Oh, you know, just getting up close and personal with some of the regulars from Cindy’s “E” Street colony…those spoiled kitties don’t like to share boxes …so Cindy has to give each one their own separate kibble pile…fortunately, they have agreed to share a water bowl!!! 😺💕🐈⬛🐈❤️😻
This used to be one of Cindy’s regular feeding stops, but fortunately Camden resident Kelly volunteered to take over since she lives in the area…which is a blessing to Cindy. Cindy stops by periodically to bring Kelly bags of kibble…and to visit some of her former colony “regulars”… some of whom she TNR’d quite some time ago. Unfortunately, Kelly told Cindy that someone recently dumped a mommy cat and her kittens out there…and a few newbies have ventured over…which means that there’s more work to be done. Those clinic appointments can’t come soon enough! 🙏🏻💕🐈⬛🐈❤️🙏🏻
If only these kitties could get it through their furry heads that walking into Cindy’s traps so that she can take them to the TNR clinic is not a bad thing…in fact it would be the complete opposite…and it would make Cindy’s life so much easier because she wouldn’t have to spend countless hours trying to catch their babies and then trying to find homes for them! 🙏🏻❤️🐈🐈⬛🐈🐈⬛💕🙏🏻
And just when Cindy was going to give this little miss an A+ on Practices Good Manners…the Swat happened…and so did the B- 😸!!! 😺💕🐈❤️😻
Oh, you know, just getting up close and personal with some of the colony residents of Camden’s “K” Alley! Sadly, there looks to be a new member who may or may not have been dumped or abandoned, who also passed Cindy’s “Friendly Test”…and who will hopefully be made to feel welcome soon…so that when Cindy has clinic appointments…she can take him along. 🙏🏻❤️🐈💕🙏🏻
Even though the kittens at Joe’s house are missing their daddy, who is in the hospital recovering from a stab wound…they are still thankful and grateful that Santa has been sending his favorite elf Cindy to make sure they have food, water…and some love. 😺❤️😻💚🎅🏻🎄https://fb.watch/wGEwTmucb-/?
Introducing the “married” couple of Camden’s “C” Street! Cindy managed to get Hubby neutered, but Wifey has so far managed to avoid Cindy’s trap…even though she was able to trap her babies. Cindy wishes Hubby could talk some sense into her…because life would be so much easier for everyone!!! 🙏🏻💕🐈🐈⬛❤️🙏🏻
Note: This video was not taken today!
A THANK YOU MESSAGE FROM CINDY! The Camden Cats can’t thank you enough for your kindness, support and overwhelming generosity!!! 😺💕🐈⬛🐈❤️😻
Good Tidings from Dasher (Dash), Rudolph (Rudy) and Jack Frost (Jack)! Our wonderful foster mommy Jaclyn put this adorable video together for Cindy and reported that Mommy Sasha (fka Susie Q) and her bouncing baby boys are PURRFECT! 😺💕🎅🏻🎄❤️😻
Cindy has been feeding Camden resident Joe’s cats and kittens for the past few days while he’s in the hospital recovering from a stab wound. She was finally able to get in touch with Joe yesterday and he told her where he keeps the cat food in his house. Cindy and her BFF Mariann drove back into Camden last night to feed his indoor kitties and supplement with some healthier options. Cindy said to please excuse her “reprimanding” of Mariann…I say, “That’s what friends are for 🤣!” 😺💕🐈⬛🐈❤️😻
It’s a good thing that Cindy has kept up with her studies of cat psychology… how else would she know that Tabby does not want to eat alongside Big Red?!! Meanwhile Mommy just wants to eat…at some point please! 😺💕🐈🍱🐈🐈⬛🍱❤️😻NOTE: Cindy got all these cats fixed…and Tabby is friendly if anyone is interested in taking a homeless Camden cat off the street 🙏🏻!
Forget about that cat on a hot tin roof because Cindy is dealing with a cat on a sunny porch rail…who doesn’t appear to be in any particular hurry to eat! 😺💕🐈⬛🍱❤️😻