Here's a video of Marty feeling much better after his trip to the vet. What a sweet fellow. We're all cheering for you handsome boy!
Just a few days ago I posted about our CH diagnosed kitten Wonder.
A day or so after posting about her, Wonder's body took a cruel hit and walking was more difficult and she cried. She was taken to emergency where she has spent 3 days and nights. After many consults with the fabulous neurological dept in MVMC the decision was made to give Wonder an MRI, including other tests to try to unveil the hidden culprit that was making her run a very high fever, make her so weak she could hardly hold up her head and made her body difficult to be mobile.
At times like this, when we look at the huge expense of diagnosis we always choose going thru with the necessary tests. Hope is after all, for the hopeful. And every cat we rescue deserves this chance.
The vets suspected FIP. Obvious signals of FIP didn't show up on the MRI, but 30% of the FIP cases don't. We took another leap of faith by hoping it was FIP had the FIP meds delivered overnight express to try on her the next day. The meds agreed with her. We had it compounded for her ease and comfort. Further testing revealed Wonder has toxoplasmosis which she has also started medications for. I understand that toxo can also make kitties appear to have CH type symptoms so we are not sure honestly if she has CH or not, but time will tell.
The vet team was wonderful and remarked about how dear and sweet and playful Wonder was over the days and nights when her fever went down and she was feeling better. When she wasn't, it was horrible for her, they would call and say she couldn't lift her head, she had a very high fever and didn't want to interact.
Much praying and breath holding and visualizing takes place at this end during times like this. We try to prepare ourselves for the worst, that we could after all this, lose a kitty, however, our light of faith burns bright and strong as we wait and wait.
3 days and nights their team worked on Wonder monitoring her, medicating her and encouraging her and loving her.
Scardey Cat School student "Bolt" is barely tolerating being touched by the gentle hands of teacher Pam.
The look on Bolt's face is so comical!! He is a real stick in the mud feral who is taking his good old time giving up the ghost to the teachers, who will never give up on him.
We'll keep you posted on who wins!!
James did his polar plunge at noon and said it really wasny bad except the rain made things a bit colder.
Enjoy the video from the warmth of your chair and send a thank you pledge to James for Safe Haven
Thank you James! That was amazing!
James Polar Plunge takes place tomorrow (Jan 1st 2025)
Watch video from 24'.
Momma Kimball and family of 8!!!
This video shows Spirit in her new home enjoying having her very own everything! She rubs her face all over everything marking her scent to state ownership.
We are so happy Spirit loves her mom and home so much.She sleeps with her at night and today her owner's mother visited and Spirit was happy to be petted. She knows she has a family!
Remember the little kitten named Eleanor who was being bottle fed because we were afraid she was falling behind the others?
Well. She's the ringleader in this band of hooligans attacking shoelaces!
Enjoy the video!
Good Morning!
Here's an update on Eleanor!
Have a lovely day!
Eleanor, one of Safe Haven's 4 week old kittens is spending some time in volunteer Maureen's
home so she can encourage her to eat. Eleanore's 3 siblings are developing well and gaining weight, but not little Eleanor. Maureen takes her back to Safe Haven to be with her momma and siblings but she gets special encouragement and monitoring while at Maureen's for meal sessions.
Eleanor is also bowlegged so were keeping our eyes on her to be sure she gets whatever help she may need.
Enjoy the cute mini video of Maureen
talking to Little Eleanore!
Scaredy Cat School Diary entry by Cashew
Dear Diary, 5/17/24
Today I took a flying leap of faith. Today's lesson was about the biggest reason why I'm a student at SCS. The topic was on Bravery. I had to totally forget my fearful instincts and trust my teacher by lapping a squeeze up treat from her fi gers.
Humans are very horrifying creatures to scaredy cats. But our teachers teach us bravery and today I spent an hour or so building up my confidence to pass my courage test. After many stops and starts, I finally decided to just be brave and lick the squeeze up treat. And so I did! Teacher was so happy for me
And told me that I got an A+!!!. I can't wait to try it again tomorrow and practice till I'm an expert!!!! Teacher took some photos!
Till tomorrow Diary,
Your brave friend, Cashew.
Scaredy Cat School Diary entry by Little Gem on her first day of Kittengarden.
Dear Diary,
I learned respect today. GEMMA is the queen lioness of the class. She taught me to ask first before I dare lay my paw on her perch.
Already I'm a whole lot smarter than when I first entered the classroom just a half hour ago. I'm going to be brilliant by the time I graduate!
GEMMA will be a good teacher for me.
Good nite!
Little Gem