Sublime Tracking

Sublime Tracking Wounded whitetail deer tracking. On lead tracking with our certified United blood tracking yellow Lab

Puppy pics on a Monday just feels right ! Welcome to share your dog pics in the comments. Couch potato’s or working dogs...

Puppy pics on a Monday just feels right ! Welcome to share your dog pics in the comments. Couch potato’s or working dogs! Ruca at 8 weeks old. She will be 4 years old October 1st, she’s excited to help a few hunters this fall.

Putting in the work needed for elite tracking teams. This weekend myself and several other tracking teams met up. We wor...

Putting in the work needed for elite tracking teams. This weekend myself and several other tracking teams met up. We worked on "practice with a purpose” all teams had different things that they wanted to work on. So we did just that! We all walked away with something to take home.

Sniffin Griffin
The Nose Knows Game Recovery
Rest Easy Tracking Deer Recovery
WorkinGround Game Recovery


It’s been a while since I actually recorded a practice track. A couple cool things to note on this line. She had the end of the line on the walk in. Great time to learn identifiers such as “proximity alerts”. You can also see this alert at the end of the track. It’s also important to let her work out everything on her own. 2 oz at the hit site, a 1 ounce blood spot 100 yards in, a few drops in the creek and 2 oz at the end. Also with tracking shoes ( deer hooves) of course. She is the happiest after she gets to work. 107 days till deer season. Not that I’m counting….

First of several regional tracking days, this one was held at Robertsville State park. Missouri Blood Trackers Associati...

First of several regional tracking days, this one was held at Robertsville State park. Missouri Blood Trackers Association will be hosting tracking day events through out the state during the off season. The events are to help new handlers, advanced handlers and even some UBT testing.

- Watching others teams work will help your team
-Great time to ask questions to veteran handlers
-Bounce questions from one team to another
-Network with the trackers in your area

Thank you to Bear The Big Black Dog Tracking and Relentless Game Recovery for laying all the lines. Also, for supplying lunch and the endless mentorship.

Congratulations to Billy Crocker Jr. & James Gordon for passing the UBT-1 Evaluations! Lead judge Tom Monehan and apprentice judge Josh Ross .

The rain did due a number on all of our tracks, however we did get to watch our dogs struggle and work through the conditions. Perfect time to watch a dog struggle with years of experience behind you.

Live distractions!!
- Our line, we found a live opossum. A fast leave it and a yank did the trick, right back to tracking. (great to see)
- Lab Tracks Deer Recovery had a hen on a nest of eggs on the line during a difficult star patten to work through. When the hen got pushed Karen gave Zoey a loud "leave it" command and zoey went right back to work.

Again, a huge shout out to Missouri Blood Trackers Association Members Kayla Ross, Josh Ross and Tom Monehan for organizing this event.

Dogs, leads, deer hooves and great people........... Not much more I could ask for, Simply just grateful.

Joshua Gatlin Gunn
The Nose Knows Game Recovery
Lab Tracks Deer Recovery
Relentless Game Recovery
Bear The Big Black Dog Tracking
Sniffin Griffin
James Gordon
Joannie Crocker
Billy Crocker Jr.
Luther Loughridge


Hey! Yes you! Buy your turkey tag!
(Unless you want to do it in the morning while driving with your knee)
*every f**kin time

Missouri Blood Trackers Symposium 2024! Awesome event! Got to shake a lot of hands of some awesome handlers and their tr...

Missouri Blood Trackers Symposium 2024! Awesome event! Got to shake a lot of hands of some awesome handlers and their tracking machines!

Iykyk.. Thank you Kyle Brewster for the hook up!

Iykyk.. Thank you Kyle Brewster for the hook up!


Winner winner shirt and knife winner! 🚨🚨🚨🦌🐕🦮🦌🚨🦮🦮🦌🦌

🐕🐕🐕🐕. Free shirt and a knife!??!! 🦌🦌🦌🦌What!  🚨🚨🚨To enter into draw just Like, follow and share! Winner will be announced...

🐕🐕🐕🐕. Free shirt and a knife!??!! 🦌🦌🦌🦌

What! 🚨🚨🚨

To enter into draw just Like, follow and share!

Winner will be announced by random draw 1 week from today, February 29th at 5pm!! 🦮🦌

UBT 2 certification ✔️I could go on and on about the road that we have traveled to get to this point. I won’t, I’ll keep...

UBT 2 certification ✔️

I could go on and on about the road that we have traveled to get to this point. I won’t, I’ll keep it short and sweet.

We tried a UBT 2 last spring and didn’t pass. I’m happy we didn’t, It gave me tons of fuel. We grew a lot since our last test, over 60 practice tracks in the off season and put her on over 40 tracks during the season.

💯 fact we would not be were we are today if it weren’t for my tracking village! Blue Bagheera Tracking Mary wilson and Tom Monehan Bear The Big Black Dog TrackingI can’t say thank you enough!!! These two have taking out countless hours of their free time for me and ruca. I’m am so great full to have such badass mentors.

Thank you Marion Casey Muddy River Deer Recovery for the time and test today. Glad I got to meet honey today..

Back to the grind, Preparing for a UBT 2 (next level certification). Getting her used to these practice tracks again. Th...

Back to the grind, Preparing for a UBT 2 (next level certification). Getting her used to these practice tracks again. This time she got an entire blown out shoulder at the end of the line, hopefully that helps!

Also, if you have a cwd tags we will track for free! Even if you seen the deer go down and ran at least 100 yards we’d love to come play!

Congratulations Cory! Xbow30 yardsSwhacker (possibly didn’t deploy) Age of track 23 hours old.7* bitter Track distance 7...

Congratulations Cory!

30 yards
Swhacker (possibly didn’t deploy)
Age of track 23 hours old.
7* bitter
Track distance 700-800 yards
All gut.

Wow! This is as a hard one! Ruca and I were on a struggle bus pretty much the entire track.

Let’s start from the beginning, cody shot the buck the night before as the snow had just started comming down. He looks for blood roughly 30 mins after the shot. He finds some blood where the deer had stopped, cody stated that the deer looked a bit wobbly. Cody stated that finding blood was very hard as the snow had already covered it up. He wasn’t wrong.

We decided to meet the next day 22 hours after the shot. We put ruca on blood, she’s not interested almost like she’s telling me it’s not dead/ she has no scent to go off of. Remind you it’s 7* with a good wind whipping around. We start shoveling snow with our boots and confirm more blood. Ruca still wants to take a different line. We work and work occasionally she digs up the snow and takes a whiff. As I’m out trying to run behind her over tons of dead falls. The hunter confirms blood on a different path (under the snow) as he is going step to step brushing the snow with his boots.

I had some good advice from veteran trackers, Tom Monehan and Gary Blessing. The advice was that it’s dangers for the dogs paws and that we need to take breaks. Gary tells me to watch and see if she starts raising a leg if so frost bite maybe setting in. Sure enough ruca raises her back leg and starts to bite it…rut row, I check and she doesn’t have any debris in it. I literally pick her up and jog her back to the vehicle. I rub her paws for a bit and let her warm up in the vehicle. I go back with out ruca to go trail more blood. Cody is doing great advancing the snow covered track. We do this for a bit, I go back and check on ruca. She’s ready to go again.

I drop her again on the now brushed line she goes the same way as one of lines I pulled her off before. I let her go this time, there where a few doe beds she struggled through then we were off to the races. At this point we at at the 26 hour mark.

She flying, I’m thinking this feels really good. 300-400 yards after the brushed trail, we jumped him! That was his last move! He jumped and went roughly 15-20 feet and died immediately.

It was so cold that my phone had a rough time working and my go pro didn’t want to play in the cold weather either. Track distance was between 700-800 yards.

Note: Cody did the right thing and backed out. If he didn’t this deer would have went a long way!

Thanks for letting us be apart our your hunt!

Fun track, girls first buck

Fun track, girls first buck

Labrador tracks whitetail deer, First deer, Missouri hunting, blood tracking, United blood tracking,

Congrats Kyle.High shoulder XbowSwhackerLevel, ground blind You would think you wouldn’t need a dog to track on fresh sn...

Congrats Kyle.

High shoulder
Level, ground blind

You would think you wouldn’t need a dog to track on fresh snow right? Well, not if it’s dumping buckets of snow. Arrived just a couple hours after the shoot and the fresh snowed had already covered the tracks and most of the blood. This deer had crossed a road and the hunter could not figure out where! We take up the track at the hit site, ruca flys past last blood and we are on top of the deer in just a few minutes. 1.1 miles later after jumping it several times, the deer finally expired.

🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄Merry  Christmas 🎁🦌🦮🎄🎄🎄Thank you for the ornament SiLisa L Hobson!

🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄Merry Christmas 🎁🦌🦮🎄🎄🎄

Thank you for the ornament SiLisa L Hobson!

Show-Me Skullz always clean AF! Thanks for taking care of my bow kill this year.

Show-Me Skullz always clean AF! Thanks for taking care of my bow kill this year.

Congratulations Aaron Bennett!!-Drury team member Compound Mechanical Elevated Intestinal,hind qtr Quartered to*Twigs*Aa...

Congratulations Aaron Bennett!!
-Drury team member

Intestinal,hind qtr
Quartered to

Aaron called a few hours after he had made a shot on twigs. Aaron had some footage as he was self filming his hunt. After discussing the shoot and Aaron using DeerCast App (track feature) we decided that we would take up the track at the 24 hour mark.

Meet up with Aaron and his crew (Logan and Eric) at the 24 hour mark. They take us on a short sxs ride to the hit site. We drop ruca at the hit site and I anchor her until she takes the line (maybe 20 seconds). She works quickly, she takes me out of the plot into the timber. She works through 4-5 beds and we are standing over Aaron’s buck twig in just a few minutes.

Kind of a lack luster of a track on rucas part, the track only being 241 yards. The biggest thing to note is that Aaron made the right moves or lack of for that matter post shot. He knew his shot was back so he did the right thing and waited for a bit then backed out quietly. (He may of even left the arrow where it layed after the shot). Im sure that this buck would have been way off the property if he took up the track to early. Again, the biggest thing on this track to note is the wait time. Also, the awesome buck at the end of the line. Congrats!

Story here ➡️

Thank you for letting us be apart of your hunt.

********** First Buck alert********Congratulations kenzie!!!!! Xbow 45 yards Fixed head g5Slightly quarteredTrack distan...

********** First Buck alert********

Congratulations kenzie!!!!!

45 yards
Fixed head g5
Slightly quartered
Track distance 488 yards

Kenzie made a shot on this great buck yesterday, they took up the track an hour after the shot. They jumped the buck so decided to give him some more time. They continued the track a few hours later. They were on blood and found the arrow broken in 1/2, 60 yards later they were at last blood. Larry (dad) did the right thing and called a tracker. Larry gave a call to Bear The Big Black Dog Tracking and Tom gave him the best advice! Back out the same way you came in next to the trail. Tom had prior obligations and turned it over to us. We took up the track at the 24 hour mark. Meet up with the Gasperoni family (awesome crew). Dropped ruca at the hit site, she took the trail flawlessly, blew by last blood and 70 yards later she starts her proxy alert. I ask her to get back to work, nose back to the ground. We then cross a fence then a small gravel road. She dips into the woods and 50 yards later lays kenzie’s awesome buck!!!! I played back the GoPro video when I got home. Larry states in the video ” I could about cry right now”. Right there folks is why I’m in this game. Great buck Kenzie!!


Tis’ the season.

Congratulations Chase! 270200 + yard poke LiverChase took up the track a few hours after the shot. Found his first bed j...

Congratulations Chase!
200 + yard poke

Chase took up the track a few hours after the shot. Found his first bed just within 100 yards of the hit site. While looking at the bed, they did not realize he was bedded up within 7-10 yards of them. Friends daughter spots the buck, he is in a bed nodding (trying to expire). His buddies daughter gives out a yell as seeing the buck up close was startling. Buck gets up and takes off. Chase backs out and comes back several hours later and conducts a grid search. No luck. He gives me a call and we decide we’d take it up the next morning after the frost burnt up.

Drop ruca at the hit-site, she goes to the close beds. She examines them slowly then dedicates to a line. Chase says yup she’s right on him. (From when he saw him in his bed). Ruca takes a line up to a sxs road in the timber. Goes up a hill side 30s yards and shoots right back down to the road. She takes this wooded road next to a large creek almost a 1/2 mile then stops and noses down to the creek. Now shes looking across the creek shaking. Looking at me then back at the creek several times. I look across the creek looks to be a dead deer. Chase and his buddy tells me that had been confirming blood behind us (we move fast). I ask chase to confirm using his scope on his rifle… bingo! We cross the creek and unite ruca and chase with the buck.

Thanks for letting us be apart of your hunt!

(I’m just embracing it at this point)

Congratulations Brandon green, from Georgia! Compound42 yardsFrom the ground IntestinalMechanical head Public landBrando...

Congratulations Brandon green, from Georgia!

42 yards
From the ground
Mechanical head
Public land

Brandon got a shot on this buck right before getting into his stand. He said he could hear his arrow sing in the air, the head was deployed during the flight. He watched his arrow do some funny things during the flight. They started tracking just a couple hours after the shot due to rain comming in and washing the blood away. They tracked roughly 250 yard to an empty bed. I assume they jumped the buck from his bed as it was on top of a finger ridge, probably watching the hunters blood trail him. Brandon and his hunting buddy chuck clover the area. Couldn’t find anything else, they give us a call and we setup a time for the next day.

We take the track about a mile into the conservation area. Take a little rest near the hit site. Ruca nails the line right up to the POL bed. She then continues right from the bed, I start to see her kind of track in a clover fashion. I ask the hunters if that’s where they had walked. They confirmed that was their foot traffic. We then go back to the bed, she goes down the other side of the finger. Brandon states that’s where the we had seen fresh track’s yesterday. We continue down across a flat over a small creek. We start heading up the next ridge. She starts to get a bit “jumpy” (proximity alert). I tell the hunters he may just be on top of this ridge. She puts her head back down and up the ridge we go. She’s tracking down a trail/bench of the ridge. She gets a bit jumpy again.. “kinda looks like a deer right in front of us,nah it’s a rock “😏 … Had to have a bit of fun with the guys. Brandon has been trying to harvest a buck in Missouri for the past 5 years. He got it done!! Brandon and chuck were great guys to work with.

Thanks for letting us be a part of your hunt!

Missouri Blood Trackers

As you can tell by rucas roll on Brandon, she’s got a new friend.

Giant that we can not take credit for… We took this track up, hunter did everything correctly with wait times. They actu...

Giant that we can not take credit for…

We took this track up, hunter did everything correctly with wait times. They actually seen this buck lay down by the county road.

Ruca and I take up the track, she’s on the line confirming a few specs of blood in a cut bean field. She takes us up a ridge side she goes to alert mode and I tell the hunter to get ready. We then arrive at an empty bed with blood 680 yards from the hit site. In the mean time his brother is still in the field and found more blood leaving the field a different way, with lots of blood! The brother calls and says I found him not sure if he’s dead or not. I tell the hunter to go on in and figure it out. He says no way bring that dog she’s done most of the work so we do. She tracks right up to the brother and deer. Deer was expired. We believe this rutted up buck went back down to this field to chase. On the atv trail that his brother found blood on to the dead buck was a sharp piece of downfall that the buck took his exposed intestines across and that did him in 50 yards past. 

(Kicked myself hard on this as she alerted right where this buck went in on his death bed off the field, Marked it on onx for a restart point. I planned on it but instead went to a different blood spot we found 100 after that spot)

These bucks are soo tough this time of year. If I’ve tracked for you during the rut. You have probably heard me ask “was he with a doe”. This is why, their will to breed is extreme and will follow a doe even with Its guts exposed.

Rita and Jeremy… oops wrong deer. Tracked a nice buck for Rita, unfortunately he was still alive… she continued to trac...

Rita and Jeremy… oops wrong deer.

Tracked a nice buck for Rita, unfortunately he was still alive… she continued to track and found a doe shot the night before… “hey here’s your dee…. Umm found a doe?”

Jumped the buck at the 15 hour mark, thought it to be hit better at least liver… went onto the neighbors land that was being actively hunted. Had to back out unfortunately.

Congratulations Rob! 243Quartered awayShot placement was great, probably liver and double lung. Hunter couldn’t spot any...

Congratulations Rob!
Quartered away
Shot placement was great, probably liver and double lung.

Hunter couldn’t spot anymore blood 70 yards past the hit site.

Didn’t leave much blood, I asked rob to mark the new blood areas past his last blood so we didn’t get confused. He says this is all new blood lol. A few hundreds yards in a few high fives a happy hunter, happy dog and of course a happy handler.

Thank you for letting us be apart of your hunt.


Wentzville, MO





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