Introducing Claws and Paws Rescue newest babies, a special crew as two of these babies are special indeed. Peanut and Walnut are handicapped with a disorder called Cerebellar Hypoplasia , a neurological disorder caused by the mother contracting a virus while pregnant. Chestnut and Hazelnut are normal.
These CH babies are wobbly, shaky and unsteady on their feet causing them to sometimes fall over. Kind of like drunk kittens 😸. They will always be this way, there is no cure as it is brain damage in their Cerebellum.
But it is manageable with some easy modifications. They need low litter boxes which they've mastered already. Raised food dishes as I've witnessed Peanut face plant in the water dish, scared me as aspirating water into the lungs can cause pneumonia. I was able to rescue her. They like sensory toys, crinkly balls , plastic spring toys, Catnip mice, textured toys. 8 or 9 carpet squares or padded squares for traction on floors, especially the Rescue Office floors as they go back and forth to work with me.( I use a fence surround for them to get around in).
Also need Purina Kitten Chow, Clay (not scoopable) litter. And Purina Puppy Chow for our awesome puppies.
If you'd like to help donations for these angels can be dropped off at the Rescue Office at 114 S. Valley st, West Branch MI, 48661. They can be found on our wishlists at
New Year puppy update.
After being wormed and clearing his system of the worms, he's acting more like a healthy puppy! Even chasing his tail,sweet boy! Thank you Megan Hock for fostering this sweet sassy boy. You're awesome!