This is just a report on the situation that occurred about slandering about my Farm and my Animals. This was personal attack on me because I don’t put up with dramatic situations. And I will continue operate with a zero drama policy. My horses and Farm passed all allegations with flying colors. From MSPSA, Animal Control,and West Boyalston Police department. As for the 8 years I have been in Business I still have not received any Citation or any Infraction. Again I do things differently. I allow my Horses to be Horses. No Animals were seized. Nothing was wrong. I do not go out of my way to tell people how their horses should be kept because it is none of business. No one understands what is going on with Someone’s life. I would offer help if if I felt a person was struggling. But nothing more than that. And to see the train of disgusting remarks from uneducated people really took the last of my faith in Humanity. People just love to tear people apart and I do not understand this. For those that stood up for me and My Animals, Thank you. For all the people that tried to condemn me maybe should re think their part in this and how it makes a person feel. And when someone else is in need my doors are closed to every last person that had anything negative to say on that post. And you reep what you Sew. This is for
Tamzin Lee💜
Sundae Loo💕
Pinkie Pie💓
Galaxy James❤️
Lemonade Ski💛
Zenna Yatta🖤
Enoch Thompson 💚
Cricket Royal🧡
I will never take away your choice to be a Horse.💜💕💓❤️💛🖤💚🧡