Rhonda I can’t believe you’re gone. I met Rhonda though another customer that became a very good friend. Little did I know, Rhonda would be a very special person/friend to me. Anyone that came across her, instantly became her friend and family. She was welcoming to all. She soothed souls. I am forever grateful that you let me groom your dog, Molly. I love you and I promise I will always groom and care about Molly as if you were here. Molly gets grooming in 4 days. That’s really going to be emotional. You left a huge void in everybody’s life. You were rare, you were full of love and I’m so lucky to have known you. It’s a huge loss without you. I literally don’t know what I’ll do without you. You taught be so much and you introduced me to the best seafood around. I truly love you