Safe Haven Humane Society

Safe Haven Humane Society NO-KILL Maine Licensed shelter in Wells, Maine. Rescues, rehabilitates and finds permanent homes for No Kill feline animal rescue adoption center.

Sunny, free roaming cat rooms, with kitties ready and waiting for potential adopters! Our shelter at 1420 Post Road is open by appointment. If you are interested in our thrift shop at 1784 please check out Safe Haven Thrift Shop's page! or call 207-216-9169 or contact [email protected]

KITTIES IN NEED:Wonder is a formerly feral kitten, now a sweetie, who was trapped at the end of October with other membe...

Wonder is a formerly feral kitten, now a sweetie, who was trapped at the end of October with other members of her litter. However Wonder was different from the rest of the kittens as she was more "clumsy than kittens usually are,and her head slightly wobbled side to side. .
Now at 5 months, and with no progression of any other symptoms and her condition not worsening, Wonder has had a neuro exam at the vet hospital and has been to our vet and she is diagnosed with a condition called CH. CH is cerebellar hypoplasia.
Wonder is a lovely Tortie, and her symptoms are not progressive but she will always have CH. She is spayed, up to date with her vacs and she is precious.
Other than her CH diagnosis, she's in excellent health and looks totally normal except for those head wobbles. We've had CH kitties before and Wonder is diagnosed as having a MILD case of it. To help this little darling live a full life he will need a little guidance and looking over. She'll need to eat from a raised food bowl to make her meal time easier. Since she has head wobbles, she works a bit harder at getting her head targeted to the food. She has a wonderful appetite! So you know she'll find it!
Cats and kittens with MILD CH can function almost as well as any other cat. CH will not shorten her life, and are happy loving animal family members.
A family that is considerate to her is necessary to avoid her from falling down stairs. Baby gates at the bottom of the steps are the trick.
Because they need to help themselves balance you don't trim a CH kitties nails too short. They have poor jumping skills and so climbing is an essential need for them to keep their world active and not one of isolation or solitude. So their nails are important to them so they can grip the carpet better when running and playing.
We know friends who have CH cats and kittens and I hope we will hear from them to encourage others to adopt this darling girl.
We hope to hear from everyone to raise awareness about CH kitties and help beautiful little Wonder find an exceptional home. Thanks!
When you wish to meet Wonder, fill out an application or cal FMI 207-646-1611.
Wonder is the torti in the photo.

Welcome Marty and Kim to Safe Haven in our assisted adoption program! Kim is a huge animal lover and when she rescued Ma...

Welcome Marty and Kim to Safe Haven in our assisted adoption program! Kim is a huge animal lover and when she rescued Marty from a man that didn't want him any longer she soon realized Marty was a sick young cat. 3 days later Marty was a confirmed diabetic.
Kim who has a heart as big as all of ours, already had her hands full financially. She has been recovering from a serious health issue and had 3 children 1 of which is autistic. Kim has 2 dogs and another cat and didn't plan on her new kitty needing life long medical care.
Kim has done everything possible to cut corners to afford the care of Marty. She has cut out all basic excess expenses in her families life, she has worked with pharmacies and vets to get the best possible care at the best discounted price or payment plans. She is running a debt on her credit card to pay for Marty's needs.
Kim is a person who needs and deserves Safe Haven's help to keep her beloved Marty in her care. Diabetic cats can be expensive and require extra love and care, and when a diabetic kitty is loved but not afforded it becomes a big problem.
To help Kim keep Marty happy and healthy and in is very comfortable and happy home and to keep Kim from worrying and feeling anxious about her situation we are taking on the medical and diet care for Marty for life. He will remain Kim's kitty but we have her back, and Marty's care is covered. Kim can now focus on her family and relax and enjoy the blessings she gets from having Marty in her life.
To help Safe Haven afford the ongoing care of Marty, if you wish to donate a monthly $20 donation for his care, you can donate monthly or one time even on
Kim will be sure to keep us updated with photos and updates on Marty and his healthy new life.
Thank you to everyone who donates to help Safe Haven make animals and people's lives happier and healthier.

This is Midge's beloved kitty Ochi who she loved so much and never stopping missing  her and was known to call for her l...

This is Midge's beloved kitty Ochi who she loved so much and never stopping missing her and was known to call for her long after she had passed.
The depth of love we feel for our animal family members can not be understood by all but those of us who do know how great the loss is.

This is beautiful Midge Durdle whose Sea Rose Trust gave $100,000 to Safe Haven. Midge's light will continue to shine on...

This is beautiful Midge Durdle whose Sea Rose Trust gave $100,000 to Safe Haven. Midge's light will continue to shine on with each life saved thanks to her. Story in post below.


Safe Haven is simply gobsmacked. There are no other words to quite describe the level of gratitude and surprise and honor we feel to receive a $100,000 donation from Sea Rose Trust for Marjorie Durdle to help us continue to fulfill our mission. To be one of the nonprofits to receive this gift truly humbles us.
Michael Smolak, The Sea Rose Trust’s executor presented us with this incredible gift and shared with us stories and history about his good friend Midge.
Marjorie Durdle had a remarkable life, filled with many
accomplishments and devoted friends. She earned her master’s degree in education from Boston University, she taught 5th graders in Norwood MA for nearly 15 years and when she moved to Maine, she bought The Ogunquit House and Cottages and became a successful B&B owner and eventually a realtor specializing in beach properties.
Midge to all who knew her, loved all animals and children and nature. She was especially happy to watch children on the beach discovering nature as it brought back her own treasured childhood memories of summers at Moody Beach.
Those who knew her, most dearly recall her deep bond for her cat Ochi and her golden retriever Buffy, and how sadly she missed them for the remainder of her life after losing both of them. They recalled how she would still call for Ochi and watch out for her long after she had gone.
Midge always kept a bowl of cool water outside her home for dogs
being walked and enjoyed talking to their owners about how wonderful dogs and cats are. She was respected in her community and was a light in her neighborhood.
Her close friends became her executors to her Sea Rose Trust which
settled her estate and with great care chose the organizations that
would benefit from her successful life.
A treasure hunter and thrifter, Midge used to shop at Safe Haven’s
Thrift Shop when we were located at the IGA Plaza in Wells she
experienced first hand the grueling work we did raising money to
sustain ourselves to afford our vet bills so we could continue to save the lives of homeless cats. She appreciated our dedication and that we worked hard to sustain ourselves. Being a cat lover, she knew why we worked so hard.
Michael Smolak, the executor of Sea Rose Trust lost a very good friend when Midge passed and had the difficult responsibility to choose her benefactors and handle her estate.
We are truly honored that Safe Haven Humane Society was one of the recipients of Midge Durdle’s estate. When Michael and the rest of the trust handed us an envelope with the $100,000 check we were speechless.
It’s hard to put into any words the amount of gratitude and thanks we feel .
Midge may be gone, but her love for cats will live on in our work. We will be able to rescue and save so many lives thanks to her and I’m hoping that in someway she will know that, as we will be holding her in our thoughts when we count our blessings.

Thank you to Midge Durdle, Michael Smolak and Sea Rose Trust for this gift of life to cats that would be without hope.

Happy New Year! Happy New Home to little Whitnie and Waffles the first SH kitties to be adopted in 2025. They went home ...

Happy New Year! Happy New Home to little Whitnie and Waffles the first SH kitties to be adopted in 2025. They went home today as our shelter team sent them off with their suitcases and kisses.
Now their young lives will start and they'll be family members and lean all about how wonderful and loving and caring humans can be. We're sure they'll have great lives and we're always happy to see pairs of kittens go together. This makes their life change all the less scary and double the fun for the adopters. Happy Home Day to Whitney and Waffles and Happiness Always!

These 3 sleepyheads were named "The Explorers" and they have won the distinction of being the last kitties adopted in 20...

These 3 sleepyheads were named "The Explorers" and they have won the distinction of being the last kitties adopted in 2024 from Safe Haven's Cattail location at 1784 Post Rd on 12/30. It was a close call with the shelter having their last adoption on the 28th when Calli and Tobie were adopted from our 1420 Post Road shelter location.

It has been a remarkable year of saving lives of cats so unwanted and forgotten and in such need of love and medical care and emotional healing.

We have spend more than $250,000 in vet bills alone in 2024 for diagnostics, surgeries and basic care requirements so each of our cats is ensured good health.

It takes a very generous number of financial supporters and lots of hard work from our shop team to keep these expenses paid and our two locations running. Our shop team is hardworking and know what it's like to stand in the rain and snow to receive donations with a smile and laugh. Our business friends who have our donation boxes and especially to the Weekly Sentinel who helps us get the word out about saving lives are very special to us. Our monthly supporters and major supporters are our safety net. God Bless you.

Our shelter teams at 1420 Post Road and our 1784 location at Cattail have worked tirelessly on caring for all the kitties, some so sickly that our medical teams had to stay overnight to monitor and sometimes even taking them home to watch over them thru the night.

The cat care teams who cleaned and fed and medicated and socialized all these kitties are so highly appreciated for their loving care. How many times they had to gown up and put booties on to stop the advancement of parasites so commonly found in felines being brought in without care in their past. The same with our foster teams who deal with all the shelter issues in their own homes they share with orphaned kittens and sick kitties. They never complained. Never.

The teams that set up countless kitty condos to accommodate the influx of cats unplanned for, the back and forth trips to our vets and emergency hospitals in the middle of the night and almost every day of the week are more than to be admired, they are animal heroes!

Our trapping team is small but mighty. My goodness, they're a bit crazy to boot. They have to put up with the conditions they work under and the hours they work most of the time waiting swatting at flies and mosquitos for a trap door to shut or a sighting of a kitten or pregnant cat. You are amazing.

Scaredy Cat School, you have my heart and share your triumphs and fears about each student you train. And oh, when they graduate from SCS it is a celebration never to be forgotten. Bravo and onward!

The adoption teams have done an incredible job of selecting homes for so many kitties and carefully screening each adoption to be sure that each home was a good match and a safe and loving home timed right for the assurance of a happy and rewarding match for both person and kitty. Unless you do adoption work, I don't think you can appreciate how hard it can be at times. It's emotional when you have to turn an adoption down. We hate it, but we have to follow our protocol which we know is the best for the cats, and the cats come first at Safe Haven.

And not to be forgotten we are thankful for the heartbreaking but spiritual experience given to us from the lives lost in 2024 that we couldn't save. Some darlings we rescued were already so ravaged with disease and despite all medical attempts we had to relieve them of their pain. We also lost beautiful kittens born without the blessings of good health to sustain their next day on earth. It's very hard for us to lose them. Very hard. We don't forget any kitty we have lost.

We're thrill to share that our adoption and intake numbers are higher than last year's numbers and it speaks highly about the love and dedication,that happens under our two roofs at 1420 and 1784 Post Road in Wells.

We rescued 278 kitties from our communities in 2024 and found homes for 230 of them. (Shelter 177 adoptions, Cattail 53 adoptions) Those lives were once hopeless, and now they have the best lives are are so loved and SAFE.

Each of us at Safe Haven Humane Society are looking forward to 2025 with a happy and ready to rescue attitude. Please stay with us on FB and enjoy our journey. We are also on Instagram!

Enjoy these photos of our last kitties adopted at both locations in 2024!


James did his polar plunge at noon and said it really wasny bad except the rain made things a bit colder.
Enjoy the video from the warmth of your chair and send a thank you pledge to James for Safe Haven
Thank you James! That was amazing!

Happy New Year to all our hardworking volunteers, generous supporters, long time friends, business community, Weekly Sen...

Happy New Year to all our hardworking volunteers, generous supporters, long time friends, business community, Weekly Sentinel team, fellow cat rescues and shelters. This year will be our best ever! HAPPY 2025!!!!

Happy New Year! Our farm house Safe Haven kitties enjoyed a 2nd floor view of the fireworks over the ocean at Cattail Fa...

Happy New Year! Our farm house Safe Haven kitties enjoyed a 2nd floor view of the fireworks over the ocean at Cattail Farm last night. Such curious faces looking out at the last night sky of 2024. Happy New Year everyone!!

Our Shop and Farmhouse Adoption Center at 1784 Post Road in Wells is open 7 days a week from 11-4 and kitties can be visited Wednesdays and Sundays from 1-4.

Our shelter at 1420 Post Road, Wells is open weekdays 11-1:30, weekends by appt. FMI 207-646-1611

James Polar Plunge For SH Kitties!Cats hate water, but James loves cats, so to benefit felines he's dedicating his own N...

James Polar Plunge For SH Kitties!
Cats hate water, but James loves cats, so to benefit felines he's dedicating his own New Year's Polar Plunge to raise money for Safe Haven's kitties!
Watch the video of James last year, burr the water looks icy but there he goes! We can't imagine being so hardy to withstand the 43-degree waters but he's a great sport about it.
Let's all get behind James and make a pledge for his Polar Plunge by donating at

Tomorrow, January 1st, at noon James will once again dunk into the waters at Ogunquit Beach north as his son documents him on video. Let's show him our thanks by donating to the Safe Haven kitties to show our gratitude!
Our heartfelt thanks to James for his unique and fun tribute to Safe Haven's felines and to his son for standing in the cold catching his dad on video! James - you amaze us! Thank you so much!


James Polar Plunge takes place tomorrow (Jan 1st 2025)
Watch video from 24'.

Please keep sending in your photos and stories about your adopted kitties so I can archive them  for future generations ...

Please keep sending in your photos and stories about your adopted kitties so I can archive them for future generations of Safe Haven and share them now with everyone. Their history will be preserved in our archives and they and you will never be forgotten.
I'm enjoying reading and seeing the photos from so many of you already and am thrilled with how cherished each of these once upon a time homeless kitties are, thanks to our adopters.

Sally aka "Kitty Love" Littlefield
The cover photo for today is Ralph Littlefield with his beloved Sally who he cherished from the moment he and his wife adopted her back in February 2014. They called her "Kitty Love". Ralph writes: "The next 10 years we lived with the sweetest cat either of us had ever met." Thru the years, Ralph reached out to tell me about Kitty Loves adventures and all the love she gave them and the cherished place she held in their family. Ralph added so many activities to Kitty Love's life. " Walking on a leash became her favorite activity. Whenever the weather cooperated I would put her in a harness. As soon as the leash was clipped on she jumped from the couch, leash in tow, headed for the door." His shared photos were so beautiful thru the years.
This year he reached out with a broken heart telling that they had lost Kitty Love on July 31, to cancer. Ralph writes " Many thanks to Safe Haven for doing what you do and being there whenever we had questions."
Ralph sent me more photos of his little angel today and now it's Sally's spotlight to shine in forever. Ralph, thank you for loving her all these wonderful years. What a blessing it has been to share with you the love you both shared with this remarkable and sweet calico girl that will be with you forever.
In closing, Ralph writes: "Night Kitty, see you in the morning, love you."


1420 Post Road And 1784 Post Road
Wells, ME

Opening Hours

11am - 4pm


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