of me, if my beautiful blue eyes or my athletic look make you want me, but you can't give me a real dog's life, a life that's really worth living according to my breed, and if you can't offer me the job that my genes are asking, DO NOT buy or adopt me!
If you like the way I look but aren't willing to accept my temperament, gifts, and traits derived from long genetic selection, and you think you can change them with only your good will, then DO NOT BUY OR ADOPT ME.
I’m a dog from the 21st century, yes, but deep inside me, the one who fought, the one who hunted, the one who pulled sleds, the one who guided and protected a herd still lives within.
So think **very** carefully before you choose your dog. And think about getting two, rather than one, so I won't be so very lonely waiting for you all day. Eight or ten hours is just a workday to you, but it's an eternity for me to be alone.

Like David Attenborough Fans for more.

One good dog..We've all had one, that special, one of a kind dog. The one that brightens your days and always brings a s...

One good dog..
We've all had one, that special, one of a kind dog. The one that brightens your days and always brings a smile to your face, even in the darkest times. That dog who, when it looks at you, is the embodiment of undying devotion and true boundless friendship. That dog who makes you want to be a better version of yourself to live up to how wonderful it truly believes you are, that it KNOWS you are. The dog that is there for you through some of your biggest accomplishments in life, there for your highest highs and through some of your biggest challenges and lowest lows. The dog that taught your children how to be kind, compassionate and respect all living beings. The dog that not only is your family guardian but also their emotional support and furry friend to cry on when the world gets you down. That one dog who teaches you not only about the meaning of companionship and how true love transcends all limitations, but it also teaches you about loss, grief and even possibly, life after death. That one dog, who was your happiest hello and becomes your hardest goodbye. That one dog, whom, when it's gone, you will carry in your heart and miss for more years than it could've ever lived. If you've been very blessed, maybe you've had several of these dogs throughout your life. That is how you know you've truly lived, loved and experienced unconditional love in good dog. ❀️

Being that we are in the animal rescue field, we are no strangers to the senseless cruelty of humanity and we are consta...

Being that we are in the animal rescue field, we are no strangers to the senseless cruelty of humanity and we are constantly reminded of why animals are better than people...sadly, we received yet another reminder recently in what should have been such a positive situation that turned so ugly and negative. We recently posted that our rooster, Hagrid, had found what was supposed to be a wonderful new home with someone from our community. Hagrid had waited for the last year for the right home to come along, as homes for roosters are in short supply. We finally thought his time had come for his happily ever after ending...and boy, were we wrong! We strive to make every effort to ensure our animals go to homes that will cherish and love them. Regardless of the species or type, we want a positive outcome for everyone involved. We had no reason to believe that he would be in the wrong hands but sadly, we couldn't have foreseen the outcome of this placement. On the day he was adopted, we were very honest about his temperament, stating that he could be "tough" as many roosters are. He will charge at us on occasion but he's never been really aggressive or harmful. He was raised here and we know his personality well. The woman and her friend said that they would have no trouble with him, as her rooster was a tough guy too so she knew how to handle roosters. She was confident she wouldn't have any problem with him. As with all of our other adoptions, we also stressed that we'd want him returned to us in the event there were any issues or it wasn't working out. We always welcome our animals back should the adoption not work out. One simple phone call could've solved any problems these people may have been having with Hagrid. Instead of reaching out to us when they were having a hard time with him, they decided to abuse him, due to what they claim was "aggressive" behavior. After being in possession of Hagrid, not ever contacting us, they finally did show up at our rescue and were quite ill tempered, acting as though we had wronged them. Stating that Hagrid was so aggressive they had been submerging him in a kiddie pool and when that didn't get the results they were looking to achieve, they had actually left him out for the wildlife to hopefully get him and when that failed to occur, the man said that he was going to shoot him unless we took him back. Are you kidding!?! We said from the get go, we wanted him back if things didn't work out. They could have contacted us immediately and we would've happily taken him back; Hagrid is family and we love him! All of this nastiness was completely unnecessary as we had always intended to take him back should the adoption not be working out for either Hagrid or them. Once we spoke and agreed to take him back, they didn't even have the decency to come to us directly to return him, they dumped him under a tree in our yard in a wire cage. Never speaking to us or even making sure that we'd received him safely. Since his return, it was apparent that he'd been severely mistreated. He is not the same bird that left here. Hagrid became so untrusting and he truly had become so aggressive and volatile towards anyone who came near him. His feathers were a mess; they were broken and missing in many spots. He had been so abused that he'd truly become unmanageable and in a sense, dangerous. We are so heartbroken, but we have been forced to make the decision to humanely euthanize him as he was no longer the happy and care free bird we remember. His quality of life had been diminished and for his sanity and our safety, we felt that this is the final favor we can offer him. We feel so devastated that we'd wronged him. He didn't deserve what he went through at the hands of such heartless individuals. Once again, thanks to the cruel and abusive acts of people who clearly shouldn't own animals, another creature suffers and pays the ultimate price for their torturous treatment. This is why we have become more of a sanctuary these days, because finding genuine, good people that will provide proper, kind and loving homes, is getting more challenging everyday. Although, we have successfully rehomed countless animals into truly amazing homes, society has changed, shifted, and people are colder, more heartless and such a let down. We don't do as many adoptions because we can't take the heartache anymore of the cruel actions of people. The lack of commitment and the uncompassionate monsters who think they want to adopt an animal and then treat it poorly and throw it away when it's inconvenient or a "problem" for them. Please, pray for our Hagrid, may he rest in peace and find his flock at the Rainbow Bridge. We know many people reading this may dismiss him as "just another rooster" but to us, nothing is "just another...anything", these creatures are all special and individuals. We regard all of our residents, furry, feathered and scaly, as family. We love and appreciate them for who they are and each of them hold a special place in our hearts. We don't believe that any living being should be tortured and abused simply because it is misunderstood or a "problem" for someone. Just because an individual may be experiencing difficulty with an animal doesn't justify excessive cruelty, abuse and harm. There are resources and options, such actions are never necessary or acceptable..Please, always give an immense amount of consideration to the decision to adopt a pet, regardless of the type of pet you are choosing. Consider whether you truly are equipped to handle all the facets of pet ownership, the highs and lows, trials and tribulations that may come with that animal. Animals are all unique and individuals. Just because you have expectations and sometimes they aren't met, doesn't mean you just give up, harm or discard the animal. Obviously, we understand that in some cases, adoptions just don't work out and sometimes the pet isn't the right fit for that family, but when that is the case, please, reach out to a professional for help, don't resort to violence, anger and abuse. Rest in peace dear friend, we love you and hope to see you again one day at the Rainbow Bridge πŸŒˆπŸ“


Night of the arachnid at Strawberry Fields πŸ•·πŸ•ΈπŸ˜ We love our spiders!

Farm fresh eggs sold daily here at Strawberry Fields Animal Rescue! Our eggs are unwashed, collected daily and laid by h...

Farm fresh eggs sold daily here at Strawberry Fields Animal Rescue! Our eggs are unwashed, collected daily and laid by happy and spoiled hens who have a new lease on life here at S.F.A.R. πŸ˜ƒπŸ₯šπŸ”our flock is maintained on a quality diet and receives many extra fruits, veggies and a variety of nutritious foods that supplement their nutritional needs which makes for some exceptionally yummy eggs πŸ˜‹ come and get your eggs today! $5.00 per dozen.


Are there any plumbers locally who may be available to come pay us a visit to look at our water heater in our grooming shop? Any help in the near future would be greatly appreciated!! Please give Gina a call at (775)790-0895 if you have the ability and are willing and able to provide us with some assistance. πŸ™πŸ†˜πŸš° Thank you in advance!!

Happy birthday to a very special little friend! Our Sq**rt is celebrating her 8th birthday today and we are celebrating ...

Happy birthday to a very special little friend! Our Sq**rt is celebrating her 8th birthday today and we are celebrating 8 years with such a wonderful turtle girl 🐒πŸ₯³ we've been through a lot together in her 8 years and we look forward to so many more years of making memories and exploring new turtle adventures together! We love you Sq**rt!! Let's party!! πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽˆπŸŽ‰πŸΎ

Echo hopes your Tuesday afternoon is going as smoothly as hers. ❀️ May you enjoy the hot summer weather like a leopard g...

Echo hopes your Tuesday afternoon is going as smoothly as hers. ❀️ May you enjoy the hot summer weather like a leopard gecko in the desert 😍🌞 LOL should you find yourself not loving the heat like a desert dwelling reptile in the summertime, may you have access to an optimally functioning air conditioner and plop yourself in front of it! πŸ˜†

We know the sight of such an arachnid can illicit some pretty strong and sometimes negative reactions, however, here at ...

We know the sight of such an arachnid can illicit some pretty strong and sometimes negative reactions, however, here at Strawberry Fields, we absolutely love our spiders!! This beauty lives just outside our front door by our light (which is an ideal spot for a spider if you ask us!) there she has an abundance of flies and is sheltered from the weather and sun. We love greeting her every morning and night and watching her enjoy her place here. We appreciate what spiders have to offer our ecosystem. Their efforts and purpose are not lost on us πŸ•·οΈπŸ•ΈοΈ

Educate yourself and do your research. Here's some helpful resources regarding the toxic algae, cyanobacteria situation ...

Educate yourself and do your research. Here's some helpful resources regarding the toxic algae, cyanobacteria situation within our area.

In light of the recent spotlight on Blue Green algae toxicity, we wanted to share some resources that the state's Nevada Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Task Force has put together to help answer any questions that you may have. The Nevada HAB task force monitors waterbodies throughout Nevada, as well as the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe.

Here is a link to a press release that was sent out a couple of weeks ago to educate Nevadans about the danger of HABs:

The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection HAB resource page provides information of identifying harmful algal blooms, as well as a way to report a bloom.

The HAB Dashboard was recently launched to provide current information on confirmed HABs.

Here is the latest update from the City of South Lake Tahoe (Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board):
The City of South Lake Tahoe has posted advisory signs at El Dorado Beach of harmful algae that may be present in the water.
The Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board did complete a site visit this morning and there were no obvious visual indicators of a harmful algal bloom or algae in general at El Dorado Beach/shoreline.
They will also be collecting water samples today and should have test results by the end of the week.
The Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board collects samples frequently to test for harmful algae in the Lake. The last testing was conducted on 6/11/24 at several beaches. No visible algae were present during those visits, and sample results did not indicate the presence of cyanobacteria or the toxins Microcystin or Anatoxin-a.
Sites sampled include Connolly Beach (Timber Cove Marina), Regan Beach, and Taylor Creek Marsh (which was ponding on Kiva Beach). Other sites visited in Lake Tahoe that showed no visual signs of algae were present were Kiva Beach, Commons Beach, and Kings Beach.

For information on harmful algae, go to


Don’t let your pet drink algae infested water. It is always best to bring fresh water with you for your pet to drink when out on a walk or hike.

Found in lakes, ponds, fountains, bird baths, and reservoirs, blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) contain deadly toxins that can cause serious illness or death in pets.
Even ingesting algae when licking contaminated fur can cause illness.

Check with your public health department to see if the lake in your area is prone to blue-green algae outbreaks.

*UPDATE* Information pertaining to potential risk of exposure to cyanobacteria in the Tahoe basin. Please, use caution w...

*UPDATE* Information pertaining to potential risk of exposure to cyanobacteria in the Tahoe basin. Please, use caution when recreating with your pets or family in any waterways this summer. Exposure to cyanobacteria can be very harmful to humans and fatal to pets. Do your research before visiting and entering lakes and rivers.

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif./Nev. – Social media posts mourning the death of an owner’s beloved dog has had many re-posting the incident with warnings about cyanobacteria...

Sheldon's all tucked in and ready for bed 😴🐒 night night, sleep tight ❀️

Sheldon's all tucked in and ready for bed 😴🐒 night night, sleep tight ❀️

Sheldon, Shelly and Sq**rt are sending everyone cool vibes 🐒😎 hoping everyone is able to find ways to beat the heat! πŸ₯΅

Sheldon, Shelly and Sq**rt are sending everyone cool vibes 🐒😎 hoping everyone is able to find ways to beat the heat! πŸ₯΅

Thank you to Mountain View Barbeque for the wonderful goodies for our flock! The ladies (and gentle-birds πŸ˜‰) greatly app...

Thank you to Mountain View Barbeque for the wonderful goodies for our flock! The ladies (and gentle-birds πŸ˜‰) greatly appreciate your contribution to them, especially in this terrible heat! The greens are a yummy and refreshing addition to their fruit and veggie ice pops πŸ”πŸ“πŸ₯¬πŸ₯—


1465 Sandstone Drive
Wellington, NV


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Our Story

We are a full service non-profit tax exempt animal rescue, therefore, we rely solely on the generosity of the public to keep our doors open. We are a dedicated team of animal lovers and our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and re home unwanted animals in northern Nevada and beyond. We are a small but mighty operation; we pride ourselves in providing top quality care to every animal that comes into our facility and we make every effort to ensure that each animal is matched with the best possible furrever home to fit his/her specific needs and lifestyle requirements. We intend for every adoption to be a FOREVER placement and this is a responsibility that we take very seriously! Every animal that comes through S.F.A.R. is a part of our family and therefore, every new adopter becomes an extended member of the Strawberry Fields family; we consider it a privilege and a blessing to have played a role in so many wonderful love connections between people and pets throughout the years. We look forward to saving more lives, with YOUR help, in the years to come! We also offer professional pet grooming on site and all proceeds benefit our rescue efforts and help to support our cause. For additional information about our organization, please visit our website Remember, one by one until there are none, on a wing and a prayer and a paw!

Dog Bless!

Strawberry Fields Animal Rescue