This is what agility training looks like in Northern NY! Not even a little snow or cold keeps us from training! But if you prefer to train where it’s warm (inside your house) the 2nd month of Aussie Acres Agility’s first online class, The Winter Agility Journey, starts tomorrow, February 1st. It’s not too late to sign up and get some training time in before spring!
PM for more info
Winter training is a challenge, but if you dress warm enough and get moving it can be so much fun! This week the boys and I played around with our verbals (Out, Come, and obstacle discrimination). We mixed it up, ran until we were nice and warm, and had a blast! Training is all about having FUN, first and foremost?
All the big skills start with small increments. That’s what Aussie Acres Agility’s first online class is all about. Training small skills, building relationships, and having Fun! Winter won’t last forever, and we will all bevready for spring after training all winter!
Those who have signed up to participate should have received a message about the class. If you didn’t, let me know.
It’s not to late to join us😁
Gypsy sequences 12
So proud of Team Gypsy! With lots of love and patience, Gypsy has gone from not being able to stay focused to take 1 jump to an agility dog that can perform a sit stay (for the most part), follow her handler and sequenced 12 obstacles today. It's amazing to watch a young dog morph into an agility dog who understands the path and value for obstacles.
I can't wait to see where Elizabeth and Gypsy go from here! It's a beautiful to watch a relationship grow and I am blessed to get to witness in over and over again with my students!
Agility=dog/handler team=a priceless relationship that last forever
ASCA Nationals 2024 did not disappoint! We went, achieved our goals, and had a fantastic time! Enjoy this video of some our special moments.
Last week’s course gave us all a chance to see what our dogs understand about parallel path and forward motion. Also mixed in was a bit of obstacle discrimination, layering and advanced handling (threadle wraps and threadle slices). The dogs loved it and it was a great workout for the handlers. See how much fun agility can be?!!
Here is a video of Sequence’s time in the ring. He couldn’t wait for his turn, and was so focused on his job out there.
I am working on Sync’s, but today is Finals day so a bit preoccupied.
I prepared a (fairly) short video of parts of our runs over the last 2 days at the pretrials. Here is Solar highlights!
Another WASCUNY's ASCA Apples to Agility trial is complete. I am thankful for WASCUNY and the other ASCA clubs (ASCNE and Pen-Ny ASC) for providing us with opportunities to trial our dogs, earn titles, spend time with Aussie friends and even prepare to compete on a national stage at Nationals. Thanks for all those who work hard to organize and put on the trials each year!!
The boys of Aussie Acres continue to show me that our training is spot on as we improve our communication and skills every time we step to the line. It's not all perfect all the time, but what in life is??!!
Synchrony barked his way through the weekend (as only Sync can) and qualified in 8/12 classes. He got all 5 Gambles (Gamble King of the weekend!), 2 Jumpers and 1 Regular.
Solar shined brightly as always, qualifying in 9/12 classes. He Qd in 3 Gambles, 4 Regular and 2 Jumpers. Love his enthusiasm at the start line and through the run (see video)..............such joy in playing the game with me!
Sequence and I continue to meld as a team. He nailed 2 Elite Gambles and earned his first Elite Regular Q. His Dog Walk is becoming more consistent and I am super proud of his work ethic when it comes to training and trialing.
If you can't approach training, trialing, playing, living, and loving your dog with joy......then you better rethink your relationship! Our dogs are never with us long them for all they are!