Unleashed Spirits M/M

Unleashed Spirits M/M Motorcycle Ministry Non-Agressive Christian Outreach to hard core M/C, Homeless, and Prositutes & True Biblical Reseach into the Spirit world.


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Help us to resist the temptations that this doomed world tries to offer us. Help us to remember that we are only travelers passing through, and the only thing that will matter when we move on, is what we do for You.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Help us to listen to You when we know that a brother or sister in Christ needs help. Help us to be generous with our care for that individual and also to know when the time is right to back off. We know that only You can restore them, but sometimes You use us to give them a hand up and encouragement.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Help us to be confident in Your love for us, and give us boldness to spread Your love to those who we come in contact with today.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

We know that You restore us daily, please help our life to be a witness to the hope that we’ve found in You and the future You’re bringing.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for showing us that life’s trials are actually our opportunity to grow a deeper faith in You. Help us to turn our temptations and tests into testimonies. We never want to allow evil to override our faith and cause us to have doubt, because we know full well, Your Word gives us the promises we need to get through any situation.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heaven Father,

As we enter Your house today, we enter not only to receive something from You, but we should strive to serve You in Your house. Each of us has a part to play in that service, pastors, teachers, greeters, worship leaders, kitchen help, custodians, parking lot attendants, even those who simply pray with those in need of prayer. We thank You for also promising to reward us for our service to You.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for understanding our feelings and making a way for us to come with confidence to Your throne of grace. When this world lets us down, help us to remember that You never let us down. Even when it seems You’re not there, You are silently guiding us into Your perfect will.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

As You served others, rather than serving Yourself, help us to serve You rather than serving ourselves. We know that as we serve You, we are serving others. Help us to be joyful each day, with the understanding that we aren’t just representing ourselves, but we are represent You to others.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

When we feel afraid, give us comfort in our spirit to trust You and trust Your promises.
Lead us, to follow Your path, as we navigate this tyrannical life here on earth. Never allow us to fear our defeated foe that You conquered on the cross.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Help us to focus less on self, and more on serving You. Help us to focus less on this decaying world around us, and focus more on reaching the lost before it’s too late. Satan wants us to believe that life is about the journey, not the destination, but we know that is false, we know that our life is about where we all ultimately spend eternity.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

As we go to the polls today, guide us to vote for those who are following You, and we also pray for the safety of those leaders. Let us never take for granted the amazing right we have to choose our leaders, because if we fail to do so, that right will be gone.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Help us to have expectation as we pray, knowing that You hear our prayers and You will answer them if they are within You perfect will.
Help us also to be submissive when our prayers don’t go the way we want, trusting that You always know what is best.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

As we enter Your house of worship today, we come to praise You, honor You, and Reverence You. We know that each time we gather together in fellowship as Your family, we always receive a Word from You to guide us as we serve You.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Help us each day to remember that it is more important to serve You than serve ourselves. We know that life is but a blink of an eye compared to all of eternity. Help us to remember that this life twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

We know that each of us has a calling on our life. You call some of us to be pastors, Sunday School teachers, Bible Study teachers, Youth group workers, Children’s workers, Nursery workers, Kitchen help, custodians, and even grounds keepers in Your house. Help us to find our place of service to help lead lost souls to You.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

With all of the oppression in our world today, it’s so easy to feel the despair. Help us stay attuned to Your promises to see us through. Help us also to share Your promises with those around us, so that they too may be saved and experience the peace that only come through You.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for our Cristian brothers and sisters in our eternal family. Thank You for giving us the ability to accept You and to be adopted into Your immortal family. Without You, we could never obtain this wonderful gift of adoption. Help us to share with others today, that they too can be adopted into the family of eternal life in Jesus Christ.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

In a world that is growing increasingly more wicked and evil, help us to grow increasingly more steadfast and bold in sharing Your truth. We know that when it comes to scripture, there is no compromise. Help us to hold firm to our faith, and without fear, warn those who Satan has bound and blinded, in order that they too may be set free.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the prefect example of Jesus and His sacrifice for us. Help us as we strive to live that perfect life, and thank You for forgiving us when we fall short.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

As we enter Your house with praise and thanksgiving today, help us to welcome those who are joining in today maybe for the first time. Help us to extend Your grace and love to them as they find fellowship amongst Your family. Help us to remember that at one time, You extended the same to us.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

We pray earnestly today for our first responders, our police, firefighters, paramedics, and our military men and women.
Protect them as they lay their lives on the line to protect us. Give their families peace knowing that You are watching over them.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Help us to be encouragers rather than discouragers to those who are struggling with recovery, whether it be addictions, loss, grief, anxiety, or depression. Help us to put ourselves in their shoes so that we can not only have sympathy for them, but also have empathy for their struggle.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

You know each painful situation in each of our lives. Help us to be strong in our faith even when things seem to be going from bad to worse. Help us to have faith in You, rather than trusting in our own abilities.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

We praise You for making us so fearfully and wonderfully complex. We know there are no accidents in Your creation, and we know that creation was no accident. We pray for those who are blinded by Satan’s lie of a “big bang” and “evolution,” open their eyes to the obvious of Your hand in Your creation.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

As we watch our world fall into Satan’s hands day by day, let us live our lives with the anticipation of where we will spend eternity, not focused on our temporary dwelling place.
Give us opportunities each day to encourage others to get things right with the Lord before it’s too late. We know how easy it is to get caught up in the here and now, rather than our destination. What we do today, determines where we’ll be tomorrow.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Guide us to be kind and generous with those in need. Give us discernment as to who are truly in need, and those who are stealing money from those in need. We pray for those in both situations, that they understand that only You can ultimately provide for our needs. We cannot trust in man nor government, our true provision is found in surrendering to Jesus, our only provider in physically and spiritually.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Your Word tells us that we are to gather together as Your family, and we will honor You today in worship, song, praise, word, and fellowship, just as we will in our heavenly home for all eternity.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

As a part of Your family, we know that we should strive to serve You every day. As Satan gives us a multitude of distractions, help us to freely give You the first fruits of our labor, our time, our talents, our resources, and most importantly, our devotion.

In Jesus name, Amen


Pastor Rascal’s Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for our daily bread and all the other needs You meet for us. Help us to remember, That scripture says “daily” not weekly, monthly, or yearly, because we need not worry about what tomorrow brings, You provide for us daily. Help us to rest in that assurance.

In Jesus name, Amen


Wentzville, MO



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